Shiro looked at Asuka. "Hello, leader of the Seisan Army…" Shiro said. Asuka looked at Shiro worried. "When did you find out?" Asuka asked. Shiro smirked, "A while ago actually…" Shiro said. Shiro looked back at his men. "Aim your weapons." Shiro said. The soldiers aimed their weapons at Asuka. Asuka was sweating. Shiro smirked. Asuka clenched her fists and they glowed yellow. "If you try to resist… I will kill you…" Shiro said. Asuka had an angered look on her face. "You are a heartless bastard… Leaving your own blood to get captured…" Asuka said. Shiro scoffed, "Daichi was a worthless pawn on the board…" Shiro said. Asuka looked at the sky surprised. Asuka then unclenched her fists and sighed. Asuka put her hands up. "I surrender…" Asuka said. Shiro looked back at Asuka confused. Asuka smirked, "BLUE GATE: EMPEROR FLAME BLAST!!" Yuki shouted. A huge gust a flames from the sky hit all the soldiers. The explosion resulted in a huge dust cloud. Shiro jumped back from the dust cloud and glared at the cloud. The dust cloud then faded away. Yuki would be standing in front of Asuka with blue flame's surrounding his fists. Yuki would wipe the blood from his mouth. Shiro smirked, "Yuki Homura… It's a pleasure to meet you…" Shiro said. Yuki looked at Shiro confused. "You're Shiro…?" Yuki asked. Shiro nodded and Yuki looked at him confused. "Daichi made it sound like you'd be taller…" Yuki said. Shiro sighed, "Did he? Well, once I rid of you… I'll give him a strict talking to…" Shiro said. Yuki smiled, "I wanna see if you can keep that promise…" Yuki said. Asuka looked at Yuki in shock. "It's impossible… He still isnt powerful enough…" Asuka thought. Yuki looked back at Asuka and smiled. "Wait… He doesnt plan to win does he…" Asuka thought. Shiro sighed. "I'm surprised you managed to get rid of that clone…" Shiro said. Shiro then took off his black gloves. Shiro had scars all over his hands. "I planned for you to try and stop me… So I planned for you to die here." Shiro said. Yuki glared at Shiro. Yuki would be sweating. Yuki would clench his teeth. "I'm aware I have no chance of beating you…" Yuki said. Shiro smirked, "Then why do you even try…?" Shiro said. Yuki's eyes were covered by his bangs. "Because… I have people I have to protect and It's the right thing to do…" Yuki said. Shiro scoffed, "Why don't you have the people protect you?" Shiro said. Yuki looked at Shiro, "Because I have the power to protect those that cannot protect themselves…" Yuki said. Shiro looked at Yuki disgusted. "Why… WHY DO YOU WANT TO PROTECT THE COWARDLY!!??" Shiro shouted. Yuki clenched his teeth. "Because…" Yuki said. Yuki exhaled and smoke came from his mouth. "BECAUSE IT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY… I MADE A PROMISE, A PROMISE TO EVERYONE!!" Yuki said. Shiro looked at Yuki confused. "You've never known a thing about that Hanami, abandoning your brother, Treating him like a pawn in a game of chess…" Yuki said. A blast of water would then hit Shiro in the face. "Enough with the small talk you two… We're all tired of it…" A familiar voice said. Yuki over to the left in shock. "What…" Daichi would walk over to Yuki and sigh. "Stop with all the pep talk with my brother… Your embarrassing me…" Daichi said. Daichi then handed Yuki a card. Yuki looked at the card confused. "What's this?" Yuki asked. Daichi looked at Yuki confused. "Are you dumb, it's the key to Ellie's cell, idiot." Daichi said. Yuki looked up at Daichi surprised. "How'd you get this!?" Yuki asked. Daichi looked at Yuki and smirked, "Doesnt matter, just get down there and save your friend…" Daichi said. Yuki looked at Daichi confused. "I'll deal with my brother, you get going…" Daichi said. Daichi turned to face his brother. "Daichi… Wait!" Daichi stood there for a second and sighed. Daichi turned his head, "Go… I got this…" Daichi said. Yuki's eyes widened in shock. "Daichi! You don't-" Yuki said. Asuka put her hand on Yuki's shoulder. "Come on… Lets go…" Asuka said. Yuki turned to look at Asuka. "B-But…" Yuki said. Asuka had a worried look on her face. Yuki looked down as his bangs covered his eyes. "Lets go…" Yuki said. The two walked back into the building and they would see a bright yellow glow coming from the hallway Ellie's cell was located in. Yuki's eyes widened and he ran into the hallway. While Yuki was running in the hallway, the glow vanished. When Yuki arrived at Ellie's cell, she was gone. No sight of her. Yuki's face then went pale. Yuki then started mumbling to himself. "Yuki!" Haruto shouted. Yuki flinched, "W-What??" Yuki asked. Haruto sounded like he was panting. "They started the execution early!" Haruto said. Yuki and Asuka would walk out of the headquarters and look over at the hill the execution was being held on. A golden portal then opened at the top of the hill. Ellie would come out of the portal and kneel on the ground. Two guards walked out behind her with two rifles. Yuki's eyes were shadowed over as he felt rage. He clenched his teeth. "All the sacrifices made so I could survive…" Yuki said. Tears from Yuki's face then fell to the ground. "I'm not special… I'm just some kid from a small village in Japan…" Yuki said. Yuki's right hand was then engulfed in flames. "Im nobody… That's always how its been and thats how it'll stay…" Yuki said. Yuki's eyes then became unshadowed and they were dark red. A person then stepped out of the portal. Asuka's eyes widened in shock. "No."
"It's all over…" Asuka said. Asuka then collapsed to her knee's. "It was all for nothing…" Asuka finished. Yuki looked at Asuka confused. "Who is that??" Yuki asked. Asuka then look at Yuki in horror. "It's…" Asuka said. Yuki looked at her confused. "It's, King Adiona."