3: A Look


"I made sure to keep you busy for the month before school starts, so make the most of it before you bury yourself in computers, just like I know you would," Olivia says the last part pointedly. I don't even argue because she is right.

That was how I wanted my school life to be, based on the school.

She's the social sister while I'm the sister that is plainly known as the sister and I am happy with that. It seems my sister isn't; it doesn't surprise me, though, because she is always finding ways to make me more social and telling me to live a little.

"If anything goes wrong, it's all on you." She makes a cross my heart sign before walking forward.

"I'll take the blame if anything goes wrong, which I know won't happen." I fight the urge to tell her she doesn't have control over the universe, but I save my words. She wouldn't listen.

We walk through two more doors which also have buff guards outside, though it's only one guard standing, and they didn't give us a hard time only opening doors for us before reaching where I assume is our final destination because Olivia stops after we walk through the third door.

The room is painted in milk and shades of brown and gold, like the room we passed through first. It has booths too, but this looks like an actual club with multiple people standing by the stage.

The lights are bright though, so you can make out your partner's face. I don't know if that is a good thing or not since I don't exactly want anyone to see me in here and recognize me later on in life, then I'll be viewed as someone that goes to BDSM and sex clubs when I'm not old enough to drink legally.

I tell Olivia this, so she drops any idea of getting alcohol into my system. She only rolls her eyes and gives me an annoyed nod.

Cheers ring out from everywhere in the room, and I look up to see what the cheers and screams are all about. My heart stops, in fear or thrill or shock or all combined, I don't know, but it takes a few seconds to recover and officially declare myself safe from cardiac arrest.

The curtains open slowly, revealing a naked woman–fully naked woman, I mean not even a G-string in sight or a bra or bikini or something like that.

My mind gets runny and I'm taken by surprise or shock, or–this is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm speechless.

The woman is tied to a pole or maybe I should call it a makeshift door like wall, her hands and legs are bound to to the edges, there is a place attached to the wood that allows her hand to be out there, so she's spread wide, hiding nothing from view. To me it kind of looks like all those torture devices used in the stone age to pass out verdicts.

I can see something trailing down her open legs but she doesn't seem to mind, her nipples are hard it's obvious even from here.

Goddamn, what the fuck is happening?

She is the one restrained but I'm the one feeling weak.

A man walks on the stage, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs that hide nothing from people's view because even from here, I can make out every single part of his dick.

My cheeks warm on their own and I have to admit, I'm quite embarrassed.

"Come let's find out seats," I follow Olivia wordlessly.

That's all I seem to be doing, following after her like a loyal dog on a leash.

I do have many questions though, how do we have seats or even a reservation to this crazy place? Most importantly, how did Olivia know of this place?

We both grew up together in Ramona and we did everything together, well almost everything since I have no idea she knows a place like this or even knows how to get tickets to a place like this.

We're sitting now at one of the chairs outback, it gives a great view of what's happening on stage and we don't have to be within the reach of the people that are standing close to the stage.

The half-naked man on stage says something to the woman and she nods.

My eyes drift to Olivia for a moment and she seems engrossed in whatever is happening up there.

I don't exactly want to know which is why my eyes travel the length of the large hall, registering the faces of multiple strangers who are all paying attention just like my sister is, as though hypnotized.

My eyes widen when they land on dark eyes from a far end of the club, I guess he is also not watching like everyone else. I quickly looked away not at all comfortable with the way he was looking at me.

Oh shut up, he was probably looking elsewhere.

I ignore my subconscious, he may be looking elsewhere but we made eye contact and from all the books and movies I've read and watched before, it wouldn't end well, for me at least.

I steal another glance and this time, I have a mini heart attack when I find his eyes still on me.

I blink rapidly and if you're still wondering if he is or isn't looking at me, he is, and to confirm it is me he is looking at, he raised his eyebrow.

I'm so dead, I'm so dead! I'M SO DEAD!!

I snap my eyes back to the stage involuntarily wishing the ground would open up and swallow me but that doesn't happen.

I'm still seated in this booth next to Olivia who didn't notice what just happened and in the presence of over a hundred people probably, there is nothing he can do, assuming he is a serial killer that finds unsuspecting girls that have been dragged by their crazy sister to a BDSM club in the middle of the night.


I'll not be his victim.

Then maybe you should stop looking his way.

