CHAPTER 20. His money can't be borrowed

Ye Fan's words stimulated Yang Jingxiao, she never thought that a son-in-law who came to the door would dare to shake his face like this.

You must know that she is not only Tang Ruoxue's best friend, but also Yang's antique daughter, with a net worth of over 100 million, who can compare with Ye Fan?

However, she didn't rush to challenge it. After calming down a little, she regarded Ye Fan's words as a cover for excessive inferiority.

No matter what arrogant attitude Ye Fan showed, he was always a poor boy with no background.

They don't care.

A mere door-to-door son-in-law, how does he compare to them?

Yang Jingxiao, who had figured this out, was too lazy to talk to Ye Fan again.

Soon, the four of them went up to the fifth floor.

After pushing open the door called Triumph Hall, Ye Fan immediately saw a dozen men and women gathered inside.

One by one is jeweled, high-spirited, showing wealth and status.

Seeing Tang Ruoxue and his entourage appear, everyone turned their heads and looked over, their eyes lit up slightly.

Obviously Tang Ruoxue's beauty is very impactful.

"Ruoxue, Huanhuan, Jingxiao, are you here?"

One of the chubby young men laughed loudly and led the crowd to greet them with big strides.

The fat man has a tall nose and a huge body. He is wearing a famous brand, but he wears gold chains on his hands and neck, and three gold rings on his fingers.

There was an air of nouveau riche all over him.

"Liu Fatty, you really haven't changed for ten years. You are as vulgar as always."

Lin Huanhuan snorted softly, "I don't throw away such shameful things as gold rings and gold chains."

Tang Ruoxue introduced to Ye Fan in a low voice, "Liu Fugui, The former sports committee member, the son of the owner of the Huaxi Coal Mine, went bankrupt."

Ye Fan nodded slightly, secretly exclaiming that he is truly as his name suggests, 'rich and noble' is compelling.

"I also want to throw it away."

Liu Fugui smiled brightly: "But there is no way, my coal mine has been dug up long ago, and my family is also ruined."

"I only have this set of gold jewelry left."

"This But I am the last capital of the rich circle, without them, I'm afraid I can't even get in the door of this club."

Although Liu Fugui looks like a nouveau riche, his speech is quite straightforward, which makes Ye Fan a touch of favor.

Lin Huanhuan said contemptuously, "You bastard, vanity."

"Ruoxue, our schoolgirl, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Liu Fugui ignored Lin Huanhuan and looked at Tang Ruoxue with a kind face: "It's a pity that my family is bankrupt, otherwise I will definitely chase you."

"Don't be delusional."

Yang Jingxiao said intentionally or unintentionally, "Ruoxue has a name and owner."

"Nuo, next to him, the son-in-law, Ye Fan, is Ruoxue's husband."

Liu Fugui and the others exclaimed, looking at Ye Fan in disbelief.

He didn't seem to expect that this unremarkable man was Tang Ruoxue's husband.

"Don't be surprised, although he is Ruoxue's husband, he is actually a tool to celebrate."

Yang Jingxiao was full of hostility towards Ye Fan: "Ruoxue kicks him away at any time."


Tang Ruoxue frowned slightly and blamed Yang Jing Xiao spoke indifferently.

However, Ye Fan didn't care, and greeted everyone generously: "Hello everyone." A

dozen fashionable men and women looked erratic, pouted, completely ignoring Ye Fan.

Instead, Liu Fugui stepped forward and took out a business card: "Hello, Brother Ye, I am Liu Fugui, please give me more advice."

Although Ye Fan looked worse than him and didn't even have a gold necklace on his body, Liu Fugui firmly believed that many friends had many paths.

Ye Fan took the business card and said with a smile: "Hello, nice to meet you."

"You are a waste, an old-fashioned person."

Lin Huanhuan was scornful: "Things cluster together."

"Okay, Huanhuan, let's not talk about them, Zhang Shao what? When is the time?"

Yang Jingxiao glanced at Ye Fan disdainfully: "Ruoxue's capital turnover needs to be resolved sooner."

Ye Fan was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that Tang Ruoxue's company had something to do.

