Chapter 7: Noah Vs Lizard Mark

Noah - "I got it. I imagine I have flash's powers."

Noah got super speed and found himself wearing the iconic red Flash suit. After a close inspection of his attire, Noah spoke, "Alright, now I need an open space to use my power to its fullest potential. How about a Galactic Colosseum?

Galactic Commentator Ray - "Flash, a speedster who solely relies on speed fighting Lizard Mark whose strength speaks volumes across the Galaxy."

Galactic Commentator Rhaf - "What an exciting matchup we have here tonight."

Ray - "Rhaf, who do you think will win tonight?"

Rhaf - "Well, on paper, it sounds like a fair fight, but I think flash is hand down going to win."

Ray - "Are you sure? I feel Mark can be quite a toughy with endurance like his."

Rhaf - "Ray, you shouldn't forget that flash got those crazy lightning bolt tricks up his sleeves."

Ray - "That's true. It's probably why he is the bookies' favorite to win."

Rhaf - "Let's see 1:3 that some fair odds as this match is bound to be a close one."

Ray - "Oh, looks like the fighters are ready."

Rhaf - "Let welcome them with a fierce chant, shall we Colosseum of Doom?"

As the two fighters enter the open space, the crowd goes wild". Loud chants of "Fight" are heard throughout the Colosseum.

Sitting on a throne, Doctor Manhattan got up and showed a pause sign to the audience. The place immediately goes pin drop quiet.

Rhaf - "The fight is just underway, forks. Tonight's referee is Doctor Manhattan himself."

Doctor Manhattan then flies down to open ground from his seat and mediates the fight between the two fighters.

Dr. Manhattan - "Alright, gentlemen, I want a clean fight, you can use your prowess as you please, but no cheating method like time travel is allowed."

Noah - "Understood."

Dr. Manhattan - "You heard me right. I once again remind you that if I find any imbalance in the space-time continuum, you will automatically lose this fight."

Noah - "Ya, I got it, Doc. I won't mess about with time. My name is not Barry Allen."

Dr. Manhattan - "Then you may head to your corners."

Dr. Manhattan "Both fighters are in position, let this battle commence."

Noah immediately headed straight for Lizard Mark while seeing Noah approaching. Mark claps his hands to create a sound wave attack.

Due to the world moving too slowly, Noah could barely react to this oncoming sound wave and doges to the left.

Noah then circles around Mark as if mocking him that he couldn't catch him.

Lizard Mark then decides to jump up, and the raw momentum of his fall causes a Shockwave that cracks the earth.

Noah realizes that he wouldn't be able to charge a lightning bolt in time and decisively gives up that plan.

He starts focusing on making sure to not step into a crack in the ground. Which would cause him to fall down.

He also maneuvers around pieces of the ground floating in the air.

While Noah's attention is on other things. Mark uses this to his advantage by throwing his hefty spear.

Unfortunately, the speed at which the spear fly's toward Noah is not nearly enough.

Noah not only easily dodges the spear but also grabs hold of it. He then puts all his current momentum into it and throws it back at Lizard Mark.

Mark blocks the spear with his giant shield as if he had anticipated this sudden attack.

The momentum of the spear is potent, and even after Mark's best effort, he is forced backward.

His shield makes a loud vibration noise with the impact of the spear.

Seeing Mark stuck in a defensive maneuver, Noah decides to use Mark's own tactic against him.

He stamps on the ground, causing derbies to float up, and then flicks them with his fingers.

The tiny rocks soon act like bullets penetrating Mark's shield. Rendering the shield entirely useless.

Seeing Lizard Mark's back open, Noah decides to attack from behind, but Mark is clearly aware of this.

When he saw a red blur from the corner of his eye, he leaped up and tried to do a complete 180.

Noah - "No way I will let you go so easily."

Noah jumped up and kneed Mark in the stomach. Mark looks like he was severely hurt but grabbed hold of Noah's knee.

Lizard Mark - "Got you now, Noah."

When Mark landed on the ground, he pulled Noah's leg and started smashing him all over the floor.

After three smashes on the ground, Noah started vibrating his whole body and finally managed to phase out of Mark's hands.

Noah then shouted, "Enough, let's end this."

He then pulled a reverse flash and started phasing his hand, clearly intending to phase through Kong's heart.

Just as Noah's hand was about to touch Mark's chest, Mark spits at Noah's oncoming hand.

Noah was entirely caught off guard, and his hand stopped phasing. That moment Mark bumped his chest right into Noah.

Noah then proceeded to go flying into the Colosseum's protective shield covering.

Noah lay on the ground, trying his best to recover, and asked, "No, how is this possible? Why can't I phase through your spit?."

Lizard Mark answered, "Well, you see, Noah phasing through a liquid as thick as my spit is just not something you're capable of"

As Mark starts heading toward Noah to finish the job. Noah spoke, "No, I remember Flash can phase through anything."

Noah then phases through the ground, appears right below where Mark was standing, and splits him into two halves.

Doc flies down, holds up Noah's right hand, and shouts," Your winner, the Flash.

Noah then shouts at the crowd, "Are you not entertained?"