Chapter X62: I Lost.

The man smirked as he dropped his cigarette and stomped it. "If I am correct, you must be Haruto Touma, head captain of the Platinum Angels?" The man asked. Haruto nodded as he looked down at Mateo. Haruto would be shocked as the hole in Mateo's head would start closing. "What the hell!?" Haruto said in shock. "How about you hand me my little friend and we can all be ok." The man asked. Haruto shook his head. The man would sigh, "Your choice boy… I won't go easy…" The man said. Haruto would be wearing the Platinum Angel's uniform. "You must be the captain of the Demonios Oscuros…" Haruto asked. The man would nod and Haruto would smirk. Haruto would start walking towards the man. Haruto would turn his head, spitting. Haruto would look at Yuki and widen his eyes. Yuki would jump up in shock. Yuki would look at his hands and body. "I feel… So light…" Yuki thought. Yuki would look up at Haruto. Yuki would have a 'good grief' look on his face. "I'm ground control…" Yuki thought. Yuki would pick Kaki up and carry him on his shoulder. Yuki's eyes would then turn blue like flames. "RED GATE!!" Yuki shouted in his head. "SPEED-RACE!!" Yuki thought. Suddenly, small red flames would come out of the back of Yuki's heels. Yuki would then start walking, as Yuki would start gaining speed as he ran. Yuki would then start sprinting. Yuki would start laughing "HAHAHA!! I HAVE SUPER SPEED!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would be running back and forth with people on his shoulder and placing them far away from the fight. There would then be a loud explosion followed with a loud sound of shattered glass falling from buildings. Yuki would watch Haruto and the man fighting and smirk. "I'm gonna be a Platinum Angel one day… I'm gonna save everyone." Yuki said as he would then hit his head. "I'm gonna beat Daisuke in this tournament" Yuki thought. Time jump to the next day Yuki would be standing in Principal Shimura's office. "You're disqualified from the tournament." The principal said while looking out the window at the construction in the city. Yuki would be in shock. "B-But I saved a ton of people yesterday-" Yuki said until the principal interrupted him. "Haruto Touma, saved a ton of people yesterday… You put them in danger…" The principal continued. Yuki would clench his fist. "But what about you told me last we-" Yuki said before getting interrupted for the second time. "I've decided that Daisuke shall be the one headed to worlds…" The principal said. Yuki clenched his teeth, "You are to head back to class at once." the principal ordered. "Yes sir…" Yuki said. Yuki would turn around and walk out of the office, closing the door behind him. Yuki would walk down the hall and over to the elevator. He would press the down button and the door would open. There would be a platform and Yuki would stand on it. There would be three buttons for floors 3, 2, and 1. Yuki would press on the second floor. Yuki would have a cast on his left forearm and a bandage above his right eyebrow. Yuki would then vanish and then appear on another platform similar to the one he was just on but on the second floor. An elevator door would open in front of Yukj and he would walk out. There would be a crowd of students in the hall talking. Everyone would then stop talking as they looked at Yuki. Daisuke would then start laughing. "Yuki Homura… Thinks he is so strong and powerful that he can take on a member of a criminal organization! What does he think he is? A platinum Angel?? BAHAHAHA!" Daisuke said as everyone in the hall would start laughing. Daisuke would walk over to Yuki with his arm around Callie's neck. Callie would have a bandage on her left cheek. "He's a loser, right Babe?" Daisuke said as he looked at Callie with a creep-ish look on his face. Callie would have a shocked look on her face. "Y-Yea… He's a loser…" Callie said as her legs were shaking. Yuki would look at the two in shock. Yuki would clench his fist. Yuki would have an angry look on his face as he looked down. Yuki's bangs would cover his eyes. Daisuke and Callie would walk around Yuki as Callie would slip a small note into Yuki's pocket. Yuki would turn around and look at Daisuke. "HEY, BASTARD!!" Yuki shouted. Daisuke and Callie would stop walking. The two would turn around and look at Yuki. "FIGHT MY ASS RIGHT HERE AND NOW!!" Yuki shouted. Daisuke would smirk and start chuckling. Callie would look at Yuki surprised and blush. Daisuke would take his arm off Callie. Daisuke would walk over to Yuki. Daisuke's left fist would turn Ice blue. Yuki's right fist would get engulfed by red flames. The two would then punch each other in the face. "I can't wait to see you in the stands Homura…" Daisuke said. Yuki would then collapse. Daisuke chuckled and then walked back over to Callie. Yuki would look at Daisuke in anger. Daisuke put his arm back around Callie and they would walk away. The bell would then ring. Yuki would be walking down a sidewalk with a hoodie on. "Yo old man, you mind training me?" Yuki asked.