X91: Senseless Feud.

Yuki would look at him surprised. Yuki would put his bag on the ground and take his school jacket off. "The fight's over once somebody gets knocked out…" Yuki said. Thomas nodded, "Deal." Thomas said. Yuki would hold his palm out forward, "BLUE GATE: EVAPORATORS DOME!" Yuki yelled. A dome of blue flames would then form around Yuki and Thomas. "What the hell did you do?" Thomas asked. Yuki shrugged, "I don't know… How about you figure it out." Yuki said. Thomas would put his palm out towards the dome. A beam of water would shoot out of his hand and blast into the flames. The water that hit the dome would then turn into steam. "You arent able to get out of here until I say so…" Yuki said. Thomas would clench his teeth. "I underestimated him…" Thomas thought. Thomas and Yuki would stare eachother down. Mr Shimura would be standing in his office looking down at the dome. "Shall we go deal with that sir?" A staff member asked. Mr Shimura would shake his head, "No… I wan't to see where this goes…" Mr Shimura said. Daisuke would be sitting on the other side of the desk looking at his phone. "This fight could be very interesting or quite disappointing…" Mr Shimura thought. Back in the dome, Yuki and Daisuke would still be staring eachother down. Student's outside of the dome be murmuring to eachother. Charlie would walk over to Callie, "What are they fighting about now…" Charlie asked. Callie would ignore Charlie and roll her eyes. In the dome Thomas would clench his fist. Thomas would run over to Yuki and punch him in the face. Yuki would fly towards the dome. Yuki would open his eyes and the two would still be staring eachother down. "Blue Gate: … Flame Emporer's eyes…" Yuki whispered. Thomas' right hand would be engulfed in water. Thomas would run over to Yuki. "HOMURRAAA!!!" Thomas shouted. Yuki would close his eyes and breathe in. Yuki's veins would then start glowing orange, "BLUE GATE!! EMPORER'S SHIKI!!" Yuki yelled. Thomas would look shocked. Yuki's arm metal arm would then turn golden. Thomas' punch would miss Yuki. Yuki would punch Thomas in the stomach. Thomas would go flying out of the ring in the sky. "BLUE GATE: FLAME EMPORER'S CROWN… PARTIAL!!" Yuki yelled. Yuki's iris' would turn blue. Yuki's feet would be engulfed in flames. Yuki's hair would then turn a dark blue similar to the color of his fire. Daisuke would look up from his phone out the window in shock. "What the hell is that!!??" Daisuke said. Yuki would catch Thomas mid air and carry him to the ground. Thomas would be knocked out with his mouth open and white eyes. "S-Sorry, I went a little overboard." Yuki said. A medical team would run out of the school. Thomas would stand up and push the medical team away. "Buzz off… I don't need medical assistance…" Thomas said. Yuki's fangs would then go out and his hair would turn back into it's normal brown. His eyes would also go back to brown. Thomas would walk into the school glaring at Yuki. Callie would walk over to Yuki. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Callie shouted. Yuki would look at her and sweat. "Nakamura 2.0…" Yuki said. Callie would hand Yuki his jacket and bag. Yuki would open the front trunk of his car and put the bag in there. Thomas would be walking through the school limping. "Gah!" Thomas said in pain. Thomas would put his hand on his abdomen. "What the hell did he do?" Thomas said. Thomas would lift up his shirt. Thomas would look down at his abdomen in shock. There would be a red fist marking on his belly. "H-HE D-DID THIS!!??" Thomas said. Thomas would put his hand over the fist marking. Thomas would then pull out his phone, he would tap on the screen and put it up to his ear.

The Next day, the student's would be in the classroom with their luggage for the trip. "Does anyone know where Callie and Yuki are?" Kaki asked. Léa, Max, and Akuga would shake their heads. Kaki would pull out his phone and text Yuki. Kaki would type, "Dude, we're about to leave. Where are you?" Suddenly, Yuki and Callie would walk in the door. "Sorry we're late, Callie had to get a few things from the store before we got here…" Yuki said. Kaki sighed and deleted the text. Kaki would press the power button on his phone. Mr Clark would walk into the room. He would be wearing a red hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it, beige Kahki shorts, sunglasses, and a straw hat. The class would look at Mr Clark in silence. "What??? Don't I look good?" Mr Clark asked. The class would be silent. The class would start talking to eachother again. "Aww come on guys…" Mr Clark said. Max would pat his back, "It's ok teach, we're all teenager's and arent pushing 40…" Max said. Mr Clark would breathe in, "I AM IN MY YOUTHFUL TWENTIES THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!" Mr Clark said. The whole class would then laugh, "Aw come on, thats really what you guys laugh at?" Mr clark asked. Mr Clark would then clear his throat, "Alright everyone, grab your things. We're headed out to the transport." Mr Clark said.