Chapter 30 Souvenir

After all said and done, Mario decided that it was time that he attended to the matter pertaining to Spider, the guy who was sent to kill him.

It was a long drive that night to a hideout in the precinct. He wanted to lay his eyes on the guy that was sent to take his life and use him as a souvenir to his master. His master already knew how much of a weak person that he was and he wanted to take it to his advantage bug there seemed to be something that he was forgetting -- he(Mario) wasn't the Imperial because he was rich, neither was he the imperial because of his power in the society, but he was Imperial because he had dared to do things that even most Alphas didn't dare to do. He was only a Beta and yet, he had achieved so much even more than his foes and the do called Alphas and he was going to prove that point to his enemies come what may.