X135: Segadores.

Yuki and Nakamura glared at this mysterious person. "Hey… Dude? Who the hell are you??" Yuki asked. The person stood there looking at the ground. Yuki and Nakamura's eyes widened in shock. "I… Feel… Heavy…" Yuki thought. Yuki looked over at Nakamura. Nakamura looked exactly like Yuki as the two were equally sweating. "You asked what I am? I am a member of the Segadores." The person said. Yuki and Nakamura glared at the person. "And we have been given a mission…" The person said. Yuki's eyes then turned dark blue. Yuki then looked around the forest. He saw multiple heat signatures of humanoid bodies. "five of them…" Yuki whispered to Nakamura. Nakamura nodded, "I'll take three, you take two." Yuki said. Nakamura chuckled, "Underestimating me eh?" Nakamura asked.

"I've made a few updates while I've been here," Nakamura said. Yuki nodded, "Alright, I trust you…" Yuki said. Yuki sighed, "Alright buddy, I got a few questions!" Yuki said. The person looked at Yuki confused. "Go?" The person said. Yuki cleared his throat. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR MISSION AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU GUYS WANT WITH ME!!??" Yuki shouted. The person's eyes widened in shock. "Well… We can answer that in one go…" The person said.

"We are a group of Assassins from the 6th district. Our mission is, Kill Yuki Homura." The person said. Yuki and Nakamura's eyes widened. A ball of blue fire then hit the person in the face. The person then went flying into the forest as the fireball hit their face. Yuki had an angry look on his face. "I don't have time for this shit!" Yuki shouted.

"Why don't all six of you take me on at once!" Yuki continued. The group then walked out from the trees. The person hit with the fireball had a bruise on their cheek. "Please Homura… We don't want to fight…" One of the members said. This person looked like a tall female about 5'7", She has long brown hair and wore black latex pants and a white leather jacket with a black collar and buttons. She had dark black eyes. Yuki and this woman glared at each other intensely, like they were having some mind battle. "So you're the strongest I'm going with?" Yuki asked. Yuki smirked and walked over to the woman looking down at her. She chuckled, "Maybe, what's it to you kid?" The woman asked. Yuki grinned, "Aw, hell yeah!" Yuki said. Yuki closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. Yuki's hair suddenly turned a dark gray. Two small horns made out of grey flames appeared on Yuki's head and two flames came out the ends of his mouth. Yuki's eyes turned a dark grey from their usual brown. Yuki's hands and forearms were then consumed by Grey Shiki. Yuki exhaled and looked at the woman. The woman looked at Yuki in shock. "B-But how??" The woman asked. Yuki chuckled, "Well when you meet your older self from another Universe… You learn a thing or two." Yuki said. One of the other Members of the group took out two daggers and started toward Yuki. She was a little girl, she had a scar on the left side of her mouth going to the end of her jaw. She had one eye shut closed with a scar. She had purple hair in two pig-tails. Yuki and the girl made eye contact. Yuki's eyes then widened as he ducked. Two shurikens that looked like Z came flying a foot above Yuki. Nakamura was blocking a huge man with two swords with her staff. "N-Nakamura, you alright??" Yuki asked. Nakamura scoffed, "Stop worrying about me, I'm fine!" Nakamura shouted. The girl with the daggers threw them at Yuki and Yuki jumped up. Suddenly, Yuki's eyesight turned blue and white. Suddenly a white foot came down at Yuki from above. Yuki's eyes then had a glitching effect as he jumped backward. Just then, the woman with brown hair would kick the ground missing Yuki. Yuki's eyes widened in shock as it happened again. Yuki looked to his left as a ball of energy flew toward him. Yuki's eyesight changed back to normal and there was no energy ball. Yuki jumped backward and right as he did, the energy ball came dashing in front of him. Yuki squinted, "Alright, I know for a fact this time… This form comes with a big upgrade…" Yuki thought. Yuki then put his two arms forward, with his hands open. "REAPER GATE!!" Yuki shouted. His hands were then engulfed with grey flames. "EVAPORATORS DOME!!" Yuki yelled. A ring of fire then formed from his hands spreading five meters on the ground. The ring then rose, turning into a dome. Yuki glared at the enemy group in the dome. They were worn out and breathing heavily. "Why does the sixth district want me dead so bad??" Yuki asked. The woman glared at Yuki, breathing heavily. "Because… We all want peace, and we figured out your death is the thing that can bring that!" The woman said. Yuki clenched his teeth. "God dammit…" Yuki said under his breath. He then clenched his left fist. "And… Its to save Callie Hatzi…" The woman finished. Yuki's eyes widened in shock. "W-What??"