She Doesn't Love You(3)

"Sister and brother Beichen have always been in love! You don't understand anything! It doesn't have anything to do with money! Brother Beichen is such a great man!" Li An said.

"Oh? Since he's so great why don't you get together with him then?" Sun Mei Mei asked.

Li Ran let out a snicker when she heard this. Sun Mei Mei has always had a wicked mouth. Once she starts, she won't spare anyone!

"Lu Beichen, I'm going to say this for the last time, no matter what happened between this before, I'm already married to your uncle, and I don't have plans of leaving him or cheating on him!" Li Ran said. .

Not wanting to talk with this bitch and scumbag pair anymore, Li Ran turned to walk away.

Sun Mei Mei huffed at them before she followed behind Lu Beichen.

Li Ran took a few steps and then stoped. She turned to look at Lu Beichen and Li An. "Li An, if you want to get together with Lu Beichen , you should think about what people are going to say about the Li family. Marrying the nephew of your brother in law....tsk matter what you do, please consider the Li Family reputation! The Li family can't afford to lose face because of you !" Li Ran said.

Then she walked away with Sun Mei Mei following behind her.

Speaking of the Li family, Li Ran also felt guilty towards her father. She has to find a time to go back home and apologise to him. Her mother had died while giving birth to her and her father had raised her up all alone, never remarrying, putting all of his efforts into running the company and raising her and Li An

But in her past life, she had foolishly hated her father so long! Because of that scumbag Lu Beichen, she hated her father so much. She hated the fact that he forced her to get married to Lu Sichen, she hated that he did not approve of the relationship between her and Lu Beichen.

She hated the fact that he always refused whenever she asked to get a divorce from Lu Sichen. She hated that he was always telling her that he was for her own good!

In her last life, because of Lu Beichen's words, Li Ran had thought that her father did not love her the way that he claimed. She felt that he refused her to get divorced from Lu Sichen because of his power and because of his company.

Lu Beichen really treated her like an idoit! And she really fell for it! Pushing everyone away from her life because of a bastard!

It was only after she died that she realized that Lu Beichen only led her to hate her father because he was paving the way for Li An!

He wanted her father to hate her so much that he won't leave anything for her, giving everything to Li An!

In the end, that did happen! Her father had suffered a stroke because of her, leading to his death in her seventh year of marriage!

His will read that she will only receive a handful of shares and that everything will go to Li An!

Maybe Li Ran will never know that Li An and Lu Beichen had changed the will behind her back!

Sun Mei Mei, her dad, Lu Sichen...all of these people have suffered and even lost thier lives because of her in the past! This time, she will be sure to make it up to them!

And as for Li An and Lu Beichen, the both of them had better be prepared!


Li An looked at Lu Beichen. "Ah Chen....what has happened to sister? Why did she compare you to Brother Sichen like this? She knows very well how you feel about brother Sichen!. Is she going to be with him? What about you then?" Li An asked.

His uncle has always been a genius since they were young. He has never been able to compare to him at all!

His uncle always beats him to everything!

His parents had died when he was young and he had gone to live with his grandparents. From that day, he had to live in the shadow of his genius older brother. He really hated that feeling. He hates it the most!

And Li Ran! She is just his pawn! She is his property! A property that he wants to use! How dare she look down on him? How dare she despise him?!

He was really angry when he saw how Lu Sichen was getting along with Li Ran. Li Ran should not be getting along with Lu Sichen she should hate him more than anything!

Especially after the trick that he played on them yesterday! Li Ran is a woman who values her chastity. So much so that she had not let him touch her when there were dating.

He was sure that Li Ran will hate Lu Sichen even more after last night. But not only does she not seem to hate him, she seems to want to stick to him even more!

Seeing Li Ran and Lu Sichen being so lovey dovey in front of him earlier today to each other, he really wanted to go over and pull them apart! He believed that Li Ran is his! Li Ran is his property to dominate. She should not have feelings for other men! She is his and he can only use her and discard her after he is done with her!

Li An was the look on Lu Beichen's face and she knew that her words had successfully annoyed him.

He must hate Li Ran a lot now! This is the effect that she wants!

Li An pursed her lips when she heard Lu Sichen's name. The truth is,she is jealous! She is so Jealous that she just wants to ruin Li Ran forever! What right does Li Ran have to be married to Lu Sichen?

Such a perfect man as Lu Sichen, he should be hers! Why does he like that stupid woman Li Ran? Why did he marry Li Ran?