Right, I look away when he catches me staring again.

I swallow my saliva which feels thick, thickened by my nervousness.

"Oh my fucking God!" Olivia exclaims in awe.

That makes me look up and a soft gasp leaves my lips when I find the woman from earlier that was restrained with two clamps on her nipples, a girl going down on her and the man from before has his dick out and he's forcing it down her throat.

She gags around him the sound echoes in the large room, he lifts his hand and lands it on her breasts, the slap resonates around the room too.

Murmurs of agreement ring out in the room.

I take my eyes off the explicit sinister act and move them to the occupants of the room, making sure to keep my eyes away from the right side of the hall.

Some men already have their dicks out and you can hear their loud grunts and growls of pleasure as they stroke themselves.

Others that have women close by have then bent over the table and are carelessly pounding into them, under the gaze of anyone that cares to look. I look away moving farther left.

Another gasp leaves my lips when I see two women feeling up each other's naked bodies in front of a huge man in an expensive suit, by his jerky moves you can tell he's also stroking himself.

I move eyes until they finally land on Olivia whose own are widened in awe and her cheeks have a bit of color on them.

It is my time to roll my eyes.

She has always loved things out of the traditional bubble as she likes to call it but I didn't think it was this....extreme? I don't know what else to call it.

As though sensing my gaze she turns to me and smiled widely.

"Aren't you just glad you came?" I give her a blank look and she chuckles, that is not enough to discourage her.

"The night is still young." She turns but not before giving me a smirk. "Who knows? You might volunteer to do the next act."

I almost laugh at that knowing there is no way I would do that.

A man dressed in a waiter's uniform stops by our table and kept a bottle of champagne, expensive-looking champagne.

"I'm sorry, we didn't order this," Olivia says and I can read her panic.

Ha! I'm sure it'll take dad's salary, John's and even mum's annual salary to pay for that bottle.

"Compliments from that gentleman over there." My heart sinks when he points to the direction I've been avoiding since that eyebrow-raising incident.

Olivia nods her thanks while I face forward.

I can feel his gaze on me, I don't know how but I just feel it and it is Hella uncomfortable, just like everything else she has forced me to go through tonight.

The waiter drops a business card before turning on his heels.

"Damn, I like fancy people." Olivia states in awe picking up the card, her mouth hangs open and I get curious but I can still feel the intensity of his eyes on me so I don't make a move to take it from her.

Though there is nothing I want to do more than that.

"Have you heard of Tyson corporations?" She asks and I shake my head no hesitantly.

It does sound familiar and the only thing I can relate with it right at this moment is that I have heard the name quite a lot, especially these past few days from Ollie's friends.

"They own a chain of hotels right?" She nods and it finally clicks.

"Wait, wasn't it one of the brothers that got stood up at the altar?" She nods again and I huff a breath.

I wonder if he's the one sitting there, then I don't blame her for doing what she did.

That happened only like three weeks ago and he's already picking up girls in a sex club, that doesn't really make you want to feel bad for him.

Oh my God! I don't even know if it's him but I'm jumping to conclusions.

"Those brothers are the definition of sex on legs, and I want that third leg." I roll my eyes at my sex-obsessed sister.

"Is that all you really want?" I ask playing with the ring on my finger.

It's still to stop me from looking right because every never on my body is calling to that side of the room.

He is no longer looking at me because I don't feel the weight of his eyes on the back of my head.

"I mean, the money and luxury are all good too but I just want to be plunged by one of them. Or all of them, I'll take anything." A loud laugh leaves my lips and I bend over laughing uncontrollably.

Don't go on telling me it's not funny because it is, especially when you put her expression into consideration.

"When can we go home?" I ask after a few minutes.

More cheers and claps ring out on the room and she grunts and call me a distraction saying I made her miss the best part of the show, I can't even pretend to be sorry.

"We just have one more thing to do. Come with me." I get to my feet and follow her like I've been doing since we left the hotel.

I still want to ask her how she got an invite or a pass or whatever to this place but I'll let her have her fun for tonight.

When school starts it'll be hard to visit home and seeing as she has basically imprisoned me here for a month I have nothing to do so I'll rather have fun with her or spend time with her whole she has fun and I get tortured, for a month. I'll probably be dead by the time she is done.

At least I'll have memories to hold on to before we do something crazy and spontaneous like this again.