Chapter 24: The Hardest Battles.

Suddenly Yuki would turn around and catch a fireball. Yuki would throw it back in the direction it came from. It would explode and there would be screams. Yuki and the others would start running. "Meet at the harbor in 20 minutes!" Yuzuhara said. Yuki would nod and he would run off with two other members of the group. The sunset would be like it was on the beach during the school trip. While running Yuki would be looking left and right. They would get to a circular field that had trees all around it. "Homura! It's a dead end." One of the others said. "Yeah, it is a dead-end…" Said Callie. The two others would turn around and then their throats would get slashed. "Callie I'm leaving," Yuki said. She would land on the ground as she had holographic pink wings on her back. She would land and they would shatter. The pieces would form into a katana. Callie would grip it with her right hand. "So you're a Seisan?" Callie asked. Yuki would stab his left hand with a needle.

Suddenly black lines would come out of his hand. It would turn into a ball and form into a sword. Yuki would grab it. He would then have black tattoos on his body and face. He would pull the headband on his forehead off with his right hand. The four eyes on his forehead would open. "You could say that" Said two voices that sounded like Yuki in unison. Callie would clench her teeth. She would poke her hand with her sword. She would suddenly have pink tattoos all over her body and four holographic eyes on her forehead. "So this is how we're doing this? This is how we're gonna talk?" Yuki asked. Callie would clench her left fist. "We're beyond talking!" Callie said angrily. Callie would dash towards Yuki. The two would clash blades. They would look into each other's eyes. Yuki would close his eyes. He would remember the graduation party at his mom's new house in the 13 District. Callie and Yuki would be on a balcony looking over the city. Yuki would be behind her holding her waist. She would be leaning on him.

"Do you think of me at night Yuki?" Callie asked. She would look up at him. He would be looking at the city with wide eyes. "Hey idiot, you awake?" Callie asked as ran her hands through his hair. He would shake his head and look at her. He would smile. "Yeah, I guess…" he said. She would turn around and look at him. "What do you mean I guess?" She asked. As she would kiss him. "So we're gonna move in together after the summer right?" She asked. Yuki would nod. Fireworks would explode. Callie would turn back around. The two would look at the fireworks. Yuki would clench his teeth. Yuki would open his eyes. He and Callie were standing in a field with leafless trees across from each other. "That ability of yours is new Callie… What's it called…" He asked. "It's a branch of my current ability…" she said. Yuki would look confused. "Your ability has a name now?" Yuki asked. She would sigh. "You would know best Yuki, It's entity persona…" She said. Yuki would be in shock. "GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled. He would be breathing heavily.

"This was that outcome they talked about…" Yuki said. Callie would be wiping tears. She would drop her Katana. "I can't fight you…" she said. Yuki would be sweating looking at her shocked. Yuki would walk over to her. He would look down at her sitting crying. She would look up at him. "Y-Yuki… Do I still cross your mind?" she said. Yuki would look down at her. He would move his hand towards her shoulder. He would open his mouth when Goro would put his hand on Yuki's shoulder. Goro would hand Yuki a black sharp blade. Yuki would hold the blade. Yuki would hold back tears. He would say something inaudible. A loud stabbing sound would be heard. Crows would fly from the trees. A portal would open. Yuki would drop the blade with blood on the end of it. Yuki and She would turn around and walk towards the portal. The two would walk through the portal. A droplet of water would fall on the ground after Yuki would walk through the portal.