X98: Clash Of The Greats!!

She would touch the hilt of Asuka's sword and her pole would turn dark red. Nakamura would then smack Asuka in the abdomen with her pole. Asuka would look down at Nakamura in shock. Nakamura and Asuka would then make eye contact. "How dare you try me you little bitch…" Asuka said.

Nakamura would then go flying backwards. Just then, someone would catch her. Haruto was revealed to be the one that caught Nakamura. Haruto would then help Nakamura onto the ground. "Haruto Touma, the strongest lightning user in the world…" Asuka said.

Asuka would smirk. "Long time no see..." Asuka said. Asuka would then flip her sword around grabbing the hilt. The hilt would turn back to normal and the blade would turn dark red.

Meanwhile in one of the rooms in an office building. Gin and Yuki would be having a stand off. "I… I promised my brother… I would defeat you…" Gin said. The both of them would be breathing heavily. It would be silent. Gin would then unseathe his sword. The blade would then turn from silver like metal to black like darkness.

Yuki would look around a find a glass shard on the ground. Yuki would have a weird face. "A blue shard… That'll work for now…" Yuki thought. Yuki would grab both sides of the flash shard with two fingers. Yuki would close his eyes.

His forearm would turn dark blue. The dark blue physical shikli would move onto the glass shard making it more durable. Yuki would then reverse grip the glass shard. Gin would then point his sword at the glass shard.

A small blast would then shoot out of the front of Gin's sword. The glass would then turn back to normal and shatter. Yuki would look at Gin's sword in shock. "Oh you've gotta be fu…" Yuki said. Yuki would clench his left fist. Yuki's arm from the forearm down to his hand would turn navy blue.

Yuki's right leg would then turn navy blue from the calf down to his foot. Yuki would inhale and then glare at Gin. "HOMURA!!!" Gin shouted. Yuki would exhale and then smile. The two would then start running towards eachother.

Gin would swing his sword and Yuki would kick in with his right leg. There would be a massive shockwave felt downstairs. There would be black and blue lightning coming from the collision. Yuki would then close his eyes. He would think about his training on the island with Horoshi. "Breathe in… Don't strain your heart… Let Shiki flow through you…" Horoshi said. He would remember the two of them meditating on top of the mountain. Yuki would then open his eyes. Suddenly, the veins in Yuki's leg would then glow dark grey. "REAPER GATE!! JET ENGINE FLAME!!" Yuki yelled.

Gin's eyes would widen in shock, "I've never heard that one before…" Gin thought. Grey flames would then come out the back of Yuki's right heel. Gin would start getting pushed back. "W-What!?" Gin thought. He would look at his sword in shock.

"T-This isnt possible… My Shiki should be stronger than his!!" Gin thought. Gin would try pushing back but it would prove worthless. "HOW DARE YOU PROVE YOUR POWER TO ME!!??" Gin yelled. Suddenly, Gin's blade would turn back to normal and shatter. Gin's hilt would then shatter aswell.

Yuki would then kick Gin in the abdomen. "GYAHHHH!!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would follow through with his lick launching him into the sky. Yuki would jump and kick Gin in the stomach. Gin's eyes would turn completely white and he would go flying out of the building with a trail of gray fire behind him. Everyone would be looking up in shock. "YUKKIII… GOOOOO!!!" Everyone shouted. Gin would be flying in the air, he would be unconscious. Yuki would appear above Gin and he would then kick him onto the ground. Gin would fall onto the ground and it would make a huge explosion. Yuki would land on the ground next to Gin. The huge cloud of dust would fade and everyone would be staring at Yuki. Yuki's eyes would be covered in shadows as he looked down. Yuki would be breathing heavily. Gin would be weezing. Gin would chuckle, "I-I" Gin would say as he coughed. Gin would smirk, "I am not your last opponent… Homura…" Gin said. Gin would sigh, "You have gotten much stronger Homura… Your training wasnt worthless…" Gin said. Gin would exhale and he would close his eyes. Gin's head would fall back. Gin would then put his arm on Yuki's leg. Gin would smile and open his eyes. "Free the world… For me…" Gin said. Yuki would look down at Gin in shock. "Gin…" Yuki said. Gin would smile at Yuki. "Be better than I was." Gin said. Suddenly, a blast of Shiki would hit Gin in the chest killing him. Yuki would look up at Asuka. Asuka would chuckle, "You're strong boy… But not strong enough… I came here to fight you… But I see you arent ready yet." Asuka said. Asuka would turn around and walk back over to the submarine.