Why Does He Like Her?

"I don't know. He said that he's going to ask her to come with Lu Sichen. I think that there's something wrong with Li Ran. She seems to have changed a lot overnight! Didn't she use to love you a lot? She even caused a scene in the company just because she didn't want to get married! What made her change her mind suddenly? What is going on?" Li An asked. She was on the phone talking to Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen on the other side of the phone had a scowl on his face. He just could not figure out what made Li Ran change. He was convinced that Lu Sichen must have told her something, but he just did not know what Lu Sichen said.

And besides, he was sure that he had Li Ran in the palm of his hands. Li Ran was his most important chess piece! Now that he seemed to have lost her he was really angry!

What is he supposed to do now?

How is he supposed to carry out his plan if Li Ran won't play according to the rules?

"I'm sure that Lu Sichen must have said something to her!" Lu Beichen said. His voice was dripping with bitterness.

Li An sighed. She was really worried. She was really starting to reconsider her relationship with Lu Beichen. It was just like Li Zhengguo said. Someone like Lu Beichen has great ambitions but he doesn't even have the ability.

The plain truth was that he will never be a match for Lu Sichen!

"What do we do now? If Li Ran comes home and she keeps acting the way that she was earlier at school, we are going to be in some serious trouble! Uncle already thinks terribly of her! Even if he wants to be biased and hand over everything to his own daughter, the board of directors won't stand for it because of Li Ran's terrible reputation! But if she uses the fact that she is Lu Sichen's wife and if she continues her new act, I won't stand a chance at all!" Li An said.

She had done everything that she could over the years to win back everyone. But just one move from Li Ran was able to affect the balance of everything that she has planned for over the years! It was really pitiful!

"Lu Sichen seems to only have eyes for Li Ran now. I don't know why he will like such a woman. There are lots of women around him . Socialites…celebrites….but he only sees Li Ran! We won't be able to stop them from going tommorow. You'll just have to do something!" Lu Beichen said. If wasn't as if Lu Beichen didn't know what Li An isn't as innocent as she seems.

He was just ready to put up with it, as long as he can get his ultimate goal. The Lu cooperation!

Li An sighed. It seems that this is the last resort for her.

"Alright. I'll do something tommorow. We can't afford to have uncle change his opinion of her" Li An said.

"Who are you talking to Li An?" Li Zhengguo asked from behind Li An.

Li An turned sharply and saw her uncle standing near the living room door. It seemed that he has come down to her a glass of water!

She had been speaking really softly to Lu Beichen so there was no way that he could have heard her. She sighed in relief.

Li An quickly ended the call and turned to face her uncle with a sweet smile on her face.

"Uncle, I was talking to a friend from school. It's already so late.why are you down? I thought you would have gone to bed by now?" Li An asked. She has always had the image of a sweet and considerate girl so even if she could not care less about what her uncle was doing, she still had to pretend to care.

"I just came down to get a glass of water. It's already late. You should go to bed now" Li Zhengguo said.

"Alright uncle" Li An said. She pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to say something but she could not dare to say it.

"Is there something that you want to say Li An?" Li Zhengguo asked.

"Uncle, did you talk to Li Ran? Is she going to come?" Li An asked.

Li Zhengguo smiled when he remembered the conservation that he had with his daughter. He did not know what has prmopted her to change so much but he was really happy about her change. She was starting to get more and more sensible. This is a good thing.

If this continues he will no longer feel bad about leaving the company in her hands. No matter what, she has a strong husband to support her with everything!

"Yes! She said that she's going to come. I don't know what happened to Ran Ran but she seemed to have changed a lot! She even told me that she was sorry for kicking up a fuss all this time and that she wants to live a good life with Lu Sichen! Isn't this great? I thought that she will continue to be immature and create more problems for her in laws! But she didn't do anything like that! She said that she's going to live well! I can't be any happier!" Li Zhengguo said.

Li An gave a forced smile when she heard this. She felt her heart sink to her stomach. Li Ran….what the hell happened to that idoit? Isn't she the fool who will do just about anything that she tells her to do?

Why did she change so much? Why did she tell her father that she is going to live well?

No….this can't go on! She can't let Li Ran over shadow her. She has always been the one to over shadow Li Ran! She can wait anymore! She will have to do something drastic tommorow!