Chapter 18: The Plot thickens

[AN: Hey sorry for not posting a new chapter in a while been busy and I am about to become busier so I thought I should give a chapter as I announce this news. Got a few midterms coming my way so I will not be able to post any new chapter for a while]

[Acnologia's Point of View]

It is coming. I do not know when but I foresaw the future and what I saw was the team of sidekicks fighting after encountering Klarion. Now some would say that I am holding a grudge against Klarion and I would say this to them: No shit Sherlock, the fucker tried to kill me.

I take a matter of pride in killing those who have come very close to killing me, especially if said person pissed me off and their demise can make me stronger. The knowledge I have gained from Nabue has taught me many things about this world such as its dangers.

The way I am right now, I would barely be able to defend myself against the true threats of this Universe much less Omniverse. Granted there are several near-omnipotent beings who mind their own business but not all of them are like this.

I used Nabue's knowledge and created a spell that allowed me to view the future, a few but useful glimpses of the future. If I manage to be there when they encounter Klarion then I can transmute slash seal his whole being into me through the use of my shadow by having it become his new anchor.

For a being like Klarion, he needs an Archor like Nabue needs his helmet of fate to stay in this plane of existence. By becoming his anchor, my shadow will be able to absorb his Chaos Energy and sent it to me.

I made extensive preparation for this using Nabue's knowledge about the Lords of Orders and Chaos. As far as the world, including Klarion, knows, I can only use Transmutation through my hands but my Shadow can do so as well, I will only need to catch him off guard.

Once I have him, it will be like an endless battery of magic that I can use to gain Arcane Magical Energy. Then I can milk Arcane Magical Energy as long as I want. The reason why I want Arcane Magical Energy is that, for my plan to go perfectly, I need it before acquiring the two trident.

This is because I plan to make the Hidden Sea my domain through Arcane Magical Energy. By that I mean, I will transform that place into an interdimensional realm under my full control. This will require a lot of power and Arcane Magical Energy is one of the purest forms of power.

I am doing this because I have learned that an unsavory amount of individuals can warp reality as they see fit from Nabue's knowledge. By having an interdimensional realm under my control, I would have a place to be safe from those potential reality alterations.

Nabue knows about building an interdimensional realm since he made the Tower of Fate. A fortress built long ago as a symbol of the Lords of Order was built in their honor. It was placed at the nexus point between all realities and became a beacon of magical power.

I have obviously modified the designs to better fit the place I wish to turn into an interdimensional realm as well as suit my taste but the general core concept still remains the same. I have not told anyone this because... I am not an idiot, it would only increase my workload if others knew what I had in mind.

For now, all I need to do is stay with the team, wait for my moment, eat any artifact or object with interesting abilities, and have some fun. Now all of that aside, I have to get going, I have an appointment with Dinah A.K.A Black Canary. I teleported to in front of her office before knocking on her door.

"Come in."

She says as I open the door and head stray to the couch where her patient usually sits. I sit there since I am one of her patients. Since she is a shrink, I figured she could help me with one of my weaknesses. It has been a few weeks since I have had sessions with her yet there has been no progress I still believe she can help me.

"So... Are we going to talk about it or are you going to deflect again?"

She asks in a caring tone. I shake my head as she views my attempts to overcome one of my weaknesses as a sign of deflecting. I sigh before speaking.

"As I have said before, this is not deflecting. I am very serious about this. I must overcome in order to become better than I already am which frankly would seem inconceivable but it is true."

It is indeed true, I have managed to become even stronger now and increased my arsenal in both power and versatility. For example, I used the Angler's ability to bend perception and space as a foundation for ritual magic and made a new spell.

 Basically, once someone had their perception bent by me, a tiny door would be marked in their minds which I could use to alter their sense to my will at any time I wished. Yep, I just recreated Kyoga Suigetsu though its weakness is that if the mark is removed then I need to place it again for me to regain that level of control over someone else's senses.

It took a bitch and a half to make this spell. People think that once you create something then it's fixed, and you can use it on the spot but no, that is not the case. For most of my abilities, I need to train to maintain their levels at the minimum or increase them.

one of the last things I want is to get rusty for example at Blood Magic and kill someone I am trying to interrogate. People might not get this but when I take control of the blood, I take full control of it which means if I do not manually make it flow properly... they will die if not have a few blood vessels popped. 

