Winter (1)

One year and a few more months had passed since my core had filled itself in, while it still remained the size of a marble, its colour had started to change from black to a slight but noticeable dark blue.

During the last year I had been steadily working on my speech and managed to say my first words calling my mother "Mama" and my father "Papa". The look of joy on their faces was enough to make me feel elated and gave me this weird sense of accomplishment even if I knew it wasn't much – though I suppose if I were a normal child it would. But more importantly, I was also walking. The freedom I felt just being able to move around more was a gift from whatever God existed in this world.

In regards to my self-study of magic, I began by attempting to recreate the same spells my mother was using to do work around the house. At first I found it quite hard, I could not for the life of me understand how to manipulate the energy in my body in such a way that it would match the movement of my hands and the chant she used, but I eventually got the hang of things while practising in secret.


"Purgatio" The boy chanted out loud while doing the necessary hand movement.

A black mist conjured itself out of thin air as it made its way from his hand to where it was pointing towards the floor. As the black mist vanished, so did any traces of dirt on the floor.

'Interesting.' The boy thought as he recalled the effect of the spell on his body. Casting the same spell once more he took note of how it moved the mana within his body before turning into the black mist that would make all traces of dirt disappear.

He began casting it again and again and again before finally understanding it.

'I see.' He thought with his hand on his chin. He looked deep in thought for a moment before placing his right hand forward and closing his eyes to further concentrate.

For a brief moment a black mist started emerging from his hand, it was the same spell, however there was neither chant nor hand movement. Just before he could finish the spell, the boy fainted and laid flat on the floor completely fast asleep, he was out of mana.


I awoke sitting on our living room sofa to the sound of my father chopping wood outside our home. Making my way towards the window, I noticed it had begun snowing outside, but most of all I had finally seen my reflection for the first time. Black hair, red eyes and decently good looks for a child. I looked exactly like my mother and father – no one could say otherwise.

Inside the house, the fireplace was running and the house was beginning to get warmer, it was cosy and peaceful. I had yet to allow this peacefulness to grow on me, I could never let myself get too comfortable. Being too comfortable leaves people open to vulnerabilities, to unexpected situations, to harm…This was something I learned in my second life.

Noticing I had come to, my mother approached me caressing the top of my head. "Good afternoon sleepyhead. Let's get ready." She said, picking me up and carrying me to my bedroom, before quickly dressing me in warm winter clothes.

"Mama, where are we going?" I inquired with curiosity.

She responded with a tender smile, playfully booping my nose. Her excitement was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

"The Lord is throwing a Winter celebration for his son's birthday," she shared.

"A celebration?" I mused, intrigued.

"Absolutely, sweetheart. We'll be enjoying delicious food that'll warm up your little belly," she said, her words accompanied by a gentle belly tickle.

Giggles erupted from me as her tickles continued, until my saviour arrived by bursting through the front door: my father.

"Papa!" I greeted him enthusiastically.

"Ah, there's my boy. Come to papa," he exclaimed, his smile lighting up the room as he took me from my mother's arms. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes, my love. Let's get going," my mother affirmed, planting a swift kiss on his lips. And with that, we embarked on our journey to the Winter celebration in town. 


"Food!" The boy blurted, as he saw baskets and tables filled to the brim with an assortment of different foods such as apples, cured meats, and cooked goodies as the family got closer to the town centre. 

He was hungry, and evidently so by the sound of his gurgling stomach.

"Looks like someone's quite hungry." Noted his mother, giving the boy a warm smile as he sat on his father's shoulders.

The streets of Lumen were adorned with intricate decorations, transforming the town into a picturesque scene, as it celebrated the Winter festival in honour of the count's son's birthday. It was densely packed with townspeople, some selling goods such as clothes, tools, and what the boy eyed the most – food. 

Gently setting the boy down on his two feet, Renbrandt grasped his son and wife's hands as they reached their destination—a food court meticulously organised and overseen by administrators from both the Town Hall and Guild Hall for this special occasion.

From not-so-far-away, they spotted a burly, yet kindly looking old man making his way toward them.

"Mr. Heidor!" Diana's voice carried her surprise as she caught sight of him approaching.

"Diana, Renbrandt, it's been so long. How have you been?" His gaze held kindness and concern as he softly clasped Diana's hands in his own.

"I've been great. Renbrandt's been taking care of things while I've been away for the last 2 years," Diana replied.

"That's wonderful to hear! You've always had that caring nature, Renbrandt. It feels like just yesterday when you scooped him right off his feet after finding him lost in the woods, Diana. Hohoho…" The old man's laughter rumbled warmly.

Peeking out from the back of his father's leg, Darian came into Mr. Heidor's view.

"And you must be the little boy I've heard so much about from your father. Hello, Darian," Mr. Heidor said, lowering himself to Darian's level.

"Hello." Darian greeted with a confident smile.

"Well, he's the spitting image of both his mother and father! Proud and fearless. You've done an excellent job raising him, both of you" Mr. Heidor observed warmly.

"Mr. Heidor!" A man called from a distance, seeking his attention.

"Ah, duty calls. But please, enjoy the festivities tonight and stay warm, there should be a table reserved to the right for your family" Mr. Heidor added, turning away from the couple and attending to his pressing matters.