Chapter 34: Homuraki.

They would go into the base of the operations room. Callie would grab a tablet and hand it to Viktor. He would tap on the tablet a few times and then stop. "Sent my 5 best soldiers to retrieve them, just in case Homuraki shows up," Viktor said. Callie would nod. "Come with me Viktor, no guards please…" Callie said. The two would walk out the door and it would close behind them. Nakamura would look at the big screen in shock. She would sprint out of the base of operations. She would be running through a hallway. She would have tears falling from her eyes. She would then turn a corner and see Yuta. She would grab his hand and they would run out of the building. "Where are we going!?" Yuta asked. Nakamura would have an angry look on her face. "Saving some lives!" Nakamura said. They would hop in one of Akuno's sports cars. Nakamura would start the car and they would drive away. "Where the hell are we going!?" Yuta asked. Nakamura would be focused on the road.

The car would be going 200+ Mph. "The Homura house," Nakamura said. Yuta would be in shock. "But that's disobeying General Hatzi-" Yuta said before he got interrupted. "Fuck her orders, she's killing innocent people!" Nakamura said. Yuta would sigh. "But, I want to be a hero…" Yuta said. Nakamura would slam on the brakes. "YOU THINK THAT WILL MAKE YOU A DAMN HERO!!??" Nakamura yelled. Yuta would stay quiet. "IT DOESN'T!! WHAT YUKI DID DURING THE WAR AGAINST 10 IS WHAT MAKES YOU A HERO!!" Nakamura yelled. "SAVING LIVES IS WHAT MAKES YOU A HERO!!" Nakamura's phone would start ringing. She would grab it and Kaki would be calling. "Nakamura! Where are you!?" Kaki asked. Nakamura would start driving again. "Disobeying Callie…" Nakamura said. "Nakamura… You'll get charged with treason…" Kaki said. Nakamura would slam the wheel. "GOD DAMMIT I DON'T CARE! THIS IS INHUMANE!" Nakamura yelled. The car would pull up to a village in the middle of nowhere.

Nakamura would open the door and start running towards the entrance of the village. She would through the entrance and run towards a house. She would throw the door open. Reo and Hara would be sitting on the couch watching the News. They would see a bounty for Yuki. "Yuki Homuraki's bounty raised to one-hundred-billion Yen." Said the newscaster. Nakamura would be in shock. "W-We need to get out of here-" Said Nakamura before she got cut off. "Stop right there…" Said a male voice. Nakamura would be shaking. The voice would be familiar. Nakamura would turn around slowly. Her eyes would open wide in shock. "Nakamura Hanaturo, you are under arrest for treason." Said Ben Peters. Nakamura would be in shock. A few days before. Callie would be walking down a hall with Nakamura. "Whats your plan to capture Yuki?" Nakamura asked. Callie (Fukushu mode) would smile. "I have a few plans… Which one would you like to hear first? A, B, or C?" Callie asked. "I'll only let you hear one of the plans… The other two are for me and him to discuss…" Callie said.

Nakamura would look at Callie confused. "Uh… A…" Nakamura asked. Callie would smile. Callie and Nakamura would walk into a bar. The bar would be empty. The bartender would be wiping cups. "Welcome Hatzi and Hanaturo…" Said the bartender. The two would sit at the bar. "Toriaezu biru…" Callie said. The bartender would nod. Callie would take off her fedora and take the mask off. Her hair would be short and she would have a scar on her left eye. The bartender would place cup holders and two cups of beer infront of them. Callie would sigh and then take a sip of beer. She would look at Nakamura and smile. "So you wanna know plan A…" Callie said. Back in the present, Nakamura would be sweating. "So this was one of the other plans…" Nakamura said. "How are you alive? Goro killed you during the tournament…" Nakamura asked. Ben would look at her confused. "I never died Princess…" Ben said. Nakamura would be in shock.