X119: Return.

Mihoko and Yuki would both be sweating. The two would be breathing heavily. "OIL SPILL!!" Yuki shouted. Mihoko would look around. "Oil!!??" Mihoko said. Mihoko would look at Yuki. He would be standing in the same position. Mihoko would then slip, "W-What the!!??" Mihoko thought. Yuki would smirk as Mihoko would fall on an invisible ground. "I did it!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would be laughing, "I actually got you!!" Yuki said. Mihoko would get up. She would walk over to Yuki like a zombie. She would grab Yuki's shoulders. She would look up at Yuki. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!??" Mihoko shouted. Yuki would scream. Mihoko would then throw Yuki in the air. Yuki would go spiraling upwards. "Ah shit…" Yuki thought. Suddenly, Yuki would see Mihoko behind him kicking him. Yuki would open his eyes and would turn around mid air. Mihoko would then appear and Yuki would block her kick with his leg. Yuki's leg would then turn blue with a reflective tint just like Mihoko. Mihoko would smirk, "Thats what I'm talking about!" Mihoko said. Yuki would grin, "LETS GOOO!!" Yuki shouted. Mihoko would then kick Yuki's leg and he would go flying. "GOD DAMMIT~!!!" Yuki shouted while flying downwards. Mihoko would smile and wipe the sweat from her forehead, "I knew he could do it…" Mihoko thought. Mihoko would fly down towards Yuki. Yuki and Mihoko would look at eachother. Mihoko would look Yuki up and down. Mihoko would hug Yuki. Yuki would be surprised. Yuki would hug Mihoko back. The two would stop hugging, "I have a question…" Yuki said. Mihoko would look at Yuki confused. "Why do you always hug me and stuff?" Yuki asked. Mihoko would look at Yuki in shock. "Uhm… You remind me of my little brother…" Mihoko said. Yuki would look at Mihoko confused, "Who's your brother?" Yuki asked. Mihoko would sigh, "You probably know him… He's a member of the Platinum angel's trinity… Haruto Touma…" Mihoko said. Yuki's eyes would widen, "Y-Your Haruto's sister???" Yuki said. Mihoko nodded, "B-But thats not important…" Mihoko said. Mihoko would give Yuki a nuggie. "S-Stop…" Yuki said. Mihoko and Yuki would laugh. Mihoko and Yuki would look eachother in the eyes. Mihoko would put her hand on Yuki's elbow. "You're officially apart of the Seisan army…" Mihoko said. Yuki would smile and nod. "N-Now… Get out of here and go help your friends!" Mihoko said. Yuki would nod, "T-Thank you!" Yuki would put his palm out and he would open a portal. Yuki would climb through the portal and it would close behind him. Yuki would look around. There would be a ton of water. "Am I in the right place?" Yuki thought. Yuki's eyes would widen, "Those are…" Yuki thought. He would see Daisuke under water unconscious. He would see Callie fighting Daichi. "Shit which one do I get first…" Yuki thought. Yuki would then see the other students. "Shit…." Yuki thought. Meanwhile, Callie and Daichi were fighting below. Daichi would grab the collar of Callie's shirt and throw her onto the roof of a building. Callie would be laying on the roof with a crater under her. His sword would be next to her and it would shatter. Callie would look at her shattered sword in shock. Daichi would then land a few feet in front of her. Daichi would wind up his sword in the air and walk over to Callie. "I'm sick and tired of you 13th district kids… Make me wanna hurl…" Daichi said. Callie would close her eyes and tears would fall down her cheeks. "I'm not strong enough…" Callie thought. Daichi would smile and swing his sword towards Callie. When there would be a slicing sound heard. Nakamura and the other students would look at the hotel roof in shock. "CALLIE!!" Nakamura shouted. On the roof, Callie would be laying in the crater with her eyes close. "What the hell are you doing Thomas?? I didn't know you hated me this much." Yuki said. Callie would open her eyes in shock. "Y-Yuki-Kun…" Callie said. Yuki would be blocking Daichi's sword from touching Callie with one finger. Yuki would look at Daichi with a straight face. "H-Homura!!??" Daichi said. Yuki would have no shirt on and ripped shorts with a ton of holes in them. Yuki's hair would also be a little longer. Daichi would smirk as he looked at Yuki.

A few minutes later, Yuki would have Daichi pinned on the ground. Daichi would chuckle, "I just wanted to hurt you from the inside…" Daichi said. Yuki would take his sword out of Daichi's head. Daichi would chuckle, "Oh don't worry Homuraki… I won't tell anyone… That's what makes it fun about the two of us…" Daichi said. Yuki would stab Daichi in the heart. "Oooh… That'll leave a mark…" Daichi said.

In the present day, Yuki would finish writing in his journal and he would put his pen next to the journal. Yuki would close the journal and sighed. Yuki would grab his phone from his pocket and look at all his messages. He would have sent 5 to Callie and received no response. Yuki would sigh and put his phone down. "I guess It's time…" Yuki said.