Settle For Li An

But coupled with the innocent and naive look on Li Ran's face, it was impossible for Li An to tell if she was doing it on purpose or if she just blurted it out unknowingly. 

She looked carefully at Li Ran's face trying to find some other reaction that suggested that she was pretending but she could not see any traces of pretense on her face. 

Li An decided that if Li Ran was faking this , then she must be even more formidable than she is! 

Just then, Li An's name was called for her to audition. Li An heaved a sigh. This saved her from this suffocating conversation.

"Ran Ran, I'll go for my audition now. Good luck" Li Ran said and went into the audition room. She was really nervous. Now that Li Ran is here, any chances that she might have had before was now gone by more than half. 
