Chapter 1: The Awakening

Noah was standing outside his school. He stood there waiting for the arrival of his family's car.

A range rover pulled beside him, and the driver exited the vehicle to help Noah open the door.

Noah - "Uncle Paul, there is no need for this."

Paul waved his hand toward the open car seat and said, "Please, young master, I insist."

Noah quickly got into the car and sat down in a comfortable backseat. Paul got back in and started driving the vehicle.

Noah - "Is there any news on when dad will return from his business trip?".

Paul - "Unfortunately, there is no confirmed date."

Noah - "Oh, so will he not be present for my 14th birthday celebration?".

Paul - "Who knows, there are still two weeks to go? Maybe he will surprise you".

Noah looked outside his window and was left feeling melancholy. Seeing Noah like this, Paul tried to lighten the atmosphere.

Paul - "How was school today, Master Noah?".

Noah - "It was the usual, just another ordinary day."

Paul - "Come on, Master Noah, you don't need to feel so down."

Noah - "I guess I am just tired."

Paul - "How about I turn on some music? Maybe that will cheer you up".

Noah - "Fine, let's give that a shot."

Paul - "That the spirit."

Paul then proceeded to turn on the radio, and a very catchy guitar tune started playing. It made the environment of the car pleasant.

Listening to the song, Noah felt relaxed like never before. Unknowingly, he started humming a tune.

The tune was not related to the song in any way, yet Noah's mind was completely mesmerized by this tune. Lyrics just flowed through his head to his mouth.

Noah - "We will, we will rock you."

Paul - "Ah, what was that master? I didn't quite catch that".

Noah - "Nothing, uncle. Can you increase the volume a bit".

Hearing Noah's request, Paul increased the volume of the radio. Paul continued to listen to the song on the radio while Noah's mind wandered off somewhere else.

Noah started wondering where he had heard those lyrics before, and memories of his past life started to flood his brain.

Noah closed his eyes and felt like he was watching a movie. A sad and depressing movie. He saw everything from his birth to his own death.

At first, it all felt so strange. Maybe it was all a dream but seeing how real everything felt. Noah came to a sudden realization that he had been reborn.

Noah took everything he had experienced, and his brain matured. It completely transformed this twelve-year-old child into a grown man.

In his previous life, he was a musician, not a famous one but a third-rate musician. The kind that performed on the street.

After accepting his previous life's memories, Noah suddenly heard a strange mechanical voice.

"Welcome to the host. The system is back online". Noah immediately opened his eyes to find who had spoken but found no one.

Noah soon recalled something called system from online novels and realized this was his opportunity to achieve something in the world.

Noah asked, "System? can you explain your functions and origin?".

The system replied, "I am the Universal Music System, and my purpose is to help spread tunes around the world."

Noah - "Music, huh, that makes sense. I did sing a tune to get my memories, so that must be your doing".

System - "Yes, host, it was the only way to jog your memory awake."

Noah - "Okay, so how do I get these songs? Please explain in detail".

System - "Well, the song can be redeemed through the lucky draw, which can be bought with repulsion points. You can also upgrade your singing talent with reputation points".

Noah - "A lottery draw now that seems a bit unfair."

System - "Host the lottery is not completely random in the sense a higher tier of the lottery will have a chance to get a better song."

Noah - "Oh, interesting, then can you tell me my points right now? I want to draw a lottery as soon as possible".

System - "Here is your system panel. It shows talents and points".

{ Host: Noah Hunt

Age: 13 years old

Languages: English Level 4 (2340/4000)

Vocal Modulation: Level 1 (520/1000)

Singing Rhythm: Level 1 (200/1000)

Tempo Speed Control: Level 1 (400/1000)

Rap Skills: Level 1 (10/1000)

Reputation Points: 1000

Non-redeemed Songs: None }

Noah - "How do I already have a thousand points?".

System - "Well, being from a rich and famous family helps you earn points."

Noah - "Cool."

System - "Host, would you like to use a copper lottery draw? or try a bronze draw? Or try an iron draw?".

Noah - "Please explain the difference in cost?".

System - "It is simple a copper draw costs mere ten points, bronze costs a hundred points, iron costs one thousand points."

Noah - "So what the catch?. There must be something like the probability to get trash is higher in copper?".

System - "Correct, so copper there is a chance of 5% chance of getting a song and that song is also capped. While it 15% in bronze and 25% in Iron".

Noah - "Now, what do you mean by song caps?".

System - "Well, to provide a fair process, the different lotteries have a particular lower limit and an upper limit. For example, in copper, the song peak will range from 80 to 100 in the hot 100. While it increases in that order for higher lotteries".

Noah - "Wait, so is it guaranteed that I will get into hot 100?".

System - "No, that will depend on the host's skills and how well he sings the song. Maybe a copper song could hit number 1 on the list if you make it with peak skills, or maybe you sang it with no skill, and it never caught on".

Noah - "Okay, now that's clear, let's talk about the album."

As Noah finished talking to himself in his mind uncle, Paul got out of the car and opened the door for Noah.

Paul - "We have arrived home, young master."

Noah got out of the car and headed inside the white mansion.