[Third Person's Point of View]
"So... Long story short, someone messed with time, this is a new timeline and you just got your new memories of this new timeline. Most are identical so you would only have seen the ones that were different. Any Question?"
Death asked Acnologia who had just gotten up.
"Why did I see parts where I was not there?"
"Who knows?"
He asked confused to which Death replied while shrugging her shoulder. Acnologia was annoyed and prepared to leave when Death stopped him.
"If I were you, I would stay and hear me out."
Acnologia looked at her before speaking one single word.
Death simply snapped her fingers and a giant TV appeared behind her and before Acnologia could move or say anything, the video of him having repeated seizures on the ground was played on the TV while Death spoke.
"Because last time you didn't do that, you ended up like this."
Acnologia glared at her which only served to amuse her even more. She waved her hands before she spoke.
"Look if I was Desire I would have trolled you for a bit but you are going to need to hear this... it's about the weakness that you don't even realize you have."
As she said this, Acnologia was force to recall the last new memory he recieved.
[AN: Just a heads up, Acnologia will not be able to know the thoughts of the people in this new memory.]
[Gotham City. August 27, 06:17 EDT]
In an abandoned warehouse located in the less maintained part of Gotham City, sounds of fighting can be heard. Inside that same warehouse, Aqualad is thrown across the concrete floor leaving a splattering of what seems to be mud, and then slams into a metal garage door.
A creature made of the same mud steps forward, past Robin and Kid Flash, each now lying unconscious on the floor, with the mud paste clinging to their bodies. The rest of the team was not available to join this mission.
Aqualad looks up to see the creature approach him while smirking sinisterly which shows off its pointed teeth before it lets out a terrifying roar. This is none other than Clayface, a mud creature who shapes and hardens his left hand into an anvil.
He raises it above his head, preparing the final strike that will end it all for the young hero. The warehouse skylight above suddenly shatters and Clayface looks up to see Batman descending through the broken glass.
'As if I don't have enough on my plate already.'
The masked hero thinks as he lands on his feet, flinging two Batarangs at Clayface. They pierce his mud arm before exploding.
Clayface reels back as if in pain before instantly recovering from the temporary loss of his limb which regenerates. He sends a punch which lands on the cement due to Batman dodging Clayface's punch. The dark Knight pulls out a taser, aims at Clayface, and pulls the trigger as he thinks of the situation.
'Although he possesses the abilities that could best those three if used properly, he does not seem to have the intellect to do so. Robin or Kid Flash on their own could not have been able to defeat it but from what I see, Aqualad should have been able to defeat it on his own much less when all three are working together.'
Clayface roars his fury as he melts into a puddle of goo, unable to keep himself together. Tired but still conscious, Aqualad looks gratefully at Batman who is still trying to understand how the situation reached this point.
'Excluding the possibility that its intelligence decreases with time, the only way they could have lost is if they were not in sync. I'll need to talk to Aqualad about this since he is the second in command on their Team.'
[Mount Justice, Rhode Island. August 27, 07:58 EDT]
As the zeta tube powers down, Batman turns to the teen trio and speaks.
"I need to talk to Aqualad. The rest of you, hit the showers and head home."
"No need to tell me that twice."
Kid Flash says as he looks at the dried mud all over him. Aqualad and Robin come to a stop in front of the Dark Knight.
"Just Aqualad."
Batman specifies.
'No but!'
Robin looks up at Aqualad after a silent eye conversation with Batman and, after receiving a reassuring look, walks toward the showers. He glanced back once, a hint of jealousy in his body language which Batman notes but chalked it up to puberty thinking that it would solve itself with time though a certain butler would point out that it could be solved if a certain father figure was more open towards Robin.
Aqualad begins.
"I am sorry you had to intervene. I know the Team performed poorly-"
"The Team performed adequately. The problem was you."
The Dark Knight interrupts.
"When Triton is not there, you are the one that takes up the leader position as it was agreed by your teammates, and today, your head wasn't in the game."
"No, you are-... Uh... *Sigh*... correct."
Aqualad reluctantly agrees.
"As of late I am not even convinced I... belong on the Surface World. For so many years it filled my every thought, but now that I am here… my dreams are all Atlantis."
'It's times like this that I somewhat wished that they were more like Triton. Sure, he has a lot of- never mind, I'll take moody teens over uncontrollable and hard-to-predict teens every day of the week.'
Batman thought as his eyes narrowed beneath his cowl before he spoke.
"Atlantis? Or someone you left behind?"
Aqualad looks to the Dark Knight in shock, surprised to be read so easily before the latter continues after he thought to himself.
