Chapter X58: Suspicions.

Yuki would look at all the skyscrapers and holographic billboards. Yuki would rest his head on the window and would look at the snow falling from the sky. He would think about the Café and all the fun the kids were having. Yuki would put his hands in his pockets. He would feel a small folded piece of paper. "What the… This wasn't here before…" Yuki thought. Akuno would look at Yuki confused. "We should be quiet when we get home… Your mom is probably fast asleep…" Akuno said. Yuki nodded and kept the folded piece of paper in his pocket. They would approach a tower with a car garage in front of it and the garage would open. The car would pull into the garage and then land. The car doors would open on their own and Yuki and Akuno would get out. Yuki and Akuno would walk to the front of the car. As Yuki was about to open the trunk Akuno would hug him. Yuki would look up at Akuno, surprised. Yuki would hug Akuno back. "I guess things can change in a different timeline for the better…" Yuki said. Suddenly, a door in the garage would slam open. "YUKI!! WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN HOME RECENTLY!!??" a woman yelled. Reo would be standing there looking at Yuki with an angry look on her face. "H-Honey… Now's not the best time to be scolding Yuki… A lot just happened…" Akuno said. Reo would look at Yuki confused. Reo would see a tear fall from Yuki's face. Reo would walk over to Yuki and hug both Yuki and Akuno. Akuno would look at Reo, "Are the little ones asleep?" Akuno asked. Reo would nod while rubbing Yuki's hair. Reo would look down at Yuki, "head up stair Yuki, it's late…" Reo ordered. Yuki nodded and would walk from the garage into the penthouse. Yuki would look around the penthouse in astonishment. Yuki would walk over to the stairs and walk down the hall. He would look at two doors next to each other. "Yuzu & Hiro…" Yuki whispered. Yuki would start walking until he saw a door with his name on it. "Home sweet home?" Yuki thought. Yuki would open the door and look around the room. "It's not as big as I expected it to look…" Yuki thought. Yuki would put his bag down next to his bed and then close the door. He would lock the door and then sit down on his bed. He would grab the folded paper from his pocket. He would examine the folded paper and then unfold it with two hands. "A note…" Yuki thought Yuki would breathe in and out. "Dear Yuki…" Ellie said. Yuki would examine the note. "If you're reading this note I am &^*()^&*%#@," Ellie said. There would be a part scratched out of the note. Yuki would start tearing up. "I am Dead… I wanna thank you, Nakamura, and Kaki for letting me have the best day of my life." Ellie said. "I don't want you guys to think that you're responsible for my death… Even you Yuki Homura…" Ellie said as her voice distorted when she said Homura. Yuki would look at the note shocked. A tear would fall down his cheeks. Yuki would crumple the note and throw it into his trash can. Yuki would grab his coat and put another pair of shoes on. Tears would be falling from Yuki's eyes. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this!!" Yuki thought. Suddenly Yuki would stop moving. "Stop this boy!!" The old man said. Yuki would have an angry look on his face. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STOPPING ME!?" Yuki shouted in his thoughts. The old man would appear in front of Yuki in his room in a holographic state. "You mustn't seek revenge because of your friend's suicide-" The old man said. "SHUT UP!! IT WASN'T SUICIDE!!" Yuki yelled at the old man in his head. The old man sighed, "What makes you think that?" The old man asked. "I never told her my last name…" Yuki said. The old man would look at him with a 'are you serious' kinda look. The old man would sigh, "You think it wasnt a suicide because you didn't tell her your last name and she wrote it down in her note?" The old man asked. Yuki would look at the old man like he was crazy. "No, you idiot…" Yuki said. He would walk over to his desk and turn on his lamp. He would press another button and the light would turn purple. There would be writing that said 'Demonios Oscuro's on the paper. Yuki would look at the old man confused. He would then look at his computer and click on a web browser. Yuki would type 'Demonios Oscuro's' into the search bar. Yuki would look at the screen confused. "Wait for a second…" Yuki thought. Yuki would look at the screen shocked, his eyes would widen and his pupils would dilate. "Mateo Kazimaru of the 13th district' 'demonios Oscuro's mafia, sentenced to life in prison for…" Yuki said. Yuki would exhale in shock and his hands would start shaking. "For assassination…" Yuki said. Yuki would scroll down with the mouse's scroll wheel. Yuki's eyes would then widen. Yuki would cover his mouth and look away from the monitor. There would be black and white photos of corpses with their heads censored. The corpses would have slashes on their shoulders that made an 'X' formation. Yuki would scooch his chair back from his desk and then get up. He would walk over to the window and slide it open. "I'm going to kill this bastard!" Yuki shouted.