Chapter 22: Unbelievable

"Yeah, why did you get his spot on stage!?" Callie asked. Yuzuhara would sigh. Helen would sit down next to him. He would wrap his left arm around her shoulder. "What if Yuki decided not to show this year?" he said. Callie would look at him confused. "He wouldn't!" she said. Yuzuhara would shrug. "Hey there is always the possibility that he wanted to stay with his family," he said. Callie would look shocked. Callie and Nakamura would walk out of the dorm. Callie would wipe her tears. Suddenly a girl with long pink hair would run into them. "Hi! The name is Yuta Yukashi! I'm Max's new roommate" Nakamura would shake her hand. Callie and Nakamura would walk off. The two would be walking through the halls of the dorms. They would enter the lobby. The TV would be on. It would show an interview between a journalist and the former president's daughter. She had long red hair and red eyes. "Ms. Washington, how's your new 10 district going?" The journalist asked.

The girl would smile. "My Father's role as the president was a poor choice from our people." She said. The journalist would smile. "What's your goal being the new president?" they asked. The Camera would show Laura's face. "Make sure you're watching you, damn terrorists, We're coming to take you down," Laura said. Suddenly the screen would glitch and then a black room would show up. Suddenly a white death Kanji would illuminate. Callie would hear a familiar laugh. Her eyes would widen in shock. She would put her hand on her head. "H-He's alive… I thought Yuki killed him…" She said. Shi would be standing in front of the camera. "We are Shi… You would like to know our goal wouldnt you?" he said. He would sit down on a chair. He would turn the camera to a ton of female members of the Red Hawks tied up to the wall without a few fingers. Everyone sitting in the lounge would put their hand in front of their mouths. "Here's our goal… Our leader and the others will be purifying this planet… How it used to be… The Seisan plan." He said.

The man with the fedora and trench coat would walk out of the building. "You all must be wondering why I'm still alive," Shi said. Shi would start laughing menacingly. "People of Yuzuhara International… I hope you're watching… Your all beloved Yuki Homura won't be returning to school this year…" Shi said. Shi would take off a mask. He would reveal his face all scarred and bruised. "Listen here Yuki, you're probably on your way here to kill me right now… If so… Come at me with everything…" He said. Meanwhile, in the 6 districts, there would be a big room with a table with 4 chairs. There would be 4 middle-aged men. One of them would clear their throat. "Goku-san, we should apprehend both Goro Joshika and Yuki Homura. They are a threat to both the government and the world." Said one of the men. Goku would clear his throat. "Our people and the other nations would turn against us as soon as find out we apprehend Homura, Kenji." Said Goku. Another man would stand up from the table.

"I tell Akio that he will send 1000 men to apprehend Joshika and Homura when they meet up." He said. Goku and Kenji would fold their arms and nod. Suddenly the door would then open. Akuno would walk in. "Akuno, we're planning our strategy of attack currently…" said the man that planned the attack. "I understand Haru, I'll send some Black angels and you should send some phantoms," Akuno said. Haru would nod, He would grab a radio. "Akio, I want you to take 1000 men with you to these coordinates," Haru said. Meanwhile, in an abandoned city, it would be pouring rain. A man about six feet two inches tall wearing a cloak would be walking through the abandoned city. The man would have long half white half black hair. He would have a headband on his forehead. He would have ocean blue eyes. He would look up. "I've come to talk… Goro!" Said, Yuki.