Dinner (4)

"Is that so? It's just that….I think I've done something wrong and I want to apologise" Li Ran said.

"No! There's nothing for you to apologise for! I…I didn't mean anything else. I was just worried about you and Brother Beichen. Are you really going to give up on him?" Li An asked. There was a look of concern on her face. But Li An was cursing inside.

Li Ran showed a scared expression on her face. "What are you talking about Xiao An? I'm already married to Brother Sichen! Right now, I'm Lu Beichen's aunt! You are not telling me to chest on brother Sichen right?" Li Ran asked. She looked like she was scared.

Li An "....."

She was specheless. When did Li Ran get so blunt with her words? One second she felt like Li Ran was faking this and she thought that there is no way that Li Ran will be able to fake it so perfectly. She just did not know what to think now.

"No no! That's not what I meant Ran Ran! It's just that…you and brother Beichen are in love! It's Lu Sichen who seperated the both of you! You can't give up the man that you love because of him!" Li An said. She felt like she will be able to convince Li Ran to fight for a divorce from Lu Sichen. That is because Li An really treated Li Ran like a fool with no brains!

Li Ran could tell that Li An looked at her like a fool but she wasn't angry. In fact, she felt like she deserved it. She used to be a complete idoit! She had even sacrificed her life and Lu Sichen's life because of her idiocy!

It would not be bad if only she died because of her foolishness but she had to drag Lu Sichen in it!

So no matter what she has to make sure to torture the both of them so that she can exact her revenge !

"Really? Then what are you telling me to do now? Brother Sichen is really nice to me" Li Ran said. She tilted her head, looking like she was thinking about what Li An said.

She looked like a complete idoit now and Li An smirked in victory when she saw her like this. She knew that this idoit will never grow some brains over night!

What she did not notice was that Li Ran was smirking form an angle that she could not see! If Li An thinks that manipulating her will be easy this time, she had better think again!

"He's only nice to you because he wants you to fall for his tricks! You don't need to resign yourself to him Li Ran! Since you don't like him, you should get a divorce! You should go be with the person that you like!" Li An said. She felt like she was really close to convincing Li Ran.

"Really? But what will happen to our family then if I get a divorce? The Li Family will never be a match for the Lu family! What if brother Sichen decides to get his revenge on me? What am I going to do then?" Li Ran asked. She still looked as scared as ever.

"You don't need to worry about that Ran Ran. You are right…our family can't ever stand against the Lu Family. If Lu Sichen is really angry and there's nothing that we can do then…..I can take your place and get married to him instead! As long as you can live a happy life with the man that you love, I can sacrifice myself! You've always been giving into me since you are my older sister, it's time for me to do something for you!" Li An said.

Anyone listening to her right now will relalt think that she is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her older sister. But Li Ran knew that she just wanted to take her place and get married to her husband instead. Li Ran felt disgusted just listening to Li An making her thoughts seem so righteous!

She really wanted to throw up! And then slap Li An a few times across the face for daring to convert her husband. But she knew that she must not do that right now. It she did, Li An will be the only victim who wants to help her and she will be labelled as the unreasonable older sister. Li An can just argue that she was doing it for her sake and it will be the end of the issue!

Li Ran knew better than to give Li An that chance! But she was still happy. Li An finally fell into her trap!

"Li An! How can you have such thoughts! For one thing, brother Sichen is my husband! What do you think people will say if the older sister gets divorced from him and the younger sister marries him instead??! Do you want to embarrass the Li family and ruin our reputation? Reputation has always been everything to Grandpa! If you make the Li family lose face in the upper circle then grandpa will be sure to break your legs! How can you think that you will get married in my place? Brother Sichen treats me well, there is no way that I will leave him! And Lu Beichen, I already made it clear that the both of us are a thing of the past! Asking me to get together with my nephew….how can I do something so disgusting as a member of the Li Family? The Li family did not teach you such disgusting values! Where did you learn them from? I know that you should not have hung out with Lu Beichen much! He must be the one who taught you to act like this! No matter what you still carry the Li Family name! You can't ruin our reputation like this!" Li Ran said. This is what she was waiting for! She knew that Li An won't be able to hold back after she was scolded like this!