Ye Fan wanted to go to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to collect debts earlier, but Tang Ruoxue forced him to go to lunch.

Ye Fan could feel that Tang Ruoxue paid more attention to him than he didn't care before.

At twelve noon, the two walked into the Aegean Sea Restaurant.

It was the peak lunch hour at the moment, many diners passed by, and the fragrance was blowing.

There are also many luxury cars parked outside the door.

It's just that Tang Ruoxue's temperament still leaves them alone compared to the youthful women with heavy makeup.

As soon as they entered the door, many animals looked at Tang Ruoxue with ardent eyes.

There are successful people in the business field, and there are rich second-generation families with rich backgrounds.

Naturally, there are also energetic little fresh meat.

But Tang Ruoxue didn't even look at them, found a corner table and sat down, then ordered two steaks, a salad, and a bottle of wine.

Tang Ruxue was wearing an urban beauty dress today, with a graceful and attractive figure wrapped in it.

The snow-white dazzling thighs, without the entanglement of silk stockings, add more temptation, move alternately, and collide with each other from time to time, which makes one's mouth dry.

Ye Fan drank two sips of lemonade before suppressing the flames.

"Remember, go see your mother after dinner, and go home for dinner at night."

Thinking of Lin Qiuling's phone call, Tang Ruoxue stared at Ye Fan and said, "I will help you soothe your mother's emotions."

"You Qian Don't go to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to collect debts."

She was worried that Ye Fan, who was stimulated by her mother, would die.

Ye Fan said hesitantly, "Ruoxue, I still want to give it a try..."

He was so angry with Lin Qiuling last night that if he failed to collect the debt today, he was afraid that Lin Qiuling would humiliate the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to fulfill Tang Ruoxue as soon as possible.

Tang Ruoxue's pretty face froze: "Don't you even listen to me?"

Ye Fan said lightly: "If you don't get back two million, Mom will scold you for a month."

"If you don't want to go, don't go, so what? What nonsense?"

Tang Ruoxue looked impatient: "I will handle it, even if I can't handle it, if she wants to scold her, let her scold her."

"A few words are better than breaking your hands and feet, the depth of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is not something you can imagine. Yes ."

Ye Fan didn't speak, just took a sip of lemonade.

"It's settled like that."

Tang Ruoxue was as strong as always, then stared at Ye Fan and asked coldly, "When did you learn medicine?"

If she saw it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that it was Ye Fan who saved Qian. Akane.

Even now, Tang Ruoxue felt unreal.

The son-in-law, who can't beat a fart with a stick on weekdays, was able to save Qian Qian with a clever trick. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"I used to do housework at home, so I turned on the TV when I was bored, and watched the Chinese medicine lecture hall while working."

Ye Fan gave an explanation: "Over time, if you occasionally flip through your parents' medical books, you will know a little bit of Chinese medicine. "

Watching TV?"

Tang Ruoxue suddenly realized, remembering the Chinese Medicine Lecture Hall of Zhonghai 8, Tang Sanguo also went to the show to film an episode before.

It's just that the show is too professional and seems a bit boring. Young people hardly watch it. I didn't expect Ye Fan to follow and watch it and learn a little bit.

This can really explain Ye Fan's rescuing Qian Qian, and it can also explain that Shen Biqin was hospitalized for a year, but Ye Fan was helpless.

Because Qian Qian died, it was really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Thinking of this, Tang Ruoxue suddenly became angry:

"You're so daring, you dare to save people just by watching TV?"

"If Qian Qian doesn't survive, you will have to peel off your skin even if you don't die."

She was very angry and worried for a whole morning, even now, it's a little bit afraid.

You know, Ye Fan does not have a medical qualification certificate, and if Qian Qian has an accident, he will be sent to prison at any time.

"I just took the shot because I happened to see this case on the show."

Ye Fan explained again: "Besides, Qian Qian was not saved at the time, and I was also a dead horse and a living horse doctor."

"This Forget it."

Tang Ruoxue issued a warning: "Next time, you must not save people indiscriminately, you must know yourself."

Ye Fan was silent and did not answer.

"I don't care about you, nor do I want to teach you a lesson."

Tang Ruoxue's pretty face became cold:

"I'm worried that you will hurt others and implicate the Tang family."

Ye Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that the woman was worried about himself, It turned out that he was worried that he would implicate the Tang family in the end...

"Miss, hello."

At this moment, a beautiful waiter came over with a tray:

"This is the wine that Mr. Lin invited you to drink."

She put the tray worth five Thousands of Bordeaux red wine were placed on Tang Ruoxue's table.

"Drinking wine?"

Tang Ruoxue and Ye Fan were stunned for a moment, then followed the waiter's gaze, and saw a man with Armani smiling and nodding.

Young, handsome, and rich, at first glance, he is a successful person.

Beside him, there were several well-dressed men and women looking at Tang Ruoxue and Ye Fan with a smile.

Without any hesitation, Tang Ruoxue thanked Fang Fang for her kindness: "I'm sorry, I don't know him, take this wine back."

"This..." The

pretty waiter frowned, "Miss, Young Master Lin is rarely so enthusiastic. I hope you can accept it."

