
 "Uncle....Lu Sichen is Li Ran's husband. I really don't understand what you mean" Li An decided to play dumb

"Oh is that so? Your mother told me that you said some things about Lu Sichen's and Li Ran's relationship" Li Zhengguo said coldly as he focused his eyes on Li An. 

Li An's heart skipped a beat. She immediately looked over at her mother. She knew deep down that it can't be anything good. She cursed herself in her heart for ever believing that her mother will be able to do a good job in helping her. What was she expecting from this woman? She should have known that it won't be anything good! 

Li An didn't know what her mother said but from her uncle's expression, she could already tell that it wasn't anything good at all. 

"Really uncle? What did mom say?" Li An asked in the calmest voice that she could muster.