
Lu Sichen had just come out from a meeting. One of the secretaries who worked outside his office handed his phone to him as soon as he walked out. 

"Here you go sir. Your phone has been ringing but I turned it off since you were in a meeting" The female secretary, Song Yao said. She looked intently at the man, waiting for him to praise her. But all that she got ass a scowl..

"Who told you that you can do whatever you want with my phone?" Lu Sichen asked angrily. He had a habit of not taking his phone with him to a meeting. But because he remembered that today is the day Li Ran was supposed to get the results from the auditions, he passed the phone to one of the secretaries so she can bring it to him if Li Ran calls. But this woman went ahead to do whatever she wanted!

"Sir?" Song Yao was confused. She knew that her boss is a man who is always focused on work. She did not understand why he was so angry that she picked up the phone. What is wrong with him?