X133: Negotiations.

Yosuke followed up with a left hook. The punch hit Yuki in the face as he tried to block. Both Yuki and Yosuke threw right hooks at each other. The two hit each other in the face. "Good… Game…" Yuki said. Yosuke scoffed, "S-Shut up…" Yosuke said. Suddenly Yuki would get kicked in the back of the head falling to the ground. A hand would grab the back of Yosuke's head slamming him onto the ground. Akiira had her knee on Yosuke and the blade of her sword hovering over Yuki's neck.

"Now you three… Settle down, we're here to look for Ms. Hanaturo… We aren't here to brawl…" Mihoko said. Yuki and Yosuke scoffed. Akiira stood up and took her knee and blade off the two boys. Yuki and Yosuke stood up. Yosuke rubbed the back of his neck. "Come on, we don't have all day…" Mihoko said. Yuki nodded and they walked into the forest. The forest was dark and foggy. Mihoko looked around the forest. "Wasn't it sunny out not even 5 seconds ago?" Yuki asked. Mihoko nodded. The group kept walking until the path split off into two different trails. "Split up into two groups, Me and Yosuke, Akiira and Yuki," Mihoko said. The group nodded and split into their groups. The two groups walk down their separate paths in the dark forest. "I think we're in the right place… She told me she was in a dark forest…" Yuki said.

The two walked on the path when they walked upon a field surrounded by trees. Yuki looked confused as the two were standing in the middle of the field. "Still dark… But there are no trees blocking the light…" Yuki said. Akiira then put her hand on her sword's handle. Yuki looked at Akiira's sword confused. "Why are you pulling that out… I said sorry…" Yuki said.

Akiira glared at Yuki. Akiira unsheathed her sword. "Ema Zakatsu… Gold wind…" Akiira whispered. The blade of Akiira's sword turned from silver to gold. Akiira then slashed her sword in front of Yuki. Yuki felt a breeze fly past him. "AAGGHHH!!" Said a gargled voice. Yuki looked over at Akiira confused. "What was that sound?" Yuki asked. Akiira looked at Yuki confused. "You can't see them?" Akiira said.

"See what?" Yuki asked. Akiira slapped Yuki in the face. "Use your eyes, idiot!" Akiira said. Yuki close his eyes and breathed in. "Blue Gate: Flame Emperors' Sight," Yuki said. Yuki opened his eyes and his iris' were a reflective blue. Yuki's eyes would widen as he looked around the tree-lined field. A ton of humanoid-like devils. All the demons had X scars on their chests. Yuki then looked down looking at the demon Akiira cut down. "Hold on… Let me talk to them…" Yuki said. Akiira looked at Yuki confused as she sheathed her sword. Yuki walked forward two steps. "If your head general is here, I would like to negotiate!" Yuki said. A slightly taller Devil would walk out and the other smaller devils spread out making a path. "I am the head general taking orders under Queen Adiona… What are your propositions for negotiation..?" The Head General of the army asked. Yuki sighed, "I would like to talk to your queen and ask something over… I would like to bring me and my…" Yuki said. Yuki looked back at Akiira. He'd look back at the general. "... Accomplice to ask her of something…" Yuki said. The Head General of the army glared at Yuki. He would then pull out a walkie-talkie. The Head General talked into the walkie-talkie. The Head General looked back at Yuki and then the walkie-talkie and nodded. The Head General put the walkie-talkie back on his hip and walked over to Yuki. "Just you, not the girl." The Head General said. Yuki sighed, "Fine by me…" Yuki said. Akiira looked at Yuki insulted.

20 minutes later, Yuki was sitting in a dungeon cell wearing futuristic handcuffs. "How the hell did I fall for this shit?" Yuki asked.

"Y-Yuki??" A familiar voice said. Yuki's eyes widened in shock. Behind him, a person wearing a dark cloak would be sitting there. Yuki would stand up and walk over to the person. "N-Nakamura?" Yuki asked. The person took their hood off revealing Nakamura. She had shorter hair like a Wulf cut and scratches on her face. "Yuki!" Nakamura said. The two looked at each other and smiled. "So what the hell happened to 'Dark forest'?" Yuki asked. Nakamura sighed, "I ran into the group of devils you probably met up with and now we're here." Nakamura said.

"How the hell did you end up here?" Nakamura said. Yuki chuckled, "I uh, ran into that devil army and asked to negotiate with their queen… Here I am…" Yuki said. Nakamura sighed, "You are the biggest dumbass…" Nakamura said. Yuki chuckled, "S-Sorry… It's nice to know your alive…" Yuki said. Nakamura nodded, "So, what's going on in the real world?" Nakamura asked. Yuki shrugged, "Hell, I know as much as you do… I got here this morning…" Yuki said. Nakamura sighed. The two then heard footsteps approaching the cell. But it didn't sound like the devil, It sounded like… High heels…