Chapter 7: Duel and Education

~3rd POV~

It had been four days since Acnologia had declared a duel with Superman. Orin had looked for Acnologia as he knew the true consequences of a fight between the two of them. Luckily, he had managed to find Acnologia on the third day. It was thanks to Mera who had informed him that Acnologia was back in Atlantis.

[AN: I found out that his name was Orin, not Orion. My bad.]

Surprisingly, Acnologia told him that he would not kill Superman as it would mean that he did someone else dirty work. That was BENEATH him. Orin was not going to refute Acnologia as he knew how stubborn he was. As long as neither died that was good enough for him.

He had a plan to stop the fight if it got out of hand. He was still going to implement that plan, but he would let them duel that way the league would understand his point of view. After his talk with Acnologia and Mera, he got a call from the league.

When he got there, they were sited waiting for him. Batman already had a plan as the simple fact that Acnologia could transmute matter into Kryptonite already concerning, adding with his Atlantean's strength and skill, it was too much for Superman. Batman knew firsthand the danger of a skillful opponent.

His surveillance of Acnologia showed him that he had a decent knowledge of martial art due to his swiftness in taking down the thugs in Gotham. Superman had virtually no chance in a fight with a martial artist without powers.

Although the league understood that Batman already had a plan in mind, some could not help but ask.

Green Lantern: Okay, I know that the late Queen said not to order the kid around but aren't you the King now? You could, I don't know, overrule it, right?

Aquaman: *Sigh* If it was that simple, I would have done it not that it would have worked but Acnologia has diplomatic immunity in Atlantis.

Batman: Why? I doubt it is due to the late Queen's degree else you could have overruled it.

Aquaman: *Chuckles* It is partially linked to the late Queen. In the ocean lies several kingdoms other than Atlantis and Xebel. One of those kingdoms is the home of the Nanaue people, there are what you would call shark people. They only respect the strong and will not bow to anyone they deem weak.

Flash: What does that have to do with the late queen and that kid?

Batman sent a glare at Flash before speaking to Aquaman.

Batman: Continue.

Aquaman: *Sigh* Roughly four years ago, when my origins came to light, they were some people that mocked the Queen. Strangely, those that did as such found themselves in the hospital. At first, nobody cared since they had disrespected the Queen and suffered a fitting punishment but one day the prince of the Nanaue people called the late Queen a whore in public before he left the kingdom. The people of Atlantis were enraged but the late Queen order them not to attack as the prince had come on a diplomatic affair.

Orin massaged the bridge of his nose while his other leaguers waited for him to continue.

Aquaman: The prince also had a few elites guard around him. Fighting him would be costly for Atlantis, the late Queen had decided to avoid any chance of a war breaking out.

Wonder Woman: What did Acnologia do after the prince left? He must have done something considering how fond he was of the late Queen as you said multiple times. It must be the reason why he has diplomatic immunity right?

Aquaman: He sneaked out of the kingdom after leaving a letter explaining that he will be back. A palace servant found the letter and the late Queen went to look for Acnologia along with me, my brother, and Mera. I can still remember that scene every time I close my eyes.

Batman: What did you witness?

Aquaman: When we arrived… you won't understand if you didn't see it. J'onn could you show them what I have in mind?

J'onn: Of course.

J'onn showed what Orin had in mind. Acnologia was fighting the prince surrounded by ten of his unconscious elite guards. Acnologia's left arm as well as his right leg had suffered severe bite wounds. It had been a miracle that they were still attached to his body. His torso had multiple scars that were still bleeding out, yet he was still fighting the prince. This shocked every league member as that was not something a child should be able to endure.

Aquaman: When we arrived, the fight stopped because the late Queen told Acnologia to stop. She was willing to fight the prince and cause a war if the prince did not stop but contrary to our expectations, the prince stopped. To this day, I still do not know what they said to each other but the prince respected Acnologia's gut. According to him, Acnologia's will was strong. Even the guards that had been beaten by Acnologia agreed. After that day, Acnologia became a blood brother to the prince. The prince had apologized to the late Queen since if she could get the loyalty of someone as stubborn as Acnologia she deserved his respect.