"You know, Young Master Lin is handsome and rich, and many women are too late to curry favor with Young Master Lin."

"Shouldn't you be honored that he could drop his body to give you red wine?"

"I don't understand very well, why did you refuse?"

She looked like Tang Ruoxue didn't know how to lift her up.

There is no doubt that the Armani youth is a regular here, and has an affair with the beautiful wait staff.

Ye Fan didn't speak, just lowered his head and ate the steak.

Three hundred and eighty one, he can't waste it.

"Are you deaf?"

Tang Ruoxue's voice became cold: "Take the wine back, you have disturbed our meal."

She also glanced at Ye Fan, and when she saw him being an ostrich, her eyes flashed with disappointment.

In the morning, I thought Ye Fan had changed, but he was still so cowardly.

Her boiling heart cooled a bit.

Seeing Tang Ruoxue refusing people thousands of miles away, the pretty waiter showed a touch of irritability:

"Miss, I'm doing it for you too. Young Master Lin is so good, he gave you the opportunity to get close, you should cherish it."

She disdain Tang Ruoxue very much . Attitude, I think she is pretending, Young Master Lin's condition is so good, how could Tang Ruoxue not want to climb high?

"He is a hundred times better than the man next to you. If you miss it, you will regret it."

She also glanced at Ye Fan with contempt, she had always known Ye Fan's existence.

It's just that for her, Ye Fan and Lin Baishun are not comparable.

Tang Ruoxue said unceremoniously, "Go away!" The

pretty waiter looked down at Tang Ruoxue:

"Miss, it's almost done, and then pretending to be boring..."

Tang Ruoxue raised her eyebrows: "Let your manager roll over for me.

" Wow— "

At this moment, Lin Baishun, who had been watching the situation, took the initiative to walk over with a glass of wine.

Aura of arrogance.

There was still determination on his face.

A few hooligans also followed with a smile on their faces to watch the fun.

"Lin Shao is as good as always, is this going to rob a woman in public?"

"Hey, no one can escape the woman that Manager Lin likes, and all of them obediently threw their arms in their arms."

"That little net last time. Hong, like a martyr, he scolded Lin Shao to get out of the way, but he didn't get smashed by Lin Shao with two million yuan."

"There's another good show today..."

Many animals in the restaurant were afraid that the world would not be confused.

The pretty waiter also smiled smugly.

Young Master Lin goes out, but Tang Ruoxue still doesn't obey?

Tang Ruoxue glanced at Ye Fan again, and found that he still didn't respond, and felt even more self-deprecating and disappointed.

Although the two did not have a substantial relationship, they were still legally married. If the wife was molested like this, the husband should be angry.

Too tortoise, too incompetent, too irresponsible.

She regretted looking at Ye Fan in the morning.

"Beauty, hello, my name is Lin Baishun."

Lin Baishun came to Tang Ruoxue and smiled elegantly , "I have a

fate to meet today, I wonder if I can show you a face, drink a glass of wine, and make friends?" Of course, he also directly ignored Ye Fan's existence. Tang Ruoxue didn't even look at him, just looked at Ye Fan and said, "Ye Fan, are you full? Let's go." The pretty waiter became angry: "Young Master Lin came to the door, please be more enthusiastic and let me If Lin Shao is angry, you will be in trouble." "Be gentle with beautiful women—"

Lin Baishun waved to the pretty waiter, then shook the red wine and looked at Ye Fan who was eating steak with a smile:

"Sir, I like your woman, get out of here after you finish eating."

"Such a beautiful woman . , you can't protect it." As

he spoke, he threw out a Ferrari key and an Apollo Villa key card.

A few fox friends laughed.

The pretty waiter also looked at Ye Fan with contempt.

The diners at the scene also looked here, gleefully watching the liveliness.

Everyone wanted to see Ye Fan's reaction.

After Ye Fan ate the last bite of the steak, he grabbed a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Seeing that Ye Fan was ignoring himself, Lin Baishun squinted his eyes and patted Ye Fan's cheek with a smile,

"Don't you understand what I said?"

"You are so beautiful, Young Master Lin, I am envious, jealous, and hateful. The consequences are very serious. Yes ."

He laughed wildly and coldly.

Ye Fan said lightly, "Do you know what the consequences of slapping my face are?"

"Consequences? You're very arrogant, I'd like to see the consequences..."

Lin Baishun sneered yin and yang, and continued to slap Ye Fan's face recklessly. .

This time, his hand failed.


Bang——" Ye Fan rolled over, grabbed Lin Baishun's neck, and knocked his head against the plate.

Porcelain swirled, juice splashed, mixed with dazzling scarlet blood.

Ye Fan didn't stop, grabbed the bottle and knocked again.

Bang, the back of Lin Baishun's head blossomed.

Lin Baishun struggled and whimpered while holding the table top with both hands.


Several women screamed, and the men's expressions suddenly changed.

Tang Ruoxue subconsciously covered her mouth and exclaimed, the development of things was completely unexpected to her.

At the same time, she felt a ripple in her heart and felt a sense of security for the first time.

The next second, Ye Fan kicked Lin Baishun out:

"Go away!"