Chapter X75: December.

"It's December… Four months since the tournament…" Yuki typed into his phone. It would be snowing outside in the 13th district. Yuki would be wearing a black hoodie with grey sweatpants. He would have his backpack on his back and headphones on his head. "I started writing journals… My therapist says it would be good for my mental health after all the shit in my life…" Yuki typed. Yuki would look up from his phone and see Mateo standing across the street. "I'm gonna shred you to bits boy!!" Mateo said. Yuki would shake his head and look back down at his phone. "The hallucinations are still happening… I dropped out of the world tournament in October. I thought it would hurt me more if I entered…" Yuki typed. Yuki would look up at the snow. Yuki would keep walking and look back down at his phone, "I started listening to music more, It helps with the ringing…" Yuki typed down. Yuki has a small smile on his face for a few seconds. "Christmas is right around the corner though! The school is hosting a christmas party… My therapist says I should go to rebuild my relationships… But I feel like the more relationships I build I always manage to break them somehow…" Yuki continued typing. Yuki would see a Christmas store and walk in. "Let's talk about the tournament… Shimura International came in first… Daisuke and Ben represented the school for the tournament." Yuki typed. Yuki would walk over to the socks and grab a pair or two. "Everyone in the school calls me the 'school book worm' I guess it's deserved though, I got a 100% on the final and I don't talk to anyone now… Kaki and Akuga started going on a ton of dates… Nakamura and Ben got closer, and haven't talked to her since the tournament…" Yuki typed. Yuki typed his name down on the phone, he would turn it off and put it in his pocket. "What do you think about this necklace, princess?" A male voice asked. Yuki would roll his eyes, "I think it's perfect!" Callie said. Yuki would be shocked, "Callie… My uh therapist told me to put her in the past… To move on…" Yuki thought. Yuki sighed and walked away, "Life's never been fair to me…" Yuki said. Yuki would have dark circles under his eyes. Yuki would walk over to the register and put the socks on it. "Is that all you'll be getting today?" The cashier said. Yuki nodded, "Alrighty… That'll be 11.56." The cashier said. Yuki would grab his wallet out of his pocket. He grabs a ten and two, two's from his wallet. He'd hand it to the cashier and grab the socks. "Thank you for shopping with us." The cashier said with a smile. Yuki would nod, "No problem…" He said. Yuki would unzip his backpack and grab a folded hoverboard. He would unfold it and turn it on. Yuki would place the hoverboard on the ground and hop on it. The hoverboard would start going forward.

10 minutes later, Yuki would enter an apartment complex. "Welcome back Mr. Homura!" The receptionist said. Yuki would nod his head hopping off the hoverboard. He would grab it, turning it off. He would fold it up and put it in his backpack. He would walk over to the elevator's and press the up button. The elevator would open and he would walk in. Yuki would press the 12th floor and the doors would close. Yuki would take his phone out of his pocket. He would open instagram and the first post he would see is of Callie and her new boyfriend. "Why should I care…" Yuki whispered. He would turn off his phone, putting it back in his pocket. Yuki's phone would vibrate, he would scoff and grab it from his pocket. Yuki would have a text message from Kaki, "Yo bro, I know we haven't talked in a while but I think it would be cool if you came to the Christmas party." The text said. Yuki would look at the text for a few seconds. Yuki would shrug, turning off his phone and putting it back in his pocket. The elevator would ding signaling that it had arrived. The door would open and Yuki would walk out. Yuki would walk down the hall to penthouse 1. Yuki would grab the keys to the door and put it into the keyhole. Yuki would turn the key unlocking the door. Yuki would pull his key out, proceeding to open the door. Yuki would walk into the penthouse closing the door behind him. "I'm home…" Yuki said. Yuki would take off his shoes and walk into the kitchen. "Welcome home, Yuki!" Reo said. Yuki would put his bag down on the island as he sat down on a stool. "How was your day dear?" Reo asked. Yuki would have his arm on the table holding his head up. "Alright I guess…" Yuki said. Reo would be stirring soup in a pot. "What are you making, Ma?" Yuki asked. Reo would smile, "Guess." Reo said. Yuki would have a stern look on his face and then roll his eyes. "Uhhh… Wait a second…" Yuki said. Yuki's eyes would glow, "A-Are you making lobster bisque!?" Yuki asked. Reo nodded as she smiled with her eyes closed. "When will it be done??" Yuki asked. Reo shrugged, "I don't know, Are you going to the christmas party?" Reo asked. Yuki would look at her surprised as he slugged down. "I don't wanna…" Yuki said. "Then no soup for you…" Reo said.