X95: Gin Vs Yuki Round 2!

Gin would then grab his sword from his back. "Are you trying to mock me?" Gin asked. Yuki shrugged, "I guess we'll never know." Yuki said. Gin would scoff, "I'd like this fight to be fun… So please, go ahead and transform." Gin said. Yuki shrugged, "Alright, if thats what you want.." Yuki said. Yuki would smile as he started running towards Gin. The flames engulfing Yuki's arms would then turn golden. Yuki would wind up a punch with his right arm. Gin's left arm would then become surrounded by black lightning. Yuki would swing a punch at Gin. The two's fists would collide and it would make a huge shockwave. Yuki would then grab Gin's fist pushing him into the ground. Gin would then kick Yuki in the stomach launching him in the air. Gin would then jump in the air getting ready to follow up the kick. Gin would wind up another punch with black lightning. Yuki would be flying upwards unconscious. Gin would get close enough to where he was in reach of Yuki. Suddenly, Yuki would turn around and kick Gin in the abdomen with his left foot. His left foot was engulfed in blue flames. "BLUE GATE!" Yuki Yelled. Gin would go flying into the mountain. "EMPORER'S GUILLOTINE!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would land on his feet on the mountain. Gin would come flying out of the hole. "I see you've improved a lot you disobedient dog…" GIn said. Yuki would chuckle while looking at Gin. "Who ever said I was your dog?" Yuki asked. Yuki's eyes would widen in shock. "W-What the hell…" Yuki thought. The sky would then turn black. Yuki would clench his teeth in shock and he would have sweat dripping down his face. "I feel heavy…" Yuki thought. Yuki's feet would then start making small craters in the ground. "Shit… He's using emporer's shiki…" Yuki thought. Gin's Shiki energy would be making the sky black. Yuki would glare at Gin. The sky would then turn half golden. The energy would be struggling against each other.

Meanwhile, Everyone in the hotel would be on there hands and knee's like they had 10olbs weights on their backs. Daisuke would be standing perfectly fine. "I can't let him get ahead of me like this…" Daisuke thought. Daisuke would run out of the hotel and see a Submarine rise out of the water onto the beach. "Shit… I have my hands full…" Daisuke thought. The submarine would have a huge door that opened in the front. The door would fall down and a man would be standing there. He would have black hair and a tattoo on his arm. He would be a muscly dude. He would be wearing armor similar to the soldiers. "They're really ordering me to fight some brat?" The man said. The man would walk over to Daisuke and look down at him. Daisuke would look the man in the eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" Daisuke asked. The man would look at Daisuke confused. "I'm here to find my rival, Haruto Touma and kill him once and for all." The man said. Daisuke would look at him and smirk. "Haruto isnt here… But I'm the best you've got." Daisuke said. Daisuke's left leg from the calf down would turn dark red. Daisuke would then kick the man's left right abdomen. Daisuke would jump backwards as his leg went back to normal. The man would look down at his left abdomen confused. There would be a red mark. "That was… Shiki…" The man said. Daisuke would scoff, "Shit… That didn't do anything to him…" Daisuke thought. Daisuke would then close his eyes. "YUKI!" Daisuke shouted in his head. Yuki would close his eyes. "W-Whats up, I'm kinda busy…" Yuki thought. Daisuke would clench his teeth. "What's your dude's rank??" Daisuke asked. Yuki would look confused, "Uh… A captain I think…" Yuki thought. Daisuke would nod, "Thanks!" Daisuke said. Daisuke would open his eyes and glare at the man. "Who the hell are you and what's your rank!?" Daisuke yelled. The man would look at him confused. "Who me? The name is Ichiro Fujimura, I'm a Lieutenant General of X-Guild." Ichiro said. Daisuke would look at him in shock. "What the fu-" Daisuke said.

Meanwhile, on top of the mountain. Yuki and Gin would continue their battle. "BLUE GATE: FLAME EMPORER'S ROAR!!" Yuki shouted. A huge beam of fire would shoot out of Yuki's mouth and fly towards Gin. Gin would dodge the blast of fire by a hair. He would be floating mid air when suddenly, Yuki would kick him in the face. Gin would crash into the mountain. It would make a huge dust cloud. Yuki would land on the ground inside the dust cloud. A huge black lightning bolt would hit the dust cloud. The dust cloud would then start fading away. Both Yuki and Gin would be breathing heavily. "Yuki Homura… You have been my toughest adversary yet… I've hunted the Flame Emporer for so long and havent been able to find him… But now that I have… I must defeat you!!" Gin said. Gin would then fly towards Yuki punching him in the face. "NOW DIE!!" Gin screamed. Yuki would get punched off the mountain.