'It's always a girl with teenagers.'
"You can split your time between the surface and the sea, but not your mind. Either you're here one hundred percent, or you need to walk away. Make a decision Kaldur, and make it soon."
Batman walks away, leaving the young Atlantean alone with his thoughts.
[Poseidonis, Atlantis. August 27, 13:00 UTC-2]
"Recognized: Aqualad, B-0-2."
The computer announces. Aqualad walks out of the special air bubble the zeta tube teleported him into and swims forward. Hovering in the water before him is Aquaman.
He says, speaking in Atlantean. With a smile, Aqualad raises his right fist to his forehead in the Atlantean salute.
The two swim through the palace together, conversing in their native tongue. When his mentor and King ask if he will be attending a dinner he and the Queen are hosting that night, Aqualad changes the subject, telling him of someone he had been hoping to see.
With a smile, King Orin says that he may bring a friend since Acnologia will also be attending and is bringing two people. When they arrive at the end of the hall which is split into two, they bid their goodbyes until dinner.
Aqualad goes quickly to the Conservatory of Sorcery, where young Atlanteans go to develop their magic and skills. He passes several promising students practicing, though one stands out. From what Aqualad can remember, the boy's name is La'gaan.
He continues seeking for someone in particular and soon comes upon Topo, an octopus-like creature, and an old friend. After Kaldur accidentally surprises him, Topo insists on showing the hero what he is working on, a moving mural that depicts the story of how Aquaman was able to defeat his enemy, Ocean Master, thanks to the help of two brave students named Kaldur'ahm and Garth.
Impressed with their valor, Aquaman had offered them the opportunity to become his protégé. Garth remained to further his studies at the Conservatory, while Kaldur'ahm accepted the offer and became Aqualad. Topo seems to be worried about the quality of his work.
Kaldur reassures Topo.
The humanoid octopus says gratefully before shamefully adding on.
Kaldur assures once more, placing a hand on the mural.
Topo replies before realizing something.
'Hold on! Didn't he have a crush on Tula... who is seeing Garth... his best friend... at the moment... And he has the I'm going to confess my love to the girl of my dream kind of look... Oh, this isn't going to end well.'
Thanking him, Aqualad follows Topo's directions not noticing that the latter had become nervous. When he arrives, he sees Queen Mera teaching his two friends combat sorcery, her gauze clothes swirling with the movement of the water while Acnologia, Kara, and M'gann are watching.
Kara is currently wearing a breathing mask that covers her mouth and nose while M'gann has shapeshifted into gaining gills on her neck and tail instead of legs making her resemble a mermaid.
Queen Mera exclaims once she catches sight of him.
Tula shouts excitedly, her short red hair mused by battle and the ocean's current.
Aqualad stops before the Queen, saluting her respectfully.
She replies knowing that her students would love to catch up with their friend.
Kalduer replies.
Queen Mera promised before looking at Kara and M'gann then spoke as she swam away.
They nodded while Acnologia rolled his eyes. After seeing his queen out, Kaldur turns around to face his friends.
Tula exclaims, wrapping her arms around his neck for a moment before moving back.
Garth says before he adds.
<<... The surface life agrees with you.>>
Though deep down he thinks to himself.
'Please Kaldur tell us that it does and you found the love of your life there so we can avoid the whole awkwardness of me and Tula being together. I've been waiting for class to end to ask your teammates since Acnologia would probably not bother learning about this but I guess hearing it from you would be better...
That's if you did find the love of your life on the Surface like I hoped and prayed or at the very least lost his attraction to Tula... Okay, this is getting overly complicated Garth. He is your best friend so there is reason for this to be complicated. Just man up and tell him that you are seeing Tula... who is the crush you both had for years...'
Garth's daydreaming was interrupted by Kaldur's words.
Tula and Garth finished his sentence in unison.
Aqualad muses to himself before he continues while looking at Tula.
Tula and Garth exchange nervous looks. Acnologia senses the drama that is about to enfold and speak up.
The two young heroines look at Acnologia before nodding and leaving the place. After watching them leave, Aqualad places a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
Garth replies stiffly.
Tula tells Aqualad. She pulls on Garth's arm and they swim away.
she promises. Oblivious, Aqualad smiles while watching them leave, eager to reconnect with both of his friends.
Garth tells Tula quietly once they are out of earshot which causes Tula to have a conflict.
As they toured the city, Kara and M'gann marveled at what they saw with the former now being able to understand what her super hearing was picking up on thanks to Acnologia using magic to allow both of them to speak to others and understand what they heard without needing constant translation
Kara still needed to fine-tune her hearing to adapt to Acnologia's magic. Now why would Acnologia be showing the city to Kara and M'gann? Some would say that this is not within his character and they... would be partially right.