Batman: I see. Acnologia becoming a blood-brother with the prince guaranteed peace between both kingdoms.

Aquaman: It is more than that. As long as Acnologia remained in Atlantis, it would have a guaranteed ally against the other kingdoms should a war arise. If he were to get hurt, over his necklace at that, I would at best only be able to stop the people from Atlantis from waging war.

Flash: Okay, now I see why you were so nervous about it.

Aquaman: The good news is that Acnologia will not fight to kill Superman now.

Batman: What made him change his mind? You?

Aquaman: I wish but according to him killing Superman would be akin to doing the dirty work for his foes and… such a task was beneath him as he would put it.

Batman: How credible is that?

Aquaman: I did ask him that question and he said that only the weak use lies.

Wonder Woman chuckled.

Wonder Woman: You have quite a handful of a protégé.

Aquaman: *Sigh* Never say that to him, please, or talking to him will become harder. *Sigh* Anyway, for the fight, I will need Black Canary's help to stop Acnologia.

This confused everyone other than Batman.

Canary: You want my help? Is it because I'm a therapist? How did you find out about that?

Aquaman: You're a therapist? That's perfect! I didn't know about that, but I just wanted you to talk to Acnologia with no ulterior motive.

Canary: Why?

Batman: It is because she has similarities to the late Queen, correct?

Aquaman: Yes, I heard that Acnologia helped Harley Quinn and stayed with the Sirens. The only reason I can think of is the similarity between her and the late Queen.

Canary did not know whether to feel insulted that she was chosen for her body or happy that she could put her civilian skill to help a kid, from what she heard, in need.

Three days went by quickly. On Metropolis' coast, multiple silhouettes were coming out of the water. An army of shark humanoids surfaced out of the water. They were armed to the teeth. The civilian screamed and ran in panic.

Strangely, the Shark humanoids stayed near the coast. It took five minutes for Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Black Canary to show up. The Martian Manhunter was there but remain invisible due to Batman's order.

Aquaman stepped out of the group to talk to the Shark humanoids, but he was not the first to speak. The Shark leader spoke first. He was called King Shark and was once the prince that battled Acnologia.

King Shark: Save your breath, King Orin, we are not here to invade the surface world 'for now'. We are here to simply witness the fight of my blood brother.

Aquaman: *Sigh*, Of course, he would have brought you guys here.

Orin knew that Acnologia was the personification of pride, but he was not arrogant or stupid. By bringing these spectators, he insured that the league would not play any dirty tricks. While everyone was realizing what was happening, electricity was flowing through the ground towards their surroundings.

It hurt no one but after the electricity died down, the shore started to morph into a fighting ring. Water flew from the sea and landed near the fighting ring. It resembled a mini lake circling the ring. After that, the ground lifted and changed into a Colosseum.

The heroes did not need to ask themselves who was behind this as at the entrance of the Colosseum was a statue of Acnologia, standing tall as if he was looking down on everyone that was to enter the Colosseum

The inside of the Colosseum was identical to the one in Dressrosa. Both groups made their way inside along with news reporters who wanted to see the fight. They were some villains that came to see the fight out of boredom though they came in sneakily.

When they made their way to the fighting ring, they saw that Acnologia was not there yet. They waited for ten more minutes until Batman told Superman to go to the fighting ring. He flew there and landed gently. When Superman touched the ground, the arena started to shake. In front of Superman, electricity flew through the stands and a giant door formed itself.

The door had exquisitely artistic features such as two-man pointing their trident diagonally to the other side. There are other features such as waves and Orcas. The giant doors opened, and the water flooded what seemed to be stairs.

The reports had zoomed on the door and noticed that someone was walking up those flooding stairs. When the waves were about to touch that person, they parted ways. The individual kept walking as if nothing happened.

