The failed prodigy.

3 AM.

Ciobara awoke as this was her routine it didn't matter if she slept early or late, she would be awake at this time and would start her training.

Her proficiency in mana and blood control was progressing each passing day, blood control was still lacking as she couldn't yet use it for attacks but minor control had become possible.

She should be able to shoot out a ray with the thickness of a thin wire today. The previous malnutrition was hindering her training.

She left the dormitory and reached the training room there she started practicing and in just ten minutes she was able to shoot blood in a direct line.

Testing its power, she found it was enough to pierce through a grade 1 being's defenses. A single target killing tool stronger than her current spells.

She practiced her newly learned skill [Gafola] for an extended amount of time to make her body get used to controlling blood which would later help her acquire higher skills.

This way she will be able to remind her body that it's a vampire even though it had never practiced blood arts since childhood its talent would bloom once it got used to the feeling.

'finally, I am getting my vampire skills back, but I will only use this in emergencies or against a dungeon boss'

It was now time to go to the class Mr. Kai Kazuhiro teaches, he was that arrogant teacher she had decided to punish for his insolence.

He was the same teacher that doubted her intelligence and insulted her during the first lecture she attended after reincarnation.

'He deserves getting fired for his behavior,' Ciobara felt rage whenever she thought about the guy.

You would think he'd treat you better if you had talent but no, he was the opposite he would show even more hostility cause peasants and the lowborn don't deserve such talent in his opinion.

"This would be fun is here again"

"Haha, that day must've been her lucky day"

"It certainly was"

Many interesting comments entered her ears, which she ignored and took her seat beside Asa who was already there.

Just as she took her seat, the classroom turned quiet as the sensei entered. He was a middle-aged man with a little above average height and an always-present look of arrogance.

He wore a long silver-colored robe with geometric patterns in yellow zigzagging across its entire length.

The hood rested on his back, and the cape he wore over it indicated his status as a teacher in the academy, while the robes' patterns indicated his rank as a master magician.

A cape that only went to the half-length of the upper arm. Its two sides were fitted to his neck with a brooch. The symbol of the academy was embroidered near the heart.

No mage other than this academy's teachers would wear something like this.

"Let's start the class with some entertainment, shall we?" getting near the teacher's desk while looking at the class from the stage he grinned.

This had become routine since the last time Ciobara had shown him his place.

"Miss Ciobara would you come on stage and tell your classmates the faults of this circle I am about to draw?" He called her out for his entertainment.

"How can this lowly mud blood could spot any faults on a magic circle a being such as yourself has drawn? I am still lacking sire." with a smile just as arrogant she replied.

"A disappointment such as yourself should feel honored I am giving you this chance or would you like me to fail you?" He smiled like a devil.

Today he had drawn another lightning-type magic circle [electro setraya] which generated a region of electric discharge anyone in it would be stunned for a few minutes.

It was also a tier 3 spell and could be deadly to those with weak defenses the snakes made of lightning that are a result of that discharge constantly attack you as long as you are inside the field.

"Sir, the spell you have drawn is certainly another lightning element spell, but It's too complex for this humble one to decipher anymore" she answered with indifference.

"So, you didn't understand a thing as expected from a disappointment. You will draw this spell fifty times on your notebook as punishment and will be banned from entering the library for three days." Sensei smirked.

He had found out about her routine last day and smiled devilishly that this would be a punishment she would complain about and he could get rid of her cleanly after this.

"Understood sir" she replied with a smile as today she did not even plan to go to the library.

"Damian would you care to explain the faults on this circle to your dumb classmate?" sensei called out to the highest member of nobility in his class.

"Definitely, sir the circle you drew is from the spell called [Electro Setraya], this spell creates a deadly electric field but the one you drew has two runes missing" the boy answered with confidence

"Fabulous, see this is what a talent is it doesn't fail after a single day of success," Sensei started praising Damian and insulting her using him as an example which went for at least ten minutes ending it with these words, "This is what you lowborn morons would never be able to accomplish"

"I will be teaching you about the runes and other essentials that make up a tier 2 circle today so listen well" after he was satisfied with scolding her, he continued with his lecture.

Ms. Amelia entered just after his exit, her lecture was a lot more interesting even though it was just the basics of incantations and runes.

Many of the students wanted to skip this class during earlier days of class but Ms. Amelia showed them the importance of the basics in just one lecture.

Sometimes she asked very interesting questions like the one about different ways of using magic spells or the importance of monster materials.

The second class ended with no problem as well.

Ciobara was not feeling well so she decided to ditch the next class to go get some ingredients to purify her blood.

The blood she drank yesterday was poisoned with an addictive drug which also had the effect of making you feel sleepy and tired.

For this she went to the academy city market, it wasn't easy as during class time students could not leave the teaching zone, and she had to sneak out.

Using [Mana Dispersion] she climbed over the wall and entered academy city, to her west was the market zone.

The drug wasn't high grade so it was easy to find the herbs required for the potion to cure its effects.

Spotting a shop that dealt with herbs she entered and started looking for herbs she had read in the library. She picked up a total of four herbs here.

"How much is it?" hurriedly she asked the shopkeeper

After inspecting the herbs, she had picked, "Are you a potion maker young lady?" the old shopkeeper asked as he answered her question before she could reply, "2,000 academy credits"

"Thanks, my teacher had asked for herbs, I'm just learning" she answered the shopkeeper and hurried back.

She entered the rented training room, where she would make the very first potion of her new life.