Due to the Time Boom, M'gann was not as timid as she was before it affected her thus when she learned that Kara often trained with Acnologia, she decided to join their training session as it was one of the very few ways to get closer to Acnologia outside of missions.
During one of their training session, Acnologia sensing their rivalry getting the best of them decided to resolve this with a test which went as follows, if they forced him to use both hands during the determined amount of time then he would agree to a single demand from them within reason.
At first, he expected them to work together within a few hours but they failed to make him use both his hands for a couple of days. It was only after they decided to work together that Acnologia decided to use both hands.
When the time came for them to request the demand owed, Acnologia reminded them that it was a single demand in total and they both needed to agree upon what it was. It took some time but they came to an agreement which was to have Acnologia showed them Atlantis, which he was currently doing.
[Wayne Manor, Gotham City. August 27, 20:04 EDT]
Dick Grayson can be seen working on his flips, using the rings in the gym at the Manor. He exerts stress on his muscles by keeping himself in place, then slowly lowers down to the halfway point with his arms straight out to the sides. The intensity of his workout can be seen by the sweat on his face.
"Just Aqualad."
He says angrily to himself over the fact that Batman was his mentor but focused on Kaldur and not him! He flips once more, meaning to land on top of the free-standing punching bag, but loses his balance.
He fails to catch himself and lands on his palms on the concrete floor, flipping back onto his feet and stumbling back until he hits the wall. He suddenly turns and punches the wall with all of his strength, out of anger, jealousy, and a self-established sense of unworthiness.
He leaves a fist-sized crater in his wake, cracks spiderwebbing outwards. He stalks away towards the bench. In the Batcave, Batman sits in his chair in the Dark Knight's suit with cowl down as he watches the live security feed of the Manor's gym.
"Someone should really talk to Master Grayson."
His butler, Alfred Pennyworth, observes over his shoulder.
"It's just puberty, he'll get over it."
Bruce comments to which Alfred replies in a sarcastic yet British tone.
"It is funny you should say that Master Bruce... because those were once the words I said to myself when you left Gotham to travel the world and learn everything you needed to become Batman."
Bruce narrows his eyes. Meanwhile, Dick places a towel around his neck to help dry the sweat. He sits down on the bench and drinks eagerly from his water bottle. Suddenly, the door to the gymnasium opens to reveal Alfred on the other side.
"Master Bruce wishes to see you."
He states.
Dick scoffs before follows him out of the gym. Alfred opens the door and gestures him forward. The moment Dick walks out he catches the basketball dribbled at him.
"What's this?"
He asks, totally confused and a little defensive while thinking of what might this be.
'C-Could it be that a shapeshifter managed to kidnap Bruce and took his place?'
Bruce says in a harsh voice, now wearing workout clothes. His mouth morphs into a soft smile.
"Hand-eye coordination."
Dick gives him a side-on look, smirking slightly.
"One on one?"
"If you think you can handle it."
The billionaire with the biggest daddy and mommy issues responds. Dick lets out Robin's signature cackle as he begins dribbling, celebrating when he makes the first basket. Alfred watches on with quiet happiness... until Dick suddenly attacks Bruce accusing him to be a shapeshifter which caused Alfred to step in.
It took thirty minutes to convince Dick that Bruce was not a shapeshifter. Sensing that the mood had soured, Alfred was going to change the subject until Bruce complimented Dick from deducing that a sudden change in behavior could indicate that he might have been an imposter and not letting his guard down.
Having had enough, Alfred demanded that they started doing something normal for at least an hour each week.
It is night, and the banquet hall of the palace is set for eight. King Orin and Queen Mera sit in the middle, while the king's half-brother Orm sits on his left followed by M'gann, Acnologia, and then Kara. On the Queen's right side was Kaldur with Tula beside him.
Prince Orm explains in wonder. He is telling of his work at the Science Center.
Acnologia said as he took a bite of the food before him.
Prince Orm said as he laughed.
King Orin said causing Kara and M'gann to ask more details of this story to which the two half-brothers obliged and started recounting. While this was happening, Kaldur leans over towards Tula and whispers.
Queen Mera looks to him before speaking quietly as a way to be as less rude to Orm as possible. She knows about Tula and Garth's relationship as well as Kaldur's crush on Tula thus she tries to come up with a reason to prevent Kaldur from being heartbroken upon finding the truth.
she whispers.
Kaldur looks disappointed, then turns to his friend hopefully.