I smiled at the level of discipline I had in my training and when I turned my attention back to Dinah I saw her right eye twitch a little as she wore a strained smile.

"Now, we must focus on how I can overcome my blond fetish."


I said with a straight face as she stared back at me.

[Third Person's Point of View]

-Around 10 386 B.C./ 12 386 Years Ago-

Vandar Adg later known as Vandal Savage had settled in a village for his gifted offspring, beings that would later be known as Metahumans. This was to be Vandar's Utopia, a place where all his children, those who descended from him, and those he had taken under his wing could live in peace and harmony under his rule.

In time, Vandar left his village to conquer more lands and upon his return, he found his utopia destroyed. He stumbled into the interloper—whom he would come to know as Klarion—who had laid waste to most of his spawn, relishing in his carnage atop a mount of Vandar's dead relatives.

Furious, Vandar lunged at Klarion, only to be struck down by a snap of his foe's fingers. Vandar rose again fully restored and quickly realized that his opponent was no mere meta-human, but rather an ancient elemental being.

During the subsequent three hundred days and nights, Vandar was killed in three hundred different torturous ways, only to rise up again each time. This intrigued Klarion enough to stop. The two finally exchanged words and Vandar learned of the Lords of Chaos and Order that helped govern the cosmos.

Realizing the potential value of this entity, Vandar needed time to think of how he could use him, but he also needed to get Klarion to stop murdering his kin. When the Lord of Chaos asked why he would leave his people alone, Vandar made a deal with the Witch Boy.

He would entertain Klarion from now on if the Lord of Chaos gave him a thousand years. Klarion agreed. After a thousand years, Vandar managed to find a way to keep Klarion entertained while using the Chaos Lord's pension for destruction for his own benefit.

It was clear to Vandar that Klarion was a thorn in his plan of world domination what was the point in conquering the world if it was destroyed before he could lead it into a better path? Still, Vandar knew that Klarion could be used as a blunt tool until he found a way to control it or contain it permanently.

Through his long life and after meeting Klarion, Vandar had concluded that humanity had untapped potential that had yet to thankfully be noticed by the true powerhouse of this Universe.

He had set himself a goal to put Earth on top of the food chain. He thought he had all the time in the world due to very few strong individuals approaching Earth. That however changed when he met a strange man who offered him knowledge of the future in exchange for some of his life force.

Vandar being immortal was not afraid of losing some of his life force. It was akin to shedding dead skin for him. Intrigued, Vandar decided to accept the strange man's proposal. To this day, he still does not know how that man managed to covert his life force in exchange for Vandar having a glimpse of the future.

Vandar during the procedure knew that the strange man had taken more of his life force to make a strange red crystal but he did not care, he was preoccupied with what he had seen two beings ruling on the ruins of what seemed like two separate worlds that each looked like Earth.

At first, Vandar dismissed these visions and thought he had been duped. He denied these visions because they implied that his ambitions would fail. Both giants seemed to have won after defeating the same colorfully dressed group.

Vandar had lived and conquered enough to recognize a conqueror when he saw one or in this case two. The impression they gave him was for lack of a better term, unmatched power. Had he not gone on a rampage after seeing those visions, Vandar might have been able to question the strange man but once Vandar had cooled his head, the strange man had already vanished.

He searched for the strange man but the last information he gathered about him was someone seeing someone matching his description heading towards what was now the sunken Atlantis. Vandar assumed he had perished with Atlantis and stopped his search.

When it was time to entertain Klarion once more, Vandar did so but then asked the Chaos Lord if he knew the people he then described to him. Klarion, being in a good mood, answered him. The two individuals, Vandar had described were named Darkseid and Trigon.

Klarion then went to explain who they were. That was the moment Vandar learned how truly terrifying the Universe was and became, questionably, the first human to learn about the multiverse. Vandar with his intellect theorized that what he saw was probably the future of two worlds similar to the world that he was in.

