The Weinan Boy (1)

"Wake up, young master, today is the day you're to set out to Elunara Forest and deliver upon your father's mission" said an old man dressed like a steward.

Gold buttons, each one intricately engraved with the Weinan family crest, line the front of his jacket, their polished gleam hinting at the servant's impeccable attention to detail. The long, spending sleeves tapered elegantly, reaching his wrists with understanded grace. The crisp, pristine white shirt peeking out from beneath his jacket, its collar starched to perfection, contrasted perfectly against the dark backdrop of his clothes. He was the embodiment of attention to detail, servitude, and elegance. And what laid before him, snoring away to their heart's content was a young, blonde boy no older than 12 turning away as he made attempts to wake him.

"Young master, get up please." the steward, Alfred, said.

"Mmm…" the boy grumbled. "Alfred, 5 more minutes please…" he continued, groaning while turning away from his trusted servant.

"Wake up, young master Marcus." Alfred called out, his voice, this time, tinged with a hint of annoyance. Raising a perfectly arched eyebrow as he observed Marcus's feeble attempts to evade the inevitable, he concocted a light-hearted plan to rouse the slumbering boy from his sleep.

Clearing his throat, Alfred then took a deep breath before unleashing his secret weapon – a voice capable of cracking glass, startling even the most stubborn of sleepers.

"YOUNG MASTER MARCUS!" Alfred bellowed, his tone escalating from a low rumble to a thunderous roar that filled the room.

Startled, Marcus shot up in bed, his eyes wide open and blonde hair tousled. He blinked rapidly, struggling to comprehend the abrupt awakening.

Alfred couldn't help but crack a small smile, his annoyance momentarily forgotten as he watched Marcus's dishevelled state. "I do apologise for the sudden outburst, young master," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But it seems we are out of the '5 more minutes' realm and firmly into the 'Elunara Forest mission awaits' territory."

Marcus rubbed his eyes, still dazed from the sudden awakening. Slowly, a grin formed on his face as he realised the extent of Alfred's mischief. "You've certainly mastered the art of waking me up, Alfred," he remarked, chuckling.

"Indeed, young master," Alfred replied, his stern facade melting away to reveal a twinkle of lightheartedness. "Consider it a necessary skill in my line of duty. Now, we must get you ready to face the adventures that await you today in the forest"


Alfred and Marcus were travelling by carriage to the outskirts of the county, where they would meet with a party of mercenaries to accompany the boy on his mission. The journey had taken their entire morning to get there.

Upon their arrival, Marcus noted the cobblestone streets glittered with decorative lamp posts fueled by oil, adding an extra bit of sparkle to the otherwise ordinary town. Merchants were setting up shop along the road, and several horse-drawn carriages could be seen transporting passengers around the busy streets.

The once small town of Lumen had grown to a medium-sized one in the span of 4 years from Count Weinan's investments upon the discovery of a mana vein, the supposed cause of the incident a few years ago.

"Why are we going through town, Alfred?" The boy asked, confused and perplexed by the fact they were taking a detour through town rather than going straight to Elunara Forest.

Alfred glanced at Marcus with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. "Ahhh, young master, sometimes a detour brings unexpected delights," he replied cryptically. However, in truth it was because they needed supplies ahead of their mission.

"You see, young master, this path through Lumen holds a secret. It leads us to a hidden gem of a pastry shop that specialises in the most delectable sweets. And above all, going through town allows us to stock up on supplies ahead of today's task.

Marcus' eyes widened with anticipation, his initial confusion melting away. "Pastries? Well played, Alfred!" he exclaimed.

The carriage pulled up to the quaint pastry shop in question, it was adorned with colourful awnings and an inviting display of mouth watering delights. Disembarking and leaving the carriage in the care of the stable hands, the two stepped into the aromatic embrace of freshly baked pastries.

Inside, the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of buttery croissants, freshly brewed coffee, and sugary delights. Glass display cases showcased an array of pastries, from delicate éclairs and flaky danishes to decadent cakes and creamy tarts. The friendly chatter of locals and travellers mingled harmoniously, creating a cosy atmosphere.

Marcus's eyes widened as he took in the array of confections before him. He glanced at Alfred, who nodded approvingly, giving him permission to indulge. With childlike enthusiasm, Marcus carefully selected an assortment of pastries, each one more enticing than the last.

Once Marcus was satisfied, the two bid farewell, and ventured off to buy supplies for their mission before then returning to the carriage, finally ready to continue their journey towards the Forest.

The road stretched ahead, winding through verdant fields and dense forests. After 3 hours of travel, they finally arrived at the South-West edge of Elunara Forest where their hired party of mercenaries awaited their arrival. The sturdy men and women, clad in rugged armour and armed with weapons, prepared to greet Marcus and Alfred.

As Marcus stepped down from the carriage, the afternoon sunlight filtered through the towering trees of Elunara Forest, casting a gentle glow on their surroundings. It was late afternoon.

They were greeted by Rufus, a seasoned mercenary from the nearby town, Lumen, with years of experience. He has a rugged demeanour, yet he stood tall and imposing, with shoulder length brown hair and piercing green eyes. A scar bisected his right eyebrow, adding a touch of distinction to his otherwise average features. He was dressed in light, black leather armour that showed his large muscular arms where he had a distinct tattoo of a winged horse on his right forearm. And most importantly he wore a large, pointed hat, decorated with feathers.

"Mr. Rufus, I'm quite eager to dive into today's mission. Could you enlighten me about the creatures we're going after? I've already gathered the basics from my father, but I'd appreciate hearing it from you in case I've missed any crucial details," the young man inquired, his voice carrying a touch of eloquence.

Rufus adjusted his gauntlets, his eyes scanning the forest's edge before turning his attention to Marcus.

"Aye, we'll be seeking out a goblin nest for your first mission as instructed by your father, they're E-rank magical creatures, smaller in size yet agile, what makes them difficult is their numbers."

[Author's Note: Monster ranks go from F to A in the adventurer guild's classification of monsters, meaning the lower they ranked in the alphabet, the weaker they were (usually). There are exceptions to this rule of course but that's for another time.] 

"Haa…" The boy sighed with a hint of disappointment. "I expected a bit more of a challenge, but since it's what my Father wants, it can't be helped."

Alfred, standing beside Marcus, chimed in trying to cheer the boy up.

"Indeed, young master, these creatures are highly sought after for their rare and potent components, which can be utilised for various purposes, be it alchemy, enchantments, or even in the creation of specialised magical items. They also continuously attack nearby towns when their ecosystem or habitat is lacking in food."

Looking towards the woods, Rufus crossed his arms, his gaze focused. "We should head out now so we can get back before dark."

Marcus nodded, he was excited to go on his first mission yet felt a tinge of disappointment that his father hadn't entrusted him with a more difficult task. He felt ready to fight higher ranked monsters, but understood that if he could prove his competence here, then perhaps…

"Understood, let's get on our way." Marcus replied.
