1: First Night In Berkeley


"How many boxes left, Ash?" Olivia yells from downstairs, her voice echoing in the halls.

"Two more," I yelled back, heaving as I tried to drag the enormous suitcase with me, simultaneously hoping I didn't twist my ankle and fall down the stairs. I will be trashed if that happens.

"Let me get that, kiddo," I nod gratefully at John, my three-year-old elder brother who acts like a father, much to my dismay.

I place my hands on my waist and huff out a breath though I didn't do much.

"Are you almost done? Oh, I will miss you so much, my babies." Mum says, pulling me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around her, the distinct scent of cinnamon wasting through my nostrils.

She has been baking, I can tell, though she has been singing since morning that we needed cinnamon rolls for the trip.

"Well, you'll be with me for one more day, mum. There's not much to miss." I point out, earning a short chuckle.

"One day is not enough for me to get a fill of you, baby."

My amazing but overbearing family thought it would be an excellent idea to come with me to Berkeley, where I got accepted into the prestigious University of California, Berkeley, to study computer and information sciences.

They are making it a pretty big deal since John is studying here in Ramona, a small rural town in San Diego, I mean *it is* a big deal, but I've been modest about it, Olivia, not so much.

The plan was for both of us to get the scholarship with dad now retired and John trying out new jobs every other month and trying to pay off his student loan while doing his absolute best to make sure we don't drown in debt like he presently is, it sounded like a plan, but I passed the entrance exams, and we both got in.

The University of California Berkeley has always been my dream university, but I knew my parents didn't have the money to afford the tuition, but now, an all-paid scholarship, I would've been stupid to turn it down though I know there is no way my parents or John would've let me do that.

No one in my family has studied outside of the state before hence the reason for this forced family vacation.

It's like Olivia, and I did something so incredible; although her own scholarship is not fully funded, it does help a long way though.

Even my parents were born here in Ramona, and they studied here. We've heard their story about a million times though I have to admit it is kind of cute, seeing as they were high school sweethearts that made it to marriage and even have kids, and they are still growing strong that it borders on disgusting sometimes.

"Okay, let's get going." Dad claps from the top of the stairs interrupting mum and my moment. She's still holding on to me, her little girl.

"Champ," Dad pats me on the back like dad's do. "All set?"

I let out a breath before nodding. He clasped my hands on his making me look up into his eyes, his ageing eyes that were starting to wrinkle from the sides.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl, my girls." He pecks my forehead.

"I know, dad." He has said that about a million times since we received the acceptance letter.

We hear loud footsteps before Olivia's form comes into view in her high-waisted jeans and crop top.

"Let's get going. We all don't want to be in the car with John driving late at night. He has a bad vision in case any of you have forgotten."

"Where is your brother?" He is referring to our ten-year-old brother Sam who has been pouting, this family trip idea doesn't sit well with him and he would much rather be on the couch with his game controls than in a car with us for hours.

"Out by the car, pleading with John to ask mun to let him stay behind."

"That won't happen," Mum says with finality.

"I'll take the last suitcase out. Honey, can you please switch off the electricity so the bill doesn't pile?" Mum nods, walking toward the stairs while dad disappears down the hall to get my last suitcase.

"I can't believe it's happening," Olivia says in a whisper and I nod.

It has been a dream of ours and it coming through is overwhelming.

"It is happening," I say, assuring her and myself.

"Let's go make the most of it, California; better be ready." I chuckle and shove her playfully.

"You are in California, dummy." Olivia rolls her eyes.

"No, now we're going there." With that, we walked down the stairs.

We walk out of the house we grew up in, with all the memories attached to every corner with my sister's hand in mine, going on this journey together just like we've done our woke lives. This is the beginning of my happily ever after.

At first, I was not sure we'd be able to do it, but I told myself we had to try, and it seems like we're taking a big step towards everything we've ever dreamed of.

No one knows that the dream is perfect because she would be there with me.

We get into the family car, John in the front with dad, mum, and a still pouting Sam beside her in the middle row, Olivia and me in the back seat.

Mum has her trustee carry on bowl of cinnamon rolls which she insists we need on the trip to keep it fun.

Yes, this is a road trip to my family, to me, just leaving home, I guess, spreading my wings.

Everyone else looks forward to that, but I'm terrified of it. Maybe I'm just not cut out for the moving out of the nest thing; Olivia seems enthralled.