Liu Fugui's eyes widened instantly, "Ruoxue, you can't make enough money?"

"Well, there's a small problem."

Tang Ruoxue's mouth moved, and after glancing at Ye Fan, she remained calm. She came to the party today, so I don't care. Ye Fan knew the situation.

At the same time, she has a bit of complexity in her heart. If Ye Fan is too useless, how can she let her best friend lead her to borrow money?

Liu Fugui is rich and powerful: "How much is the difference?"

"Liu Fatty, does the difference have anything to do with you?"

Lin Huanhuan sneered: "Your family has become an empty shell, why is it that you still sell the shell and lend it to Ruoxue?"

Liu Fugui's eyes widened : "I am indeed an empty shell, but it is worth a little money. If Xue needs it, I will sell it immediately."

Ye Fan was slightly surprised, but he did not expect Liu Fugui to be so loyal, and Liu Fugui is not like a suitor, how can he be so unrelenting?

Tang Ruoxue smiled and waved his hand: "Fugui, no need, Jing Xiao helped me solve the problem."

Ye Fan whispered: "Is the gap big?"

"Fifty million."

Lin Huanhuan looked at Ye Fan and Liu Fugui and sneered: "Do you have it?"

Liu Fugui immediately shut up. Fifty million was not a problem when the Liu family was at its peak, but now he is struggling to make up five million.

As for other rich second-generation friends, two or three million is no problem, and fifty million, it is estimated that he will be blocked.

Ye Fan frowned slightly, not expecting Tang Ruoxue to be short of so much money.

He made an excuse to go out, then came to the corridor outside the hall, took out the Wuhu Suzaku card, and dialed the customer service number at the back...

"Usually you are so arrogant, but you lose the chain at a critical moment. You are really not men."

Seeing Liu Fugui's silence, Ye Fan went out to make a call, Yang Jingxiao's eyes were filled with contempt:

"Okay, I don't expect you."

She was very arrogant: "I have already contacted Zhang Xiaogang, he will come to meet Ruoxue later. "

Liu Fugui was surprised: "Zhang Xiaogang? But Zhang Xiaogang from the Zhang Group?"

"You have some knowledge."

"That's right, that Zhang Xiaogang, with more than a dozen engineering teams, dozens of projects, and a net worth of more than 20." 100 million."

Yang Jingxiao said indifferently: "I managed to get the connection successfully, you guys can be smart later and greet others well, it is a favor for Ruoxue."

"Ruoxue, Zhang Xiaogang is a bastard, it is best not to borrow his money. "

Liu Fugui frowned slightly: "I have a friend who lent him 1 million, and finally sold the house and sold the car to pay back more than 10 million, and his newlywed wife was sleeping with him."

"Shut up!"

Yang Jing Xiao Jiao shouted: "Damn fat man, don't slander Zhang Shao."

"Ruoxue, this money can't be borrowed..."

Liu Fugui didn't care: "I'll help you find a way, 50 million is a lot for me, but I can still make up two by smashing the pot and selling the iron. Ten million."

"I'll find other friends to get it together and get a loan, 30 million is no problem."

Liu Fugui looked serious: "Yes, I'll get 30 million first, you can carry it, don't borrow Zhang Xiaogang's. Money."

Tang Ruoxue hurriedly waved: "Fugui, no need, I can't ask for your money."

"We are friends."

Liu Fugui straightened up: "If you hadn't lent me money to file a lawsuit, I would still be in prison. Picking up soap inside." The

family went bankrupt, and the stepmother took the last family fortune, and transferred her personal debt to Liu Fugui, who almost went to jail.

At a critical moment, Tang Ruoxue lent him money to file a lawsuit, and introduced a few good lawyers, so that Liu Fugui could get rid of his debts and keep a little fortune.

So he was always grateful to Tang Ruoxue.

"Fatty fat man, are you finished?"

Yang Jingxiao shouted impatiently, "Your money is not enough for you to lose weight."

Liu Fugui looked stubborn: "Anyway, Ruoxue must not borrow Zhang Xiaogang's money. Money..."


Bang——" Before he could finish speaking, the closed box door was suddenly kicked open.