To avoid answering, Tula places food in her mouth.
When the dinner's end was approaching, King Orin and Queen Mera stood from the table and spoke as they held each other's hand.
Orin says first. Mera places her husband's hand with her own on her bare stomach before speaking her part.
Tula, Kara, and M'gann exclaim, while the former leaves her seat and wraps her arms around her teacher. Kaldur quickly follows, shaking hands with his mentor and King.
Orm stands as well, and Kaldur bows his head with a fist at his hip.
Orm interrupts, swimming forward to tightly grip Orin's shoulders.
His words and thoughts are identical though not for the reason one would think.
'Truly, no one is more thrilled than I, since killing my half-bastard of a brother's son will cause him as much misery as I felt when I lost the throne to this bastard child. Still, I have to keep up the appearance of a loving brother else Acnologia might see through my facade.
Magic might prevent him from detecting my intention but that is still on the condition that I still restrain them to some extent.'
King Orin says.
He and Mera share a kiss. Everyone else in the room, including the servants and guards, just smiled while Acnologia had suspiciously remained quiet for quite some time. Kaldur aimed his gaze towards Tula, who ignored his gaze. As soon as their kiss ended a double beeping from Aquaman's belt.
"Superman to Aquaman. League emergency in Tokyo Bay. Rendezvous at the Watchtower."
Aquaman presses the Atlantean style A on his belt.
He responds to his comm and then holds Mera close before speaking.
As soon as Orin says this, Acnologia stands up and speaks before disappearing.
After he disappeared, a message made of ice appears where he was.
{Dinner is over so I'm out. I will be back after a couple of minutes.}
Orin comments after reading Acnologia's message.
Mera looks unhappy but lets him go.
Aquaman says to his protégé. They head for the zeta tube. After a short silence, Aquaman tells Kaldur that Batman has informed him of his dilemma.
He understands his dilemma as he had once been in his shoes thus he says he knows from personal experience that it is difficult to live on the Surface, and love beneath the sea. They reach the tube and Aquaman types in the coordinates.
"Recognized: Aquaman, 0-6."
The computer announces.
<< I am confident you will make the right choice.>>
Aquaman says after placing a hand on Kaldur's shoulder. Kaldur gives him an Atlantean salute, and Aquaman swims into the air bubble as he zeta's away. Kaldur swims back toward the banquet hall, and Tula.
After dinner, Kaldur and Tula swam through the royal garden while Mera is talking with Kara and M'gann. It is the view. Were it not for the awkward situation that she was in, Tula would normally enjoy it.
They abruptly stop swimming and turn towards the other to speak but stop when they realize that the other said the same thing as them. Upon such realization, each laughs nervously, before Tula opens her mouth to begin again, but Kaldur holds up a hand then speaks first.
He reaches forward and grabs her hand.
She quickly swims out of his grip and stops several feet away in front of a nearby coral.
She bores a guilty expression, but she continues.
Upon seeing the smile on Tula's face at the end of her sentence, Kaldur looks distraught and angry at this shocking news but as he is processing this, explosions can be heard and seen outside of Atlantis.
Tula and Aqualad quickly move toward the more populated area of the city, encountering a squad of Black Manta's divers attacking some guards. Unbeknownst to most of Atlantis, the Black Manta's divers are confused as to why the explosives they planted exploded outside of Atlantis and not where they planted them.
They quickly arm themselves for battle, their tattoos glowing cyan blue. Tula creates energy swirls that explode once they come into contact with the rock shielding the Manta Troopers. A thick dust obscures their vision, and Aqualad comes through swinging his water swords. One of the Troopers raises a hand to his commlink.
"Alpha squad, requesting reinfor-"
Aqualad is quick to finish off the rest of the group. Together, they rush back to the palace, arriving just in time to join the battle against the Troopers attacking Mera. Mera is handling herself well, as she creates a handful of electric eel water constructs to attack and a manta ray shield for protection.
Kara and M'gann are also there helping deal with the intruders. They are wondering where Acnologia went. Meanwhile, Aqualad and Tula fight side by side showing the fact that they know each other's abilities and tactics.
Aqualad tells the Queen and Prince, who is fighting with a stolen Manta Trooper gun.
Queen Mera decides that she had enough of this nonsense. She launches her ray construct at a group of Manta Troopers, knocking them out. The defenders fight well until Garth swims towards the battle from behind.
Like an idiot, he shouts. She turns back in worry and sees a Manta Trooper preparing to fire at him.
'I got you now sucka!'
He thinks as he fires.
She pushes him out of the way but gets hit in the process while the shooter has one final thought before Kara's heat vision knocks him out.
