Mixed Feelings

Timothy's eyes bulged out in horror. He had been preparing for this. " What?" He screamed in surprise.

"Don't act so surprised," Pa deadpanned. He frustratingly shook his head before waving his hand and signaling them to leave his study room. "You both should leave."

Desmond walked out of the study room to the sitting room where he had left Samantha and the twins and still met them there, sitting quietly. His footsteps jerked her head in his direction and a small smile graced her face before it turned to a small frown.

"Desmond," she said, pulling her seat behind and getting up to meet him. As she approached him, she held his hand in hers and spoke softly. "Are you okay?"

Before he could give her a reply, the twins rushed to him, talking at the same time.

"Uncle Desmond, are you okay?" Kira asked.

"What about daddy?" Paco asked with concern for his father and just before Desmond could utter a word, Timothy spoke from behind him.