X114: Communicate.

Yuki would walk out to the hall. Yuki would be leaning back on his locker whistling. Callie would walk out of the classroom and sigh. "So uh… What did you wanna talk about…" Yuki said. Callie would look at Yuki surprised. "Uh…" Callie said. Yuki would look at Callie confused. There would be an awkward tension between the two. Callie would look up at Yuki and her face would beat red. "I… I'm sorry…" Callie said. Yuki would shrug. "Alright…" Yuki said. Yuki would then grab a toothpick out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. Callie would look at Yuki like he was crazy. "W-What!!?? 'Alright'??" Callie said. Yuki would turn and walk towards the classroom. "W-What do you want me to say?" Yuki said. Callie would scoff, "I-I don't know… Maybe how you feel…" Callie said. Yuki would sigh, "To be honest… I'm tired of being played with… I don't need that in my life right now…" Yuki said. Callie would look at Yuki in shock. "P… Played with…" Callie said. Callie would turn around and run down the hall. Someone would then grab Yuki's shoulder. Yuki would turn around confused. "What?" Yuki said. Nakamura would look at Yuki confused. "Where did Callie go?" Nakamura asked. Yuki shrugged, "I told her what I wanted to tell her, and then she ran down the hall…" Yuki said. Nakamura would look at Yuki in shock, "W-What did you say to her!!??" Nakamura asked. Yuki sighed, "I told her that I was tired of being played with…" Yuki said. Nakamura would smack Yuki in the face. "YOU ASSHOLE!!" Nakamura said. Nakamura would push Yuki out of the way and run down the hall. Yuki would look back at Nakamura confused. "W-What…" Yuki said under his breath. Nakamura would be running down the hall with sweat dripping down her forehead. "That selfish asshole… Is he that stupid that he thinks she doesn't actually love him!!??" Nakamura thought. There would then be crying heard from inside the girl's bathroom. Nakamura would run into the bathroom. She would look at Callie crying on top of the sink. Nakamura would walk over to Callie and put her hand on her shoulder. "C-Callie… He wasnt seriou-" Nakamura said. Callie would turn around and look at Nakamura with tears in her eyes. "H-He obviously was… I don't know why I even try to bother with him anymore…" Callie said. Yuki would be leaning back on the wall with the toothpick snapped in half. Yuki's bangs would cover his eyes. "I'm a dumbass…" Yuki said. Callie and Nakamura would walk over to Yuki. "Apologize!" Nakamura said. Yuki would look up at Callie worried. "D-Do you really think I use you for my own benefit!!??" Callie said. Yuki would struggle to find words. "No!! I… I love you, Yuki…" Callie said.

"D-Do you like uh… Parfait…" Yuki asked. Callie would look at Yuki surprised. Yuki would be scratching the side of his head. Callie would nod, "Wanna meet at uh… Kayaba at 4?" Yuki asked. Callie would smile, "Y-Yea, see you there." Callie said. The three would then walk into the classroom.

Meanwhile, In a large throne room with barely any light there would be the silhouette of a man wearing a crown, he would have about 5 women around him wearing thong bikini's. He would also have two soldiers with armors similar to X-Guild's next to the throne with rifles. The huge doors to the throne room would open and the silhouette of tall muscular man wearing a cloak would walk into the throne room. He would have a pipe in his mouth and he would walk over to the stairs to the throne and kneel. "What is your presence… X-Guild General Sakino Akumi…" The king said. The king sounded like a man in his early 20's. Sakino would smile, "I have a prophecy… King…" Sakino said. Sakino's voice would have a deep gargle. "What is this prophecy you will tell…" The king requested. Sakino would sigh, "You'll need to send some extra funding to X-Guild if you want that information…" Sakino said. The man would point his palm at Sakino. Suddenly, black smoke would surround the kings wrist. The women would all gasp. The two soldier's would then point their rifles at Sakino. "All of you, calm yourselves!" The king shouted. The two soldiers would put their guns down and look at eachother. "What is your request Akumi…" The king said. Sakino would smirk, "I request funding of about 30 Billion Chronz's for our military…" Sakino asked. The women would look at the king in shock. The King would sigh, "What are you spending this 30 billion on?" The King would ask. Skino would chuckle, "Military efforts of course…" Sakino said. The King would scoff. "Why not spend it on working on the 10th District…" The King asked. Sakino would then burst out laughing, "Why shall I spend my own money on that shit hole when I can strengthen X-Guild??" Sakino said. The women would be trembling. "Calm down ladies, he is of no threat…" The King said. All the woman would nod, "Yes, Young Lord…" All the women said in unison. Sakino, "So, would you like to hear the prophecy… 'Young Lord'..." Sakino said.