
"How did you know I do this every night?"

Raiva's voice had come out more suspicious than she had intended, though she was very curious, since neither Victor nor Octavia had ever noticed.

He laughed lightheartedly at the suspicion, handing her a glass.

"I don't sleep much, sometimes. Lately I've been working on some manuscripts and end up staying up very late, and I often walk around the house to stretch my legs. I keep seeing the fireplace dirty and a single glass left on the coffee table here, so I worked out the rest."

He raised his glass at her slightly, and took a sip. He sighed peacefully after, holding her gaze with his.

She followed suit and took a careful sip, her mouth flooding with sweet and fiery liquid. The pear flavor was stronger than she expected, and the burn in her mouth not quite as intense as she had thought.

"This is wonderful," she remarked, getting comfortable in her spot, pulling her legs under her.

"Isn't it?" he chuckled, before reaching for some of her cheese. "If I may?"

She smiled and shrugged, "Feel free."

Silence fell, as the two drank their brandy and nibbles on the cheese and jerky.

Eventually Cassian broke the silence with a grin, remarking, "You know, Raiva, it's a bit of a bad habit, but I tend to notice a lot of things.


/Why do I have a weird feeling about this.

"Please don't take it the wrong way," he replied, seeming to choose his words carefully. "But, well. You and the captain. And Victor. And Octavia."

/No no.

He was trying to contain a laugh, but succeeding only halfway.

"Or maybe it's better phrased as what you appear to do with the captain and the escort, and what you want to do with her."


His laughter finally escaped entirely, as Raiva stared at him blankly in disbelief.

"Oh, I'm not laughing at you, obviously, it's just that it's incredible," he poured both of them another glass, amused by her stare. "Two out of four boarders, and the third is ready when you are, it looks like."

She wanted to retort, or say something smart, but all she managed was, "Uhm. Things happened?"

Another burst of laughter.

"I'll say. Not that I judge you," he smiled as he returned to his brandy.

She took a big sip and drew herself up, deciding to open up to him for no discernible reason, other than he was the only person who knew.

"I don't even know where to begin.

"Griffin and I are, well, comrades of a sort, that's all. And I'm not sure Victor even counts, seeing as he seems to just tease me before running away so far. Octavia is… I don't know. I've only ever seen one other woman in that way, and to put it plainly, it did not go too well."

"That is a conundrum," he smiled, listening attentively.

"I do have a question, though."


"Why did you bring it up? Is that why you've plied me with expensive brandy?"

His gaze remained unchanged as he considered his answer, though his eyes narrowed for a moment.

"Because I felt like it, I suppose," he shrugged. "And it's interesting, on top of you yourself being interesting, of course. I like interesting. Is that not enough?"

She chuckled.


"You figured that bit out too, then? Well, it's not so hard if you pay attention, after all. If you're a noble especially," she broke eye contact and focused on the flames licking the back walls of the fireplace. "Yes, that's enough."

She pondered for a bit.

"What did you mean by 'not that I judge you'?"

He smiled and fixed his eyes on his glass.

"Actors aren't exactly known for their modesty or restraint, what with all the socializing. I'd gather most have been involved with more than one person at a time, myself included."

"Didn't it get messy?" she asked.

A memory flashed across her mind, so fast that she barely managed to perceive what it was. A man, shouting.

"Not really," he replied without hesitation. "If you're clear about what you want out of it and tell them before it gets serious, it could be fine. Though it's not a guarantee, it does make it easier. Especially if there aren't actually feelings involved. It's all just sex in the end."

He smiled at her again, sweeter than before, like he was verifying something.

/I was wondering when I'd start feeling the buzz.

His brown eyes and olive skin glistened in the warm light, and his dark curls fell in an almost rehearsed manner across his small face, revealing the beauty spot under his right eye. It was strange to her how a man could be so beautiful. Not in the statuesque, classic way a man was beautiful, but more delicate and pretty. Yet there was nothing overtly feminine about him, even despite his long, dark lashes, naturally rouge-looking lips and overall slim stature.

/Though I suppose most would look slim and delicate compared to Griffin. No, Cassian looks more… Like a romantic man, the protagonist of a love-against-all-odds romance play.

Noticing her soft gaze, his smile broadened.

"What, looking to make it four out of four?"

Surprised she let out a light laughter.

"I'm not sure I dare," she giggled.

He cocked his head to the side, and pondered something for a minute as they continued drinking, steadily nearing the bottom of the bottle.

"Do you remember what I said about being clear?"

"Sure," she responded, not sure where this was heading.

"First, I have to establish something: I don't love."

"What? What do you-"

"I mean exactly that, Raiva. I don't love, as in, I don't fall in love like how everyone else seems to. I like my friends, my family, but I don't feel the romantic love portrayed in plays."


/Not falling in love? How… Odd.

She had no reason to doubt his words, though the prospect was confusing to her.

"Not that changes much in the grand scheme of things," he waved his hand absentmindedly.

He sat his glass on the table and leaned in towards her, bringing his distractingly pretty face closer to hers. She forgot how to breathe for a moment.

"This is me being clear, Raiva. I'm not bothered by being one of four. I find you infatuating, and based on your response earlier and look just now, you're attracted to me, too."


He ignored her objection and moved closer to her face, as the fire in a strangely timely manner turned to embers, casting the two into a dim light of orange, making his closeness hypnotizing. She could feel his breath on her skin, lightly, as continued to speak.

"So, as long as we can agree to keeping it platonic, I think we could have fun together."

She looked into his eyes, as he stopped, only a few inches from her face, having managed to smoothly get on top of her.

/It's not like I have anything to lose, do I?

She lowered her glass to the floor and leaned in, her lips brushing his ear as she asked in a low voice, "What kind of fun?"

He smiled as she withdrew and he put a finger under her chin.

"Have you ever tried something… less vanilla?"

"Like bondage?"

He grinned.

"Yes, like bondage."

"Then yes," she replied, moving her face to put his fingertip in her mouth. "And that does sound like my kind of fun."