Let's Go Together

The call came in again and Mu Zichen took the phone this time. He answered the call and put it on loudspeaker. 

"Hello Miss Ding, this is the hope orphanage" A female voice said from the other end of the call. 

Mu Zichen looked at Ding Dongdong as he tried to guage her reaction. She didn't look shocked, so it was obvious that she already knew who was calling, but she looked relieved for some reason. 

"Miss Ding, you said that you'll come to see the children today...are you still going to come?" The matron said. 

On the other end of the call, the matron's heart was pounding against her chest. She had realized something was wrong when she called Ding Dongdong the first time and she didn't pick up. She wanted to be on the safe side so she mentioned the orphanage first. Seeing how the person on the other side of the phone didn't say anything, the matron was convinced that Ding Dongdong is with someone.