CHAPTER 17. Forged

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Fan took a taxi back to the door of Tang's house.

He took the Rolex off his wrist and put it back in the humble watch case.

This is the latest Rolex. Although it is still a traditional watch, it has added a fingerprint sensor. After setting it, Ye Fan can only activate the hands.

He didn't wear it to enter the house, lest Lin Qiuling and the others would sneer.

Walking to the door, Ye Fan still felt a sense of unreality.

A week ago, I kneeled dozens of people for 100,000 yuan.

Today, not only carry hundreds of thousands of Rolex, but also help the Tang family solve the problem.

This is incredible.

As his thoughts turned, Ye Fan rang the doorbell.

Not long after, Tang Ruoxue came over to open the door, saw Ye Fan's eyes softened, and then returned to the dining room in silence.

Only then did Ye Fan see that the Tang family was eating.

Han Jianfeng and Tang Fenghua also came, and there were many gifts on the coffee table, apparently to apologize to Lin Qiuling.

In any case, fake paintings always have to be made up.

The family of five was very happy to eat. They never had the habit of waiting for Ye Fan to eat together, nor did they feel the need to have such a habit.

Ye Fan changed his shoes, threw the Rolex at the entrance, and walked into the dining room.

"Ye Fan, haven't you eaten yet?"

Tang Sanguo coughed, "Come over and have dinner together."

He misunderstood Ye Fan in the morning and punched him, making Tang Sanguo feel guilty.

"What's it called? Don't you want to hold on when you're full?"

Lin Qiuling scolded her with wide eyes,

"We don't have enough food for eight dishes, so let the white-eyed wolf eat it?"

Tang Sanguo looked hesitant: "Eight dishes, we can't finish it..."

"Why can't we finish it?"

Lin Qiuling took over the topic: "Jianfeng and Fenghua haven't eaten much yet."

Han Jianfeng said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely clean up the food on the table."

Tang Sanguo gave Ye Fan a pitying look: "It's a family anyway, Ye Fan helped you in the morning..."

"Eating your meal, such a big chicken leg Can't you keep your mouth shut?"

Seeing Tang Sanguo mentioning what happened in the morning, Lin Qiuling became even more angry, slapped her chopsticks and shouted,

"If you don't shut up, you won't eat."

Tang Sanguo lowered his head helplessly.

"What kind of person are you? People are hard on their bones."

Lin Qiuling rolled her eyes at Ye Fan and hummed: "

Divorce and debt collection, you are more capable than you, and you are afraid that people will starve to death?"

After eating three million ginseng fruits, there is no problem without food for three years."

Tang Ruoxue's face was ugly, but she didn't say anything.

Once defending Ye Fan, it will only make Ye Fan suffer more from his mother's venting.

At that time, Ye Fan was even more embarrassed about the debt collection.

Be patient, it will be over.

"What? Did you get the two million back?" Lin Qiuling

hit Ye Fan: "If you go out for a day, if you don't have two million, 20,000 shouldn't be a problem, right?"


She took the long-handled spoon and scooped the porcelain pot with a sound. This time, she didn't teach Ye Fan a hard lesson, how can she control him in the future?

Moreover, Tang Sanguo and Tang Ruoxue's morning blame made her put all the blame on Ye Fan's head.

Tang Sanguo hurriedly smoothed things out: "Ye Fan was angry last night, so don't bother with him..."

"Shut up!"

Lin Qiuling glared at Ye Fan, then sneered at Ye Fan: "You are angry with other people's ambitions. If so, are you hitting him in the face?

Han Jianfeng said, "He can get money from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, and I ate this table. "

Ye Fan didn't care about the clamor of Lin Qiuling and Han Jianfeng.

He took out a two million check and slapped it directly in front of Lin Qiuling.


"This is the two million owed by the Four Seas Group to Chunfeng Clinic." "


"This is the contract of the Four Seas Group for the next three years. "


"This is a cheque of 10 million prepaid by Sihai Group."

Ye Fan stared at Lin Qiuling coldly, and said word by word, "

I not only helped the Tang family recover the debt, but also signed an additional contract of 10 million yuan. "

" The friendship of eating and drinking for free for a year should be cleared up.

Then, he looked at Han Jianfeng and sneered: "Brother-in-law, you can also eat the table . "

"What? Hearing Ye Fan 's

words, the five members of the Tang family were all shocked and looked at Ye Fan in disbelief.

Ye Fan not only recovered the debt, but also signed a contract for the next three years and even got the advance payment?

"It's impossible . . "

Han Jianfeng was the first to react: "The check and contract must be fake. "

" People's Park has a lot of licenses, you must have let people fake it. "

"How could you be a useless wretch and come back from debt collection and sign a three-year contract?"

"Ye Fan, let me tell you that forging checks and contracts is a crime and you will be imprisoned."

He picked up the checks and contracts and scanned them carefully, trying to find traces of Ye Fan's forgery.

Ye Fan sneered: "Wait for the table."

Tang Ruoxue, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "Ye Fan, why are you doing this?"

"I told you, I will appease my mother."

"The debt collector. I'll handle it properly."

"Even if Mom doesn't give me face, she won't kick you out of the house."

"As a result, you are so happy to get some fake checks and contracts..."

She stared at Ye Fan with cold eyes: " Could you save me some snacks?"

Obviously she also believed that Ye Fan could not succeed in debt collection.

Ye Fan's voice was soft: "Trust me."

Tang Ruoxue shook her head weakly.

Although Ye Fan has changed in the past two days, she still does not think that Ye Fan can successfully collect the debt.

Huang Zhendong is a guy who eats people without spitting out bones.

"It's really good."

Lin Qiuling pointed at the cheque and contract on the table with a clear face:

"It's my fault."

"I'll give you a chance."

"If you readily admit your wrongdoing, then kneel at the door. For one night, I will not pursue this matter."

"Otherwise, I will really drive you out of the Tang family and let you go as far as you want." She slapped

the table: "confess!"

Son-in-law, to get back two million from Huang Zhendong, isn't that nonsense?

Tang Sanguo hurriedly winked: "Ye Fan, come to the confession, your mother has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart..."

"The check and the contract are true..."

Ye Fan said lightly: "What kind of guilt do I admit?"

"No Don't give up on the Yellow River, don't cry without seeing the coffin?"

Seeing that Ye Fan didn't admit his mistake, Han Jianfeng sneered:

"I will go to the official website to verify the contract now, and if it is found to be fake, you will take the initiative to get out of the Tang family."

He picked up his mobile phone and went to the official website of the Four Seas Group to check the authenticity of the contract.

Lin Qiuling stood up and shouted impatiently:

"What to check, it's fake at first glance, let him get out."

She pulled out the chair and was about to leave.


Ah—" At this moment, Han Jianfeng lost his voice in surprise: "How is it possible? The contract is real!"

Lin Qiuling was taken aback.

She took a look and saw that the contract was the same as the official website, and the code and amount matched exactly...

Tang Ruoxue and the others also came over, and soon, she was stunned.

It never occurred to me that the contract was real.

Then, Lin Qiuling verified the check again, and the result was no moisture.

"How is that possible?"

Lin Qiuling was still in disbelief: "How can this waste do it..."

Tang Sanguo laughed: "Yes, yes, Ye Fan has grown."

"Thank you father-in-law."

Ye Fan looked at Lin Qiuling and asked Said: "Mom, is this favor paid off?"

Lin Qiuling's face was ugly.

Although this business can make a lot of money, she felt very awkward when she thought that it was done by Ye Fan.

This means that she has been slapped in the face by this fool again.

She snorted: "I don't know what kind of shit you stepped on to get the lottery..." Ye

Fan looked at Han Jianfeng and smiled: "Brother-in-law, hurry up and eat the table." Seeing that the always loved Han Jianfeng was blocked by Ye Fantian, Lin Qiuling felt very aggrieved, but the check and contract were not watery. "Brother-in-law, you are the big boss, and you have a promise." Ye Fan stimulated Han Jianfeng unceremoniously: "Would you like to pour some soy sauce for you to eat on the table?" "Enough! Ye Fan!" Lin Qiuling slapped her chopsticks and said, " The villain is successful." "If you don't want to get back two million and sign a contract, what's the point of being complacent and arrogant?" "Anyway, this debt has been recovered." Ye Fan asked, "Can I go with you? Ruoxue is divorced?" Lin Qiuling felt very aggrieved, she refused to agree to Ye Fan's divorce, and she really didn't look down on this son-in-law. But agreeing to divorce seems to satisfy Ye Fan's wish, and it seems that he dumped the Tang family, which is uncomfortable. "Ruoxue, bring the household registration book tomorrow, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce." Ye Fan did not force Lin Qiuling any more, and turned to look at Tang Ruoxue, who had a complicated expression. "Divorce? What kind of divorce? Did I promise you a divorce?" Tang Ruoxue suddenly became angry and shouted with a flick of her chopsticks, "Mom has promised a divorce, but I haven't agreed." "You are so capable, then take Yunding Mountain Villa. Come back, build it up, and let the lost dignity of the Tang family stand up again."

"Whenever I see Genting Villa, I will divorce you."

"Otherwise you can only wait for me to divorce you..."