X121: The Future Of Yuki Homura.

Meanwhile, in the 10th district on December 15th, 2076 at 10:35 AM EST. Ellie would be sitting in the same dungeon Yuki sat in when X-Guild captured him. Ellie would be all bloody and beat up. Ellie would hear footsteps. Ellie would look up and Sakino would be standing there. "It's unfortunate you were ready to make your own life… It seems you forgot who you are…" Sakino said. Sakino would unlock the cell door and open it. Ellie would look up at Sakino breathing heavily. "I'll kill you…" Ellie said. Sakino would chuckle. "In your dreams…" Sakino said. Ellie would then spit blood on Sakino's face. Sakino's left hand would then turn orange with a reflective glow. Sakino would smack Ellie and she would fly into the wall. Sakino would pull a handkerchief out of the pocket of his tuxedo. He would wipe off the blood on his face and throw the handkerchief at Ellie. "Clean this at once… Dirty rat…" Sakino said. Ellie would turn around looking at Sakino. Ellie would clench her teeth together. "Fuck my life," Ellie said.

Back in the 13th district. Yuki and Mateo would be standing across from each other breathing heavily. "You've grown lots in the last year Flame Emperor… But I have a feeling you aren't strong enough…" Mateo said. Yuki would clench his teeth, "All I wanna know is what you were talking about…" Yuki said. Mateo would chuckle, "Goodness you're still set on that… Get your head in the game and, Beat me!!" Mateo said. Yuki would open his palm and a sword would form made out of red flames with a black flamed blade. "R-RED G-GATE!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would then cough blood. "If I overdo with this technique…" Yuki thought. Yuki would grab the sword with two hands. "I'll die," Yuki said. Blood would then start pouring from Yuki's eyes and the veins in his sclera would grow and become dark red. "PHASE!" Yuki shouted. Yuki would vanish. Mateo would look around. "He was coughing blood… If that technique is used incorrectly… He'll die!" Mateo said. Yuki would then fade into the air behind Mateo. "FLAME EMPERORS EXCAULLIBUR!!" Yuki shouted. Mateo would turn around looking up at Yuki in shock. Yuki would swing the sword cutting Mateo's neck. Yuki would cough blood and Mateo would grin. Mateo would punch Yuki in the stomach and he would twist his fist. Yuki's stomach would twist in the process and he would gag blood. Yuki would go flying backward and crash through multiple trees. Yuki's Shiki would deactivate and the sword would go out. The tree Yuki flew through would break in half. Mateo would walk over to Yuki hopping over the tree trunks. Yuki would be laying face up on the ground. Yuki would be bleeding from the stomach and blood would be coming out of his mouth. Mateo would look at Yuki disappointed. "I expected more from you Homura…" Mateo said. Mateo would sigh, "But you've earned my respect… You managed to damage me…" Mateo said. Mateo would touch the cut on the back of his neck with his left pointer and middle finger. He would look at the blood, "The last person to make me bleed was Haruto Touma, he is the one other person who has my respect." Mateo said. Yuki would struggle to breathe. Mateo would deactivate his Shiki. "I expect to see you at Xeno on January first at 11:50 AM… That's when your friend's execution goes down…" Mateo said. Mateo would turn around and walk back to the camp. "Pack up, we're headed back to Xeno…" Mateo said. Yuki would be staring at the sky. "Xeno… That's the capital of the 10th district…" Yuki thought. Yuki would then close his eyes and think about Ellie. "They captured her when she was alone… Dirty play…" Yuki thought. Yuki would then exhale. "Over there!" A feminine voice said. Two footsteps would then be heard running toward Yuki. "Am I gonna die…" Yuki thought. Yuki would be sitting in a black void next to Gin. "G-Gin??" Yuki said in shock. Yuki would stand up. Gin would look up at Yuki. "You're dying…" Gin said. Yuki's eyes would widen. "You broke our promise… Do I need to take over your body now…" Yuki would look at Gin in shock. Yuki would flash back to the time they talked after their fight. Gin and Yuki would be standing across from each other. "If you ever get into deep shit or you're on the verge of dying… I'll take over your body in a heartbeat…" Gin said. Yuki would sigh, "Fine… just don't hurt anyone im close to when I die…" Yuki said. Yuki would open his eyes. "N-Not yet…" Yuki said. Gin would look at Yuki confused. "But that's our agreement… I get to take over your body if you end up near death…" Gin said. Yuki would shake his head. "No can do it, I still got a lot to do!" Yuki said. Yuki would then start glowing magenta. Yuki would look at his body, "What the hell??" Yuki said. Yuki would then start falling. "What the!!??" Yuki shouted. Yuki would then fall into what felt like water. In the real world, Yuki would be covered in a magenta forcefield. Callie would have her hand on the forcefield and she would be crying, "PLEASE. SURVIVE!!"