
The food tasted splendid. Stephanie savored every taste she had of the steak she was eating. Stephanie had gotten used to the taste of expensive foods, but this one had her mouth almost watering. Contrary to her expression a moment ago, she was forcing herself to not look bad as she ate the food with such swiftness that it had Claire in a state of shock. Claire, who wanted to just ask a few questions and get the meeting over with, silently cursed as she could do nothing but stare at Sam.

"I'm sorry. It's just that it's been a while since I tasted something this good," Sam said as she sighted the combined look of repulsion and surprise on Claire's face while holding a fork to her mouth.

"I---it's fine. I'm just glad you enjoy it," Claire gave the same smile she's given to thousands of customers around her. It was a fake smile, but it didn't look fake at all. She just wanted to let Sam eat as quickly as possible so she could start the discussion.