'I hit something! Oh Boy- GAHH!'
Garth lowers her to the ground as her tattoos fade, and Kaldur comes up beside his two best friends. He looks up and sees another wave of Manta Troopers coming their way. Queen Mera is quick to act, creating an octopus water construct to attack them.
She concentrates fiercely, cyan tentacle tattoos wrapping around her arms and face in the process. Two of the construct's arms defend the front, and the other six grab enemies out of the water and throw them aside. Prince Orm turns to Aqualad.
A voice interrupts, and they all turn to see Acnologia who continues before anyone has the chance to ask him where he was.
Kaldur asks, swimming forward to look over the city.
Orm says, sounding conflicted though in actuality is more annoyed that their plan was seen through this fast. He then adds.
Acnologia then adds.
All three young heroes nods before Mera speaks while still maintaining her magic.
Prince Orm is firm and speaks one thing while thinking another.
'YES! Acnologia is staying here so Manta should be able to retrieve the sample.'
Acnologia once again adds while controlling water to create a mini current that sucks the Manta Troupers and shreds their armor.
Aqualad tells her.
Kaldur stops and looks back at Garth, who is still cradling Tula to his chest.
He tells his best friend stiffly, swimming forward and drawing his water bearers. Grimly, he takes down any Troopers that get in his way as he leaves for the Science Center. Garth seeing this decide to entrust Tula to Kara and M'gann before swimming toward Kaldur.
As they finished the last Manta Trooper, Acnologia sensed five huge presences appearing out of nowhere and heading towards them. Not long after that, everyone saw five gigantic fish-like creatures swimming toward the royal palace.
[AN: Imagine Sea Kings from One Piece]
This creature was created from the Kobra-Venom that was recreated by the Light. They had done some experiments on animals and how they reacted to being injected with Kobra-Venom. The result had yet to achieve a satisfactory level but that did not mean that they could not be of use.
Experiments had shown them that if an animal was to be injected with a surplus of Kobra-Venom they would grow uncontrollably large and would go on a rampage while seeking more Kobra-Venom like an addict.
This is why the Manta Troopers that had been tasked with attacking the Royal Palace had their armor laced with Kobra-Venom. A different squadron of Manta Troopers was given the task of injecting Kobra-Venom into the captured aquatic creature they had brought if the Royal Palace managed to defeat all the Manta Troopers tasked there.
[AN: Before anyone says something about it being underwater and that the Kobra-Venom on the suit would be diluted, there is a simple explanation which is... It's fanfic so accept the premise.]
Acnologia seeing the giant creatures heading towards them instructed M'gann and Kara to watch over Mera and not let their guard down around Orm. He then proceeded to teleport himself and the gigantic sea creature outside of the city.
Not wasting time, he had made sure that they were teleported while a line facing him and the city behind him. He cocked his arm back which vibrated for a fraction of a second before he threw a punch into the water
The water- no the space where Acnologia's punch landed starts cracking before it a devastating shock wave is sent towards the gigantic sea creature. Upon contact, it tore them apart along with part of the earth that faced Acnologia's punch.
Now some may be confused as to what just happened. Acnologia had used the Hasshoken amplified with magic to recreate Whitebeard's Quake Quake Fruit. This had taken him a long time but he had managed to achieve it.
After this was done, he teleported back to the Palace briefly to see what Orm was up to then went to the Science Center. Upon arriving, he saw Black Manta about to send a small rocket toward the Giant Sea creature that was mostly still stuck in ice.
He used his shadow to protect it from the explosion that was about to happen. When the rocket hit Acnologia's shadow which wrapped around the creature, an explosion happened.
When the dark bubbles faded, everyone saw that the creature was no longer there. Manta used this opportunity to escape while Acnologia looked at where the creature previously was. He was shocked at what had happened.
The explosion had not destroyed the creature, his shadow had eaten most of it once the explosion occurred without before he even realized it. This was strange, so strange that he did not even realize what abilities he had gain. It take some time before he realizes what powers he gained.
[AN: Acnologia's memory ends here]
The Manta Sub swims through the cold ocean waters in the dead of night, but the captain of the vessel could not be farther from sleep. He stands before seven monitors, each displaying its own light-infused silhouette, as he gives his report.
"I was unable to secure the objective as a whole though it is fortune that we had already proceeded with plan B, securing a sample, before they came."
Black Manta reports.
"You did well."
L-5, speaks up before adding.
"Everything falls into place."
Acnologia's weakness and the paradox of the new timeline which some might have noticed will be explain next chapter.
Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]