Island of Birka

It was a cold winter's day for the populace of Birka, but the firepit in Jarl Gunnar's hall provided life to the people present.

Frida, the young blonde daughter of the Jarl, was enraptured by the stories of Erik's travels he shared with her family while eating dinner.

Her devout mother, Thora, excitedly asked, "Is it true you're a demigod, Erik?"

He began the now-usual roleplaying by activating the Rune of Skadi's glow effect. He explained, "I was born mortal like yourselves and didn't even believe in gods until my Warband's glorious death by lifting a curse against all odds. After that, Freyja and Odin bestowed their power upon me; now I'm stronger than ever, so it's debatable whether or not I can be considered a demigod."

Frida quickly inquired, "Hold on a moment. So you were sent to Asgard as a godless man?"

Erik honestly answered, "Yes. It proves that gods choose where we go in the afterlife and because I died in battle surrounded by tainted Asgardian magic, the goddess Freyja welcomed me to her hall. I changed my destiny through action and luckily received her favor."

Frida and Thora were in awe as Erik shared insight into the Old Gods while Gunnar said, "Though you seemed like a demigod when we fought the brigands during our travel. I still cannot fathom how my warriors and I felt empowered by your tattoo and how you connected with the Goshawk during combat."

Erik answered, "The powers of Asgard are mysterious, and I'm fortunate to have become a Runecrafter anointed by Odin himself. Mere mortals cannot channel their complex magic, but I'm keen to spread the Asgard language to willing Northmen seeking a nearer connection with the Old Gods' Pantheon."

Contrary to popular opinion, many Middle Ages people learned how to read and write. Still, literacy was vastly inferior to Modern Times, so Erik hoped the locals would be more invested in educating themselves in hopes of pleasing their gods.

Gunnar replied, "I'm sure my people would appreciate a gift from Asgard such as its signs and symbols. You've spoken plenty of the Romans and the Muslims during our trip, but I'd like to know more about your Midgard."

Erik didn't plan to divulge too much information about his past. Still, he treated Gunnar as a friend and supporter, so he shared, "I hail from a powerful country, much more than the Romans, that involved itself in all major wars throughout our world, and I served as a professional warrior in its most elite Warband. It controlled vast swathes of land and hosted cities with millions of people from various godly beliefs and cultures. Our ancestors lived similar lives to that of Northmen and other cultures in this Midgard but evolved through hundreds of generations of peace and conflict. No land was left unexplored, so our smartest citizens eventually developed methods to reach the moon and other stars. Yet it wasn't a perfect world as darkness and evil of many forms remained within society."

His companions could only be in awe of wondrously imagining Erik's world before his closing remark added a bit of solemnity to the atmosphere.

The elegant Frida sensually gazed at his eyes and asked, "You seem to be of marrying age like me, so did you have a family?"

Erik returned her stare and honestly replied, "I had a loving father and mother before my death that already pains me to leave behind. My Warband was routinely sent to the most dangerous quests, and I was ready to die for my country, but the prospect of abandoning a wife and children dissuaded me from starting a family."

Thora sincerely commented, "I understand your apprehension, young Erik. The love for one's family is powerful in its own right but carries with it worries and concerns."

Gunnar noticed Erik's melancholy and said, "I have faith that Lady Freyja will smile upon you during your quest and eventually bless your return home."

Erik replied, "I hope you're right, Jarl. I still haven't expressed my gratitude to your family for its hospitality. May I offer something of value to your family as a token of my friendship?"

Gunnar inquired, "It's my family's honor to host Freyja's Champion, but what did you have in mind?"

Erik replied, "You mentioned Birka traded and raided the nearby regions, so I think detailed maps would be helpful."

Gunnar and his family were taken aback by Erik's generous offer before the Jarl excitedly declared, "Then I'll have my men find the highest quality parchment, iron gall ink, and finest artisan for the treasure you offer."

Erik said, "Of course, I'm willing to earn my keep while living within your lands and preparing for the voyage much farther south than any Northmen had explored."

Frida frowned in disappointment and worry as she asked, "Why should you leave so soon, Erik?"

He answered, "Completing my epic quest will require an obscene amount of resources, so a foothold on the giant continent is vital for its success. Your father generously sponsored a longship and warriors to begin my endeavors after the planting season."

Gunnar and Frida exchanged looks before the Jarl said, "We'll discuss the specifics of your journey after supper. Please, enjoy the food."


A dozen people in a wooden structure at Birka that served as a diner discussed stories and life while eating and drinking.

A brown-haired Northman in his mid-20s named Torvir suffered the pestering of his friends, asking, "Is it true what the other guards of Jarl Gunnar are saying about the stranger?"

Torvir continued munching on a piece of fried pork, then answered, "I was skeptical at first and wondered why the Jarl would treat a stranger with such respect even after what we saw during the yearly celebration at Uppsala, but the way he empowered us while fighting a band ambushing brigands has changed my mind. It was fortunate that the Jarl befriended Erik before any of his enemies. More importantly, I overheard his conversations with Jarl Gunnar as we traveled to Birka, and he mentioned stories of rich lands yet to be explored by any Northmen."

A glint of anticipation appeared in his friends' eyes as Torvir continued saying, "The Jarl is allowing Erik to choose warriors for the voyage, and I'll make sure he picks me to join him."

His friend, Vikar, a Northman the same age as Torvir, rolled his eyes and said, "What does that green warrior know of winning battles? He's tall and muscular but lacking experience being so young."

Torvir nodded his head and replied, "No. I was unsure of Erik's title and connection to our Old Gods when we first met, but it was clear from his eyes that he had killed many enemies before arriving in these lands. Erik is a true warrior, no doubt."

Vikar smiled and said, "If you're so confident, my friend, I'll cast my bid to join you on Erik's voyage."

Torvir and Vikar cheered with friends as they happily drank mead from wooden cups and animal horns.


A burning hearth sat at the center of Jarl Gunnar's hall while he earnestly spoke with his new friend and guest in private.

Thora and Frida decided to retire for the night after hours of listening to Erik's near-mythical tales.

Erik wore a thick wool tunic draped over with a hide blanket for extra warmth.

Gunnar amicably said, "Thank you for enlightening my wife and daughter with your extraordinary experiences. They seemed to be in high spirits after eating supper."

Erik casually replied, "You have such a beautiful family; the pleasure was all mine. I feel somewhat better about leaving my life behind when I share their memories with good people."

Gunnar held Erik's shoulder with one hand and said, "It must be difficult being torn from life with so much potential as you described, but I'm glad you trust me enough to provide hospitality as a complete stranger in this new life bestowed by Lady Freyja."

Erik honestly answered, "Odin and Freyja are gracious to those who are worthy, and you've shown me utmost sincerity since meeting each other, so I find no reason not to trust your character as the gods did for me."

Gunnar said, "By the way, your brown hawk visited my barn earlier today and was almost shot by a bowman before one of the guards stopped him. They gave it a rabbit as I ordered, then flew away North."

Erik chuckled and said, "Thanks for the consideration. Jet is a responsible father like yourself and probably went home to feed its family. Please caution your residents just in case, but I've already warned Jet about hunting in human lands."

Gunnar reassured him, saying, "The hawk is under my protection now as promised, and I'll notify the people to avoid unnecessary conflict."

Erik nodded before saying, "You'll be losing warriors and ships during my voyage after winter, so please allow me to earn my keep by improving the living conditions of Birka. I'm not familiar with civic engineering, but as a professional in security, I can suggest a few military fortification changes for defending your lands and strategic waterways."

Gunnar raised an eyebrow in intrigue and asked, "I'm all ears."


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