Danger (4)

Meanwhile in the cosy, yet humble interior of Darian's home, his parents were sharing a tender moment. The aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air, mingling with the warmth of the crackling fireplace. As the two sat together on their couch, their hands intertwined, relaxing in the peacefulness of the later afternoon, Diana leaned her head on her husband's shoulder.

"It's hard to believe our little baby has already grown so much. Time really flies, doesn't it?" Diana asked, her voice filled with affection.

Renbrandt nodded, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Mmm, it feels like just yesterday he took his first steps. He's growing up fast," he said, his tone shifting slightly to convey his concerns.

Diana turned her head to face him. "Look at you getting all sentimental when you swore you never wanted any kids," she playfully teased, but then noticed the worry in his expression. "Wait, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Renbrandt replied initially, but upon seeing the look on his wife's face, he decided to share his thoughts. "It's just... you know, what I am. I'm just worried he might struggle to find his place in the world."

Diana squeezed his hand, locking eyes with him to offer reassurance. "You know I understand, and we've both agreed to face whatever comes our way together," she said, her words brimming with love and support.

Renbrandt's chuckle signalled a lightening of his mood. "You're right. Well, I'm grateful we crossed paths and got married. I never expected to find someone as wonderful as you."

A blush crept onto Diana's cheeks, and she playfully cleared her throat. "You! Stop being so sweet all of a sudden," she said, with a playful smile. "I mean, um, yeah, I love you too, my darling."

Just as the two exchanged a tender glance, and as the room's temperature seemed to get hotter and hotter, the front door swung open. Darian stumbled in, his appearance eliciting gasps of surprise from his parents who quickly jumped about the room as soon as the boy had come in. 

Diana's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in his dishevelled state, he was covered in a mud-like, black dirt and emitting a rather foul odour.

"Dari, what happened to you?" She exclaimed, her voice a mix of concern and bewilderment.

Darian scratched his head sheepishly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that his parents didn't seem too upset with him. "I was out playing with some of my friends in the forest, and there was this mud pile…And I fell."

Diana couldn't help but laugh at Darian's explanation. 

"Oh dear, you had quite the muddy adventure out there." She finally said, quickly composing herself. "Go take a bath." She continued.

Darian nodded, making his way to the bathroom, he quickly shed his dirty clothes and grabbed a pale full of water.

"AHH! It's cold!" He exclaimed, shivering.


The next morning, Darian woke up to the melodious sound of birds chirping outside his window. He yawned, stretching his arms way above his head. Rubbing his eyes, he quickly got ready before heading to his friends' usual gathering spot at the edge of the forest.

"Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead," said a familiar voice.

Darian turned to his friend, Anna, who was grinning at him. "Morning, Anna."

Anna let out a playful giggle. "You're always late. The others already ran off to play tag, you goof."

Darian grinned sheepishly. "Well I guess I got carried away with my morning routine…Again?"

Anna simply shrugged. "We'll have to catch up to them. I bet they've ended up in some random part of the forest again."

With an eager nod, both of them set off together, making their way deeper into Elunara Forest.


The forest was alive with its vibrant foliage and the gentle rustling of leaves with rays of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy, creating a magical atmosphere. 

We had walked for quite some time yet there was no sign of our friends anywhere.

"Let's split up and find them faster!" Anna suggested, her voice filled with a youthful enthusiasm.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." I replied.

"Come on Darian, it's not like anything is going to happen. You know the adventurers keep this place safe anyway."

"Haa…" I sighed. "Fine." I reluctantly agreed.

"I'll go this way, and you go that way. If I find them I'll bring them back to the path near town, okay?" Anna said, pointing to the direction she was going.

"Okay, if you say so." 

With our agreement in place, we went our separate ways with Anna determined to actually find them. Dashing through the foliage, ducking under low branches and leaping over fallen logs with the help of my mana, the forest seemed to come alive around me. I tried going fast and faster, pushing my body to its limit until I heard a faint scream from the direction where Anna and I parted ways.


"Ahhhh!" The little girl screamed.

The scream itself was enough to stop the boy right in his tracks, making him turn his head to face the direction from where the sound came from.

"Anna…" He muttered under his breath with a worried expression written all over him.

Using his mana to strengthen his legs, he sprinted towards Anna's direction, depleting his mana reserves by half by the time he'd arrived. 

"Anna!" He shouted once more, his mind fearing that the worst had happened. 

Scanning his surroundings, he looked at the forest floor, its branches, leaves and the ground for anything at all. She was nowhere to be seen. "Anna!" He shouted once more, garnering a response.

"Darian!" She shouted back, hiding behind a tree. "Behind you!" But she was too late in her warning.

A goblin lunged at Darian with surprising speed, brandishing a wickedly curved blade. Darian, fueled by adrenaline, dodged the attack narrowly using his instincts from his past life which had just kicked in at the right time. 

However the attack wasn't done there, another goblin appearing from behind its peer whacked him with a club on the side of his ribs, launching him a few feet towards the tree where Anna was hiding.

"Darian!" She shouted, running towards him.

Darian's vision blurred, his body ached, and every movement sent waves of pain through his battered form. He struggled to catch his breath, his childish ribs throbbing with each breath of air. Despite the pain, he was determined to win, forcing himself to focus. He fixed his gaze on his best friend who was inching closer, concern etched on her face.

The goblins, sensing their moment of vulnerability, advanced towards Anna, their vile and disgusting grins revealing rows of sharp, yellowed and somewhat rotted teeth. To them this was just a game, child's play. The two of them in their eyes were nothing but convenient little meat sacks. 

Darian's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to think of how such creatures were so close to the town, it didn't make sense. 

Yet, mustering every ounce of strength he had left, he got up.

"No!" He rasped, his voice filled with determination. 

Ignoring the pain, he staggered on his feet, his body swaying unsteadily. His mind raced, searching for a way to protect Anna and a means to fend off their attackers. With no other choice than to use his magic he'd been hiding for years he drew upon his reserves.

Darian channelled his magic, sparks flickering around his trembling hands, with a surge of power, red crackling bolts of arcane energy formed into balls of fire the size of an adult hand.

The goblins shrieked in agony as the magical projectiles found their targets, sending the creatures sprawling backward.

Anna's eyes widened with confusion and concern, but she trusted her friend. 

Making the most of the opportunity, Darian yelled at her to run.

"Run, Anna. Let's go!"