Chapter X51: Class

The hall looked like your average apartment corridor. They would keep walking when they would reach an elevator lounge. There would be a ton of students from other classes like classes 1-B, 1-C, and 1-D. All the classes would look at Yuki and Kaki. All the people in the lounge would be murmuring quietly.

"Lets uh… Take the stairs…" Yuki said. 20 minutes later the two boys would walk into the classroom with 1-A above it.

"Took you two long enough." a man behind them said. The man has a short black side part and burgundy-colored eyes. Yuki and Kaki would move out of the way.

"S-Sorry sir…" Yuki said. Yuki and Kaki would look around the classroom. It would look like your average Japanese school classrooms. Yuki would put his bag down next to his desk in the first row on the second column. He would sit down and rest his hand on his hand looking out the window.

"This world seems the same so far…" Yuki thought. Kaki would be sitting at the desk next to him. Suddenly Yuki would hear a ton of girls giggling two desks behind him. He would look down at the entrance of the school and see a boy with a haircut similar to his walking on the path of the door. The girls would have heart eyes and hold their hands together.

"He's so dreamy!" one of the girls squealed.

"Blegh…" said a feminine voice a desk behind Yuki. Yuki would look behind his desk and his eyes would widen. Callie would be sitting there and she would be reading a book while shaking her head.

"It'd be nice if you could stop staring at me like that Homura…" Callie said while staring at her book. Yuki would shake his head.

"S-Sorry…" Yuki apologized. He would lay his chin back on his hand. "I guess I'm the only one who kept my memories…" Yuki thought. Yuki would sigh, "that's a given cause I'm the one that reset the timeline…" Yuki thought. Suddenly Yuki would hear the old man clear his throat.

"Well… The timeline technically wasn't reset… I erased the timeline and then made a brand new one based on your requests…" the old man said. Yuki would have his eyes white and his mouth open wide in shock. "Homura… You're still with us, Yuki?" the teacher asked. Yuki would look up at the teacher.

"O-Oh yeah… Sorry I was zoned out…" Yuki said. The blonde haired boy would be sitting at the opposite back corner of the room looking at Yuki.

The boy would squint his eyes at Yuki.

"Let's do attendance!" the teacher said. "Everyone stand up and when I call your name, answer in either 'here or present' and then you'll explain your Zai powers. Alright, everyone?" The teacher said Everyone in the classroom would then stand up.

"First we have…" The teacher said,

"Akuga Kasaragi, Akuga you here?" The teacher asked. Akuga would stand up at the desk in front of Yuki.

"Here, My Zai Power gives me the ability to generate barriers and read the minds of others…" Akuga presented herself. Ben would then sit down at his desk.

"Ben Peterson? Ben?" Teacher asked. Ben would stand at his desk next to Max's and sigh.

"Here, may Zai powers give me the ability to turn my body parts into cybernetics for a short period of time…" Ben explained. Ben would then sit down at his desk.

"Alright… Miss Hatzi?" Teacher asked. Callie would put her book down.

"Present… I don't think I need to explain my Zai Powers to filth…" Callie replied. Yuki would look at Callie confused.

"How come he didn't say her first name, and why is she so snotty?" Yuki thought. Callie would then sit down at her desk. The teacher would clear his throat.

"Mister Shimura…" The teacher said Yuki would look back at the blonde kid. The kid would walk up to the front of the classroom and would tell the teacher to move from the pedestal.

"The name is Daisuke Shimura… My dad owns this place so practically this place practically is my blood… So I'd recommend that you don't screw around or else you will ruin this school's name…" Daisuke announced. Suddenly a pen would stab Yuki's desk.

"Long time no see Homura… Been a long time since we've made each other's acquaintances…" Daisuke continued. Callie would look at Yuki confused

"Daisuke know's him?" Callie thought.

"Wait for a second…" Callie thought. She would have a man with short blond hair with his face shadowed over and another man with short brown hair also covered in shadows.

"He's the son of the other founder of the school!" Callie thought. Callie would be staring at Yuki. Yuki would look at Callie and back at Daisuke worried. Daisuke would glare at Yuki and then walk back to his desk. Yuki would lay his head down on his desk.

"I don't know if they like me or hate my guts hehe..." Yuki thought. Akuga would look at Yuki and chuckle.

"Alrighty next up is Ellie Thompson…" A girl with short blonde hair would stand up.

"Present," Ellie said. Yuki would look at Ellie.

"Who's she…?" Yuki thought. Ellie would clear her throat.

"My Zai Power gives me the ability to Send and Transfer messages from anywhere and also gives me telepathic powers..." Ellie said.