It was only after he was near the Arena that everyone realized that it was Acnologia. Superman noticed that Acnologia's necklace had a cover that was made of something similar to Metallo's body. After a quick inspection through his heightened vision, he realized that it was made of the exact metal as Metallo's body.

Acnologia finished climbing up towards the Arena and was now facing Superman. Superman wanted to reason with Acnologia as from what he saw it was unfair to demand someone's memento, but he remember that Aquaman told him to not talk and fight. If he did not it would make Acnologia think that he was looking down on him.

They had all agreed that Superman should fight, he would hold back but he should fight as it would solve the situation more quickly. Acnologia and Superman stared at each other. The tension grew but it was quickly destroyed by a loud gong. They both look to see Harley that had just hit the gong she had brought with her.


There was a minute of silence where everyone looked at Harley with confusion, but Acnologia looked back at Superman and spoke.

Acnologia: Ready.

Superman: Yeah.

Acnologia used Soru to come near Superman but when he was about to hit him with his hand, with all fingers facing Superman, Superman used his super speed to avoid Acnologia's attack. The spectators, other than the members of the league and the Shark humanoids were baffled as to why Superman avoided an attack.

Their question was answered very shortly as a hole appeared on the wall facing Acnologia. This shocked most. Acnologia kept attacking Superman, but he evades every attack until Acnologia stopped. He did not look tired even after twenty minutes of constant attack.

Acnologia took what people realized was a Karate stance then hit the air facing Superman. Everyone was confused as to why he did such a thing, and the confusion grew intensely when Superman was sent flying to the walls of the arena.

Superman managed to regain his bearings before falling into the water. He noticed that there were droplets of blood falling into the water, his blood?! Sharks jumped up trying to bite him after smelling blood, but he was too high for them.

While everyone was shocked by the fact that Superman bled without Kryptonite being involved, Acnologia put his hand in the water surrounding the ring. He took a throwing stance before speaking.

Acnologia: The fight is still going; I know you must feel hopeless fighting me, but I did not allow you to get distracted by my attack. It is this next attack that you should pay attention to.

Orin seeing the stance Acnologia was taking, stood up and yelled.

Aquaman: Superman!!! MOVE!!!!

Acnologia took a deep breath, exhaled, and spoke in a very low tone that no one heard, no one but Superman.

Acnologia: Gyojin Karate Ōgi: *Buraikan*

Superman moved as Aquaman had maniacally instructed him. As he did, everyone saw the side of the Colosseum that was facing Acnologia crumble as something created a line in the ocean that was now visible.

Acnologia was about to say something when someone yelled.

???: ENOUGH!

Acnologia saw that someone had jumped out of the water and landed in the ring. He was shocked to see who it was.

Acnologia: M-m-mom?!

This had been the first time everyone presents had heard Acnologia speak without a prideful tone. The person he was seeing was none other than the former Queen of Atlantis, Queen Atlanna. She walked toward Acnologia as everyone was either too shocked to move, too confused to say anything, or just observing the situation.

Atlanna: Yes, kid, it's me your mother.

She wore a smile on her face and kept approaching Acnologia. Acnologia was surprised by this, he lost his concentration while trying to make sense of what his eyes were showing him. If he had not lost concentration, he would have felt the malicious emotion coming from this "Atlanna".

Fortunately for Acnologia, his instinct was not reliant on his concentration. He felt danger and move just enough to evade the blade that was aiming at his heart. Sadly, it still pierces his chest.

Acnologia: *Cough**Cough* Y-You-

He fell to the floor as "Atlanna" laughed and changed form to that of a pale boy with a weird hairstyle. The blade changed into that of an orange cat with dark stripes and red eyes. The boy was none other than the infamous Lord of Chaos, Klarion.

Klarion: HAHAHAHA! That was easy Teekl. Now to collect his body and- WOW.

