X139: 2.5 days until execution.

A black angels soldier raised his hand. "They're just officers! We can take em!" The Black angel said. Haruto sighed, "I guarntee you thousands of guards will take you down… No matter how powerful you can become…" Haruto said. Yuki chuckled as everybody in the room murmured to eachother. "Alright, my sister and I will announce the squads…" Haruto said. Mihoko cleared her throat, "Squad #1 will be the Callie Hatzi Rescue… Nakamura Hanaturo, Kaki Takahashi, and…"

"Yuki Homura…" Mihoko finished. Yuki walked over to Nakamura and Kaki. Kaki looked at Yuki confused. "Why is the clone here?" Kaki said. Yuki punched Kaki on the top of the head. "Shut up! I'm the real one!" Yuki said. Kaki rubbed the top of his head, "I was just kidding…" Kaki said. Yuki sighed, "Come on you two, lets go." Nakamura said. The three walked down a hallway into another room. Mihoko sighed, "Squad #2 will be the 2nd front locating their headquarters. The members of this squad are: Akiira Shusui, Katsu Yoshikage, and Yosuke Yuzuhara." Haruto said. The members of Squad #2 walked into the same room as Squad #1. "Squad #3 will head with me to the front lines." Haruto said. Mihoko cleared her throat, "Squad #3's members are, Daisuke Shimura, Akuga Kasaragi, and Charlie Schmidt." Mihoko said. Squad #3 and Haruto walked over to the same room as the last two squads.

20 minutes later, Squad #1 were teleported by Mihoko and arrived on a beach. Yuki then closed his eyes. "Guide us Léa…"

"Sure thing, the coordinates of Callie's location are 19°26'52"N 99°05'42"W…" Léa said. Yuki nodded, "Blue Gate: Flame Emperors' Sight!" Yuki said. Squad #3 then ran west of the starting position. Yuki's eyes were shrouded and his teeth were clenched together. Yuki thought of the clone and Callie. Yuki's legs from the calves down turned dark grey. "Reaper gate: Jet engine flames!" Yuki shouted. The back of Yuki's feet had Small flames coming out the back of them. Yuki started running faster when he approached a building in sight. "Yuki! Don't rush head in!" Nakamura shouted. Yuki kept running with his eyes shrouded. Yuki spit saliva out of his mouth. "D-Dark gate…" Yuki said. Yuki's legs then went from grey to reflective black. "JET… ENGINE… FLAMESS~!" Yuki shouted. The flames on Yuki's feet turned from grey to a dark black. Yuki saw the door and kept running. Yuki then ran through the doors into the building. Yuki then stood in front of the doors. X-Guild soldiers then looked at Yuki. "H-How the hell did he get in here?? He didnt even open the doors!" One of the soldiers shouted. Yuki then heavily inhaled. "Reaper gate!" Yuki shouted. "FLAME GAUNTLETS!" Yuki shouted. The dozen soldiers in the room then put on these weird looking white gloves with wires all over them. The room then became cold as the corners on the ceiling started freezing. "Ice?" Yuki thought. Yuki ran towards the soldiers with his fists up. One of the soldiers then collided fists with Yuki. "AAHHH!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki then thought about Callie. "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!!" Yuki shouted. Yuki punched the soldier and he went flying through the crowd. Yuki started fighting more of the soldiers in the crowd. "Theres to many of them for base… I need to transform…" Yuki thought. Yuki then remembered back to a conversation he had with Haruto in the teleportation room. "Save your Zai and Shiki energy as much as possible, once you save Callie and head to the front lines it'll be very crucial!" Haruto said. Yuki opened his eyes. "Ah Dammit!" Yuki shouted. Yuki inhaled, "REAPER GATE: REAPER FLAME BLAST!" Yuki shouted. Yuki then opened his palms and a big line of flames came out of them. It blasted five of the soldiers out of the building. Yuki then spit out some saliva. "Where the hell is the clone and the girl!" Yuki shouted. The soldiers stood their with their guards up not responding. "So we're gonna do this the hard way huh?" Yuki said. The doors then opened behind Yuki. Nakamura and Kaki walked in. Nakamura had a Metal pole covered in her Zai ability and Shiki making it heavily durable. Kaki had his four tentacles on his back covered in Nakamura's Zai ability. "Yuki! Kaki and I did our research, there is three people down stairs… One of them are probably Callie!" Nakamura shouted. Yuki looked back at Nakamura surprised. "Head down stairs! We can hold them off!" Kaki said. Yuki smiled and nodded, Yuki then put his hands to the floor. "REAPER GATE!" Yuki shouted. Yuki's hands would be engulfed in grey flames. "REAPER FLAME BLAST!" Yuki shouted. A hole then exploded in the ground making a tunnel. Yuki jumped down the tunnel. Meanwhile, Nakamura and Kaki were fighting the soldiers upstairs. "Nakamura! Batter up!" Kaki shouted. Nakamura nodded and held her pole like a baseball bat. Kaki Jumped and Nakamura hit his feet. Kaki went flying toward the soldiers took down 5 of them with one kick. Nakamura then pointed the tip of her pole at a group of soldiers running toward her. "SHIN!" Nakamura shouted. A light blue ball of energy then appeared at the tip of her pole. "KAH!" Nakamura shouted. The energy ball then turned into a blast taking out 10 guards.

Meanwhile, Yuki land in what seemed like a dark hallway. Yuki walked down the hall way looking at his right and left. Yuki then appeared in a large room. Callie would be asleep sitting in a chair. A person would be standing next to them but only their legs were in the light. The person then stepped forward revealing themselves as Goroshi. "We've been expecting you… Yuki Homura." Goroshi said.