8.11 Leveraging friendship

A-Xuan smiled at the king and leisurely walked to the participant's tribune. The whole stadium was silent, only A-Xuan's footsteps could be heard.

He sat and laughed after he heard his husband's angry mind link.

"Don't you dare touch anyone's head ever again."

He shook his head smiling.

"My love you're lucky you're with me."


A-Xuan answered:

"Because no one would accept someone as possessive as you."

Huang Xing chuckled.

He never felt jealous in his life before but seeing A-Xuan smile at her and caress her hair he just wanted to run down and take him away.

Huang Xing ordered:

"Don't do it again."

"Announce the next battle, everyone's looking at me."

Ming's look was the fiercest, he can't understand how A-Xuan can still be a mage and a god-level one at that. Li Dagou read him and he assured him he was a 5 tiered witch.