He evaded the fist of an enraged Aquaman. The league did not miss a beat and joined to fight the witch boy while the Shark humanoids were talking to each other.

Shark #24: My king, shouldn't we join in the fight? That boy has disrespected your blood-brother!

King Shark: And miss him going wild, I don't think so.

Shark #24: Going wild?

King Shark: You see if there is one thing I know about Acnologia is to never piss him off via the late Queen, Atlanna, especially now that she is dead. He will never forgive nor let you off until he is through with you. That kid just did the worst thing he could have done.

Shark #24: he attacked Acnologia in his moment of weakness?

King Shark: Nope, he just sullied the image of the late Queen in Acnologia's mind. Hm. Do you feel it?

Shark #24: *Chuckle* I see, now I understand what you meant my king. With this amount of bloodlust, the fight is about to get crimson.

As the league was fighting Klarion, they suddenly saw Acnologia approaching him. Klarion saw that as well and could not resist gloating.

Klarion: Oh the Kid survived. What you missed mommy so much you wanted to come to beg me to- *snap* AAAARGH

Klarion was suddenly engulfed in an explosion of flame after a yellow spark flew toward him. He fell to the ground. Everyone was confused as to what happened, but Acnologia next action clarified what happened. He snapped his fingers.


A spark flew towards Klarion's burned body.



Another spark flew towards Klarion's burned body.



A spark flew towards Klarion's burned body. You could now see bones through the burned flesh.

Klarion: What are you- AAAAAARRRRGH

Klarion used his magic to heal his avatar.


A spark flew towards Klarion's burned body.

Klarion: Teekl do something- AAAAAARRRRGH

Teekl looked at Acnologia, he grew the side of a bus and was about to attack but Acnologia looked at Teekl as he snapped his fingers again.


A spark flew towards Klarion's burned body.


Acnologia: Don't get in my way.

Acnologia's eyes were filled to the brim with killing intent combined with his Haoshoku Haki managed to immobilize Teekl in fear. Acnologia returns his sight to Klarion.

Acnologia: You *Snap*


Acnologia: Pissed *Snap*


Acnologia: Me *Snap*


Acnologia: OFF *Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap**Snap*


Once he had enough, Acnologia walked to Klarion who was still bracing for the next attack.

Acnologia: I will allow you to live if you survive my experiment. Count yourself lucky that I stopped trying to burn you to death. *Clap*

Klarion was healing his avatar.

Klarion: K-Kid I will kill you! Do you know who I am-

Acnologia put his hands on Klarion's head and red sparks flew everywhere.

Acnologia: I never allowed you to be this cocky. I don't care who you are. What you are is very simple. YOU ARE MY GUINEA PIG!


Everyone saw Klarion's body drying up as a red liquid was coming out of his body, the liquid almost looked like it was solid. Klarion was dried to the point that people would think he was dead if not for his screams. This continued for ten more minutes before Acnologia stopped. The red liquid had become as big as he was.

The reason the League had not intervened was that Batman had stopped them. He knew that Klarion was a Lord of Chaos and thus immortal. Acnologia was not killing him that was enough for him to let the kid vent his anger.

Acnologia clapped his hands and touched the red liquid. It then flew to his open wound. Acnologia had used his Aquakinesis to temporarily close the wound with the blood that had already flown out of his body.

Once the liquid had completely entered his body, he looked at Superman and stood his ground. Aquaman tried to reason with Acnologia but the kid did not utter a single word, he kept his eyes on Superman. It was only after five minutes of this that Batman approached Acnologia and confirmed what he had suspected.

Batman: You are wasting your breath. He is unconscious.

Wonder Woman: Say what you will but he has the will of a warrior. Even when he was past his limits he did not fall to his knees. When he wakes up, I would very much like to train him.

Aquaman: Why- You know what, you can have him as your protégé since you want to train him. It will make things easier. 'For me' He thought.

Wonder Woman: Sure, I'm not afraid of a challenge.