X106: Lost For Words.

Daichi would wind up his sword in the air and walk over to Callie. "I'm sick and tired of you 13th district kids… Make me wanna hurl…" Daichi said. Callie would close her eyes and tears would fall down her cheeks. "I'm not strong enough…" Callie thought. Daichi would smile and swing his sword towards Callie. When there would be a slicing sound heard. Nakamura and the other students would look at the hotel roof in shock. "CALLIE!!" Nakamura shouted. On the roof, Callie would be laying in the crater with her eyes close. "What the hell are you doing Thomas?? I didn't know you hated me this much." A familiar voice said. Callie would open her eyes in shock. "Y-Yuki-Kun…" Callie said. Yuki would be blocking Daichi's sword from touching Callie with one finger. Yuki would look at Daichi with a straight face. "H-Homura!!??" Daichi said. Yuki would have no shirt on and ripped shorts with a ton of holes in them. Yuki's hair would also be a little longer. Daichi would smirk as he looked at Yuki. "Finally, my prey has arrived!" Daichi thought. Suddenly, Yuki would be gone. Daichi would look behind him and See Yuki. Yuki would grab Daichi's neck and throw him in the sky. "Hey, Daichi if you could give me a second I gotta do something…" Yuki said. Daichi would clench his teeth. "Alright, thanks!" Yuki said. Yuki would look at the water and dive in. He would start swimming down when he noticed something glowing. He would swim towards the glowing light and he would see Daisuke unconscious. Yuki would look at Daisuke's stomach. "Ahh shit… He really did a number on you…" Yuki thought. Yuki would grab Daisuke by the back and put Daisuke over his shoulder. Yuki would start swimming upwards. Blue flames would then come out of Yuki's feet ascending him upwards. Yuki, with Daisuke on his shoulder would shoot out of the water. He would lay Daisuke next to Callie. "I know what all he's done to you but please… Heal him…" Yuki asked. Callie would look Yuki in the eyes. Callie would nod and Yuki would look up. Yuki would grab the handle of Callie's shattered sword. Suddenly, the sword would start rebuilding but the blade would be blue like Yuki's shiki. Yuki would breathe in and the sword would become solid. Yuki would jump up and fly towards Daichi. Yuki and Daichi would then clash swords. There would be a huge shockwave of Shiki. The water covering the district would then be separated and fall back into the ocean. Daichi would back away from Yuki and look down. "Shit!" Daichi thought. Suddenly, Daichi would look up and Yuki would hit him on the top of the head. Daichi would go flying into the ground and make a huge explosion. The smoke of the explosion would fade and Daichi would be standing on a small crater. Yuki would land on the ground a few feet across from Daichi. Daichi would be holding his sword with two hands. Yuki would smirk, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Yuki asked. Daichi would clench his teeth. "SHUT UP!!" Daichi shouted. Suddenly, all four of the gremlins would fly towards Yuki. They would all have their own little swords. Yuki would then appear in front of Daichi with his sword pointed to the sun. Yuki's blade would then be engulfed in blue flames. Yuki would then slash the front of Daichi's torso. Daichi would have a huge cut across his torso. Daichi would jump backwards. His cut would have black goop coming out of it. "OH HELL NAH… THAT SHIT IS NASTY!!" Yuki shouted. Daichi would then run away from Yuki. Daichi would point the blade of his sword towards the hotel. Yuki would see this and fly over to the hotel. A huge blast would come from the tip of Daichi's sword. The blast would then become a huge beam and Yuki would block it with his sword. Yuki would then fly towards Daichi, winding back his sword. Yuki would then stab Daichi in the heart. The two would land on the ground. Yuki would be standing on Daichi lying on the ground. Yuki would be breathing heavily. Daichi would grin, "You Idiot… I've taken so many lives to the point where I have become immortal!" Daichi said. Yuki would look at Daichi in shock. "W-What…" Yuki thought. Daichi would start laughing. "I'VE WON HOMURA!! AND YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!" Daichi shouted. Yuki's eyes would be shadowed over. Yuki would stab Daichi's head. Daichi would sigh, "You really are dull brained… Yuki Homuraki…" Daichi said. Yuki would clench his teeth. "Kylie Homuraki…" Daichi said. Yuki would punch Daichi in the stomach. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME!!??" Yuki shouted. Daichi would smirk, "Because Homura… I know… Everything… I know who you are and where you came from…" Daichi said. Daichi would chuckle, "I just wanted to hurt you from the inside…" Daichi said. Yuki would take his sword out of Daichi's head. Daichi would chuckle, "Oh don't worry Homuraki… I won't tell anyone… That's what makes it fun about the two of us…" Daichi said. Yuki would stab Daichi in the heart. "Oooh… That'll leave a mark…" Daichi said. Suddenly, Yuki's sword would crumple. Daichi chuckled.