Pursue Her

His son Sun Jing is such a talented man. He should be able to find a woman who can settle down with him and who can be the little woman behind him. He didn't want someone that was too difficult too handle. 

He had seen how the daughters of some of his friends behaved. They were all pampered brats who demanded that things must go thier way no matter what. Any man will definitely get a headache if he has to put up with someone like that for the rest of his life. He didn't even want to consider it at all. 

Meng Xi snorted at her husband's concerns. She wasn't worried about this at all. No matter what Li Ran's attitude is like, she wanted her son to get married to her as soon as possible. 

As for her being the perfect wife for her son....Meng Xi snorted. She can definitely train her to be the daughter in law that she wants.