This both reassured him and terrified him. It meant that his future could be different then what he saw but it also meant that it could end up exactly as one of the two possibilities he saw. Vandar, now even more determined, renewed his ambition to put Earth on top of the Universe's food chain.

As time went on, he learned from his failures and grew. He watched some of the empires he had built grumble as he made new ones from their ashes. He made some allies but most were not as resistant to time as he was.

Little by little, he managed to gain the skill to lead. This might sound redounded but some of those he led were physically more powerful or intellectually more advanced which caused rebellions to occur but Vandar learned from those mistakes and forged his leadership skills.

For the potential- no inevitable enemies he would have to face, Vandar knew that he would need to lead people stronger than him, beyond his level even. That is why he did not take it to heart when he was betrayed. He saw that as a tutorial for when his real soldiers would be born.

He was sure of this because Vandar had noticed that the humans who possessed abilities who were now dubbed Meta-humans grew more powerful with each generation. There was a period of time when there would be no one who awakened their power but Vandar knew how to increase the numbers of those 'evolved humans' as he called them.

Whether it be by unknown means that led to their extinction or that their gift went dormant for a few generations, Vandar had an easy solution to ensure the prolonging of 'evolved humans' on Earth, his offspring.

Periodically, Vandar would mate with others to ensure the 'evolved human' existence and with a bit of hope that his direct offspring would be gifted with incredible power which he would then mold said direct offspring to serve him.

As the modern age came, Vandar now going by the name Vandal Savage noticed that the time of Earth's potential demise was near. With his skill finally sharpening and the rise of Superheroes, Vandal began recruiting acolytes to his cause, some joined him easily seeing eye to eye with his vision while others had been with him for a while now.

Still, Vandal knew that he still did not have enough acolytes. Some had refused his offer but he kept an eye for them. He had learned the art of manipulation and knew that he could get even the strongest man on earth if he came at them at the right moment.

Currently, his organization was still in the forming stage due to villains being more uncontrollable than he had thought. He was currently eyeing someone who ruled a country and had refused them previously.

Vandal did not take this to heart since his offer had been refused by someone of similar but lower importance to his plan. The potential acolytes could have the power of the entire ocean behind him which was why Vandal had extended a hand.

As he had predicted his potential recruit changed their mind but offered a condition for them to join. It was predicable, the condition was for the sea to be ruled by them. Vandal accepted. The only reason why the latest potential Acolyte was of more importance was due to him having the power of six gods. Vandal wanted Teth-Adam also known as Black Adam to join their ranks.

[AN: Like I said some things will be like Young Justice while others won't. I want to explore the way that the light is created and grows not just them being already formed. this way it gives me the freedom to incorporate more of the source material: DC comic books.]


[Just after Death spoke to Acnologia]

In a strange garden, Death can be seen walking through it while looking around. it is an ever-changing landscape, traversed by paths that fork, divide, and reconnect. Sometimes it looks like a hedge maze, labyrinthine ancient ruins, a vast sandy desert, or something completely different.

"Destiny, I would like to have a word with you."

She said playfully and as she stopped walking, Destiny appeared in front of her.

"What is your end game?"

She asked now her face devoided of her usual cheerfulness.

"You should watch out, Desire will set his eyes on the kid."

Destiny said just before the flora around them suddenly withered away. An irie aura came from Death as she spoke.

"I asked you a question. What is your end game? I almost didn't catch it but after I knocked the kid out with my right hook, I noticed something was not right. I never took it personally when a mortal insulted me. So cut the crap and answer me, what is he?"

Destiny seemed unaffected by the aura and spoke in his usual tone.

"My end game as you say sister is not something I can tell you right now but know that I mean no harm. But for your second question, I do not need to answer it since you already know it."

He turned as Death spoke.

"T-That's not possible, they have all long been extinct. he can't be a-"

Destiny interrupted her.

"You are correct. He is not... but he has the potential to become it."

Death's aura resided and the flora regrew back to what they were before they withered away. destiny spoke as Death brought a hand to her head as if she was having a headache.

"It is different for you than it is for Dream but just as Dream has one you have a type of... vortex as well."

[AN: I know I am leaving you with a cliffhanger but on the good news it means I am planning on continuing writing.]