John plays different songs that we sing along to, reminiscing the old days when we traveled during vacations to visit pop and grams in San Jose before moving back to Ramona three years ago.

It was much better though, since I can just drop by after school and eat grams' special cupcakes, which she sent over yesterday when I went to tell them goodbye.

They wanted to come with me, but dad said it was of no use since the stress was unneeded, but she sent her love along with many kisses and hugs. I already miss our late evening visits and talks with her.

We got to Berkeley a little past five in the evening and checked in our hotel, one that John swears is much better than the price might suggest.

Dad and mum share a room; Olivia and I are in the same room, and John and Sam have a separate room though he is with us now; the latter went to bed immediately after dinner. I think he is over the 'i'd rather be on the couch thing.'

He retired pretty late, leaving Olivia and me alone in the room.

"We'll go to the school tomorrow?" She asks, sitting on the large bed.

I have my room at home, but we're used to sleeping on the same bed, a much smaller bed.

"Yeah, to check out the dorms. Is it weird that mum and dad want to tag along?" Olivia feigns thinking about it before she bursts into laughter.

"Yes, it is weird. We'll look like preschoolers with our mum?" She shudders, making me laugh.

"It's good that school isn't starting till a month."

"What?" I ask; you can hear the slight shake in my voice.

Olivia cackles; yes, my sister just cackled before getting to her feet and rushing to her suitcase. I watch her in panic, and I don't think you should blame me for it.

I know how she can get when she's excited and looks excited right now. Save me, dear lord.

What did she mean the school doesn't start till in a month? It is supposed to be Monday, and today is Friday, so, in three days, that will be Monday.

I think I'm hyperventilating.

She unzips it and looks through it before making an 'aha' sound and getting to her feet.

I follow each of her movements with scrutiny as if expecting her to throw a frog at me, and no, I am not being dramatic; she has done it before.

She drops what she is hiding in her back, and my mouth hangs open when I see the garment bag and the unmistakable shoe box––boxes, to be precise. Which I unfortunately know is for her and me.

"Ollie?" I call cautiously, getting off the bed. "What is that for?" My voice is soft as if talking to someone liable to have outbursts.

"I know you would have screamed or something, so I kept it on the hush," I nod, waiting for her to finish telling me whatever crazy idea she has. "So you won't freak and don't tell John mistakenly," She made air quotes around mistakenly.

I'm not very much a liar, and John is the number one person who always catches on, so I find myself spurting out the truth even before he even says I'm lying.

"What do you want me to do?" I know she can hear the dread in my voice when I ask that, but since Olivia is well, Olivia, she didn't care and went on explaining her genius idea.

"And since that would explain while we're here a month early, I avoided that, and here we are." I'm looking at her like she has grown five heads, but she doesn't seem to mind if anything; she claps, hurrying my slow ass up as she calls it.

"It's almost twelve, Ash; get your butt in the game." I stare at my sister–no, my crazy sister wide-eyed.

"What do you want me to do?!" I ask, exasperated, opening my arms wide in question.

She is not the least fazed by my outburst; if anything, she gave me a look defining me as the bane of her existence. The look is relatively straightforward and concise.

"Get dressed!" She whisper yells, trying to keep her voice low because this very portable hotel probably has thin walls, and seeing the trouble and hurdles she has gone through to make us do this, she wouldn't want it to flop just when victory is almost at her grasp.

She manages to coerce me—force me if we want to use literals—into a tight red dress that barely covers my ass wearing heels. I'm not sure I can walk straight.

She hands me a purse and picks another one before dragging me by the arms, and I follow my sister to sneak out of the hotel.

"You are crazy, Ollie," I tell her, but she doesn't care too busy taking selfies to save the memories of how absolutely crazy she is.

"One of us has to be fun in this family." She points her phone in my face. "Smile to memories." I frown, and she smiles widely before taking a picture.

A cab is waiting outside when we get there, and I give her a look. She shrugs and mutters she has her ways. I don't even want to ask what ways, and I get in the back seat along with her and this heavy eye makeup I can't very much see with.

"Where are we headed?" I ask with a defeated sigh. I've already gotten dressed, and I let her put heavy makeup on me and even try out her damn smoky eyes(which look good, but she's never going to hear that). These heels might look sexy from afar but are a torture device to me, so maybe I am now fully part of this, an accomplice in all of my dear sister's crazy scheme.

"A club." My heart stops.