X104: The King Of Ice.

Daichi would stomp on the shard, shattering it. "Your technique was very simple to decipher…" Daisuke said. Daichi would clench his teeth. "Tch, you insolent little 13th district douchebags!!" Daichi yelled. Daichi would be breathing heavily. "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!" Daichi shouted. Daisuke would smirk, "Do your worst…" Daisuke said. A portal would then open next to Daichi with the handle of a sword coming out of it. Daisuke would open his left palm and a ice sword would start forming. Daisuke would grab the handle of the ice sword and he would close his eyes. Daisuke's forearm down to his hand would turn dark blue. Daisuke would open his eyes and the Shiki would move from his arm into the sword making it dark blue. Daichi would grab the sword handle from the portal and pull it out. Daichi would have the sword in his right hand but something wasnt right. Half of the sword's blade would be missing. Daisuke would look at Daichi's sword confused. "That's a Shiki infused blade but… How is half of it missing…" Daisuke thought. Suddenly, the missing half of the blade would appear as black flames. Daisuke's eyes would widen in shock. "B-Black flames… B-But how…" Daisuke thought. Daichi would chuckle, "What's the look for Shimura?" Daichi asked. Daisuke would clench his teeth. Daisuke would then jump in the air. He would then be floating in the air. "You request an airborne battle… I obliged…" Daichi said. Daichi would then rise up to an equal level as Daisuke. Daisuke would dash towards Daichi. The two would then clash swords. A ton of Shiki energy would come from the collision making shockwave's. All the other students on the roof would look at the battle in the sky in shock. Suddenly, Max, Akuga, and Léa would pass out. Kaki would catch Akuga. Callie would catch Léa and Max would get caught by his own flames. "That shiki… What has Daisuke been doing for the past day??" Ben asked. Nakamura shrugged. Callie would glare at Daisuke. Meanwhile, up at the battle. Daisuke and Daichi would be clashing swords. Daisuke would be sweating. "His Shiki is a lot more powerful than mine… I don't know how much longer I can keep this up…" Daisuke thought. Daichi would grin, "Sorry, Shimura but this battle… Is over…" Daichi said. Daisuke's eyes would widen in shock. Suddenly, Daisuke's ice blade would turn black. The ice blade would shatter. Daichi would hit Daisuke in the stomach with his blade. Daichi would slash Daisuke in the stomach leaving a huge cut. Daisuke would then go flying at high speeds into the water. Daichi sighed, "I was expecting more… From the King of Ice…" Daichi said. Daisuke would be knocked out with his mouth open and a huge cut on his stomach bleeding out. Daichi would look at Daisuke under water. "I don't have to finish him off… He'll end up bleeding out…" Daichi thought. Meanwhile, Callie would make small platforms on top of the water to move to another building. Daichi would look at the students escaping. The black flames on his blade would then be covered in ice. Daisuke would then come flying out of the water and he would clash swords with Daichi. "Thought you could get rid of me that easily…" Daisuke said. Daichi would smirk, "Yes… I do…" Daichi said. Daichi would put his hand on Daisuke's chest. Daisuke would look at Daichi confused. "W-What…" Daisuke thought. Daisuke's eyes would widen in shock. Daisuke would try backing away before he flew backwards into the water and into another building. Daichi would sight and then another portal would open. 4 black drawn looking gremlin things would fall from the portal. They would all be floating next to Daichi. "Shiyo." Daichi said. The little gremlin things would fly towards the escaping students. Ben would look back at the gremlins. "Company!" Ben shouted. Callie would look back as she kept making platforms. "Nakamura, cover me!!" Callie yelled. Nakamura nodded and grabbed a stick floating on the water. Nakamura would close her eyes and the stick would turn maroon with the metal texture. A little gremlin would fly towards Nakamura and she would whack it in the head with her metal stick. Callie would look at Nakamura in shock. "Nakamura! You know Shiki!?" Callie asked. Nakamura looked at her confused, "Uhh… No… It's my Zai ability…" Nakamura said. Callie looked at Nakamura confused, "Then how did you not pass out during that Shiki clash…" Callie asked. Nakamura would at Callie and shrug. The gremlin would push back against Nakamura's stick. The gremlin would growl. Suddenly, it would have a half blade like Daichi but the blade was silver like a normal sword. "These shits have swords too!!??" Nakamura said. Daichi would scoff, "This little peasants won't distract me any longer…" Daichi said. He would look down at Callie making the platforms. "Hanaturo is distracted… Now is my chance…" Daichi thought. Suddenly, Daichi would start flying towards Callie. "I have to kill her!! For my brothers acceptance!!" Daichi said. Callie would look up and see Daichi in shock.