About Chapter 42

[AN: Gonna be real with you all chapter 42 is taking longer than I expected it to write it. I remember promising that there was going to be some actions, fight and all of that and after reviewing it last week, it felt like there wasn't enough to meet the self imposed quota that I said I was going to deliver so I decided to add more, which I am currently doing.

It should be done for Friday this week. On a side note, does anyone have any tricks to get into Writer's block cuz after I watched Deadpool 3 last week, althought it gave me some ideas on fight scenes I can't stop myself from thinking about a new fic, set in DC about a guy goes all John Wick on the crime boss of Gotham after they killed his dog and he has the abilities of deadpool, wolverine and a few other cheats... which is messing with me writing chapter 42.]