Chapter-20 New pillow (Rewritten)

Real freedom is not doing what you want, but refraining from doing what you don't want to do.

As Stephen entered this world, he believed he was free.

He had no intention of sleeping on the ground, so while Felicity was still contemplating the issue of sleeping on the floor and displaying restraint, he engaged in as much conversation as possible. Stephen lifted the quilt, lay down on the bed, and naturally embraced Felicity. Her body became stiff, yet it remained soft. Felicity, being embraced by Stephen, remained motionless as if she were acupuncture point. The hand that was holding the phone tightly was pointed out, but she didn't seem to move anymore, and her mind went blank.

"Sigh... The new pillow doesn't seem to be big enough," Stephen murmured after experiencing it, and slowly closed his eyes.

Felicity gazed at Stephen quietly, unsure of how much time had passed. Seeing that he appeared to be asleep, she wanted to gently remove his hand from her body. However, as soon as she moved it away, he placed it back on its own. This caused Felicity's anger to rise once again, but eventually, she surrendered. Wasn't it alright if he, Stephen, didn't do anything to her?

Helplessly, Felicity looked at Stephen and whispered a few words in her heart. Unconsciously, her eyelids began to droop, and she fell into a confused sleep.

She seemed to have a dream.

In her dream, she had just graduated and secured a job position at Queen Group. She rented a small yet cozy apartment with her boyfriend. The two of them worked hard to tidy up the place. They ordered takeout for dinner before going to sleep. Her boyfriend was sweet from morning till night, and while sleeping, he held her with affection. Shy and nervous, she felt like she had found someone to entrust her life to. Gradually, she let go of her resistance and began to take the initiative, but her boyfriend playfully avoided her advances, which annoyed her, causing her to take the initiative once more.

Then the dream started to blur, and she woke up from it.

She realized Stephen was gone, and his pajamas were missing too.

Reflecting on the vaguely remembered dream, Felicity couldn't help but feel embarrassed because she noticed that the boyfriend in the dream looked exactly like Stephen.

"Damn it, I'm not the kind of girl who would have such a dream," Felicity scolded in annoyance. When she inadvertently glanced at the alarm clock, she suddenly remembered that she had to go to work at Queen Group today.

"Oh no, I'm going to be late!" Felicity exclaimed in a panic. She hurriedly searched for her clothes, hastily put them on, and rushed out of the bedroom towards the bathroom to wash up. Five minutes later, she gathered her things and headed out, bag in hand and shoes on her feet. That's when she noticed Stephen sitting on the sofa, clearly witnessing the series of silly actions she had just performed.

Embarrassed, Felicity's head twitched, and she informed him that she would finish work at five before opening the door and leaving.


The door closed heavily. Stephen shook his head with a smile. Felicity was much more interesting than Harley Quinn.

As he lay on the sofa, the sun cast its rays upon him. Stephen narrowed his eyes and began to ponder. The Green Arrow hadn't been born yet, and there was no news about the explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City. So, for now, he could only find amusement with the Legends team.

The mission of the Legends team was to travel through time, rectifying various temporal deviations and safeguarding the timeline. If he were to alter their "history" right now, then they would undoubtedly appear before him, right? At that point, he would have the opportunity to accompany the Legends team on their time-traveling adventures. As for whether the Legends team would accept him on their ship, that remained to be seen.

If life has taught me anything, which it has, it's to seize what you like!

Being in Starling City, Stephen had set his sights on Laurel Lance. Laurel Lance's character was a bit jealous but kind and upright. If she were to become the Black Canary early on and possess the ability to defend herself, her sister Sara Lance wouldn't betray the League of Assassins to protect her and their father. Consequently, she wouldn't be killed by Thea, who was under the control of Malcolm Merlyn, and she wouldn't need to be resurrected using the Lazarus Pit, let alone join the Legends team. This would alter the timeline to some extent, right? The future Legends team would discover the absence of their future captain, Sara, prompting them to eventually cross over and uncover what had occurred.

Moreover, he was somewhat intrigued by Laurel, not just to make the green field on the cuckold's hat grow even greener, but because he genuinely believed that when the Green Arrow returned and intended to display his abilities in saving the city, it would lead to an intense love-hate relationship. What would happen when he uttered the phrase "I must pretend to be someone else, I must become something else" and discovered that the city's evils and villains had already been dealt with? Would he continue being the Green Arrow or live peacefully as a son?

Most likely, he would continue being the Green Arrow, right? It's just that by then, his adversary would likely be Laurel.

The drama of former lovers turning against each other was undeniably captivating, even though it might turn bloody.


Real Author: Marvel King

Translator: Zatch[King]Rex