Chapter 41: A L L I A N C E

Yuki would sigh and close his eyes. A few minutes would go by and he would open his eyes. "They're almost here…" Yuki said. Nakamura would look at Yuki puzzled. "Who's coming?" Nakamura asked. Yuki would start pacing back and forth. "Nakamura… I need you to call the other members of 1-A… We need a class reunion…" Yuki asked. Nakamura would clench her fists. "God dammit Yuki! Stop keeping secrets… Who's coming…" Nakamura asked. "The Entities… They're coming for me…" Yuki announced. It would be silent. Everyone would be looking at Yuki in shock. "How did we not know…" Nakamura asked. Yuki would look at her with a stern look. "We did know… After I defeated shi… They found my presence…" Yuki said. He would clear his throat. "You wanna know who knew they were coming…" Yuki proposed. Everyone would nod. Yuki would breathe in. "Callie knew… She knew for the last 2 years…" Yuki said. Yuki would sigh.

"I realized when I saw my mom that I couldn't fight them all alone…" Yuki confessed. He would crack his knuckles. "There's also one part of the plan I didn't tell you guys… I'm resetting the timeline after this battle to where the entities never found my whereabouts…" Yuki said. "It's practically gonna be like a world full of peace where no bad happens like in this timeline…" Yuki said. Yuta would look at Yuki confused. "Why don't you just do that right now?" Yuta asked. Yuki would sigh. "I would if I wanted to… But the entities are aliens that practically control space and time itself, so I need to get rid of them or else they will reset it back to the way it is now…" Yuki continued. Nakamura would look down, clenching her fists. The area around her would turn white. "This is probably gonna be our last time seeing each other in this timeline like this… We're gonna go back to being kids at Homura high school…" Yuki said. Nakamura would look at the ground confused. "Homura highschool?" She asked. Yuki would chuckle.

"Oh yeah… I've never had one big happy family in my life so… I thought I could change that…" Yuki said. Tears would drip on the ground in front of Nakamura. "Are you happy?" Nakamura asked. Yuki would look at her puzzled. "Wha?" He asked. She would clench her teeth. "I asked you if you are happy… idiot…" Nakamura shouted. Yuki would look shocked. He would scratch the back of his head. "I've never really had time to think about it… Not really I guess…" Yuki confessed. "You'll be happy though… You'll have Ben-" Suddenly Nakamura would kiss Yuki. Yuki would be in shock. "He would've wanted me to move on…" Nakamura said. The two would be back in the real world. They would be kissing in real life. "So it wasn't like that huh… Ironic…" Kaki said. Everyone would be in shock. Nakamura and Yuki would stop kissing. The two would be blushing. "I'm gonna go call the other members of 1-A…" Nakamura said. Yuki would nod. Kaki would be stand next to Yuki. Kaki would bump Yuki's shoulder. "So… I didn't know you two were like that…" Kaki said smirking.

A few minutes later all the members of Class 1-A would be there except Callie. "Well well well, a little class reunion we've got here…" Akuga said. Nakamura would look at Akuga with a fake smile. "I really hate this bitch…" Nakamura thought. Yuki would clear his throat. "So according to my 'Calculations' the Entities mother ship will be here in about 24 hours… Is anyone here ready to fight another war?" Yuki asked. Yuzuhara would raise his hand. "I can get the other remaining seisan members to help us out." Yuzuhara suggested. Yuki would nod. "Yeah, do that… We need the extra help…" Yuki said. While there meeting there would be a mechanical bug watching. Callie would be standing in front of a computer screen. "Do I arrest them for being criminals… Or do I help them out…" Callie thought. A 13 district soldier would then walk in the room. "President Hatzi! President Viktor requires your presence in his quarters…" said the soldier. Callie would look at